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Image True age groups for COD and Pokemon

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Both audiences will  different range of fans of course. It's a bit unfair to say only kids play COD when there is a large fan base of COD which are normal grown up people. Same with Pokemon it appeals to both audiences including young adults but thats not to say a lot of kids play Pokemon too.

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The Kids on COD are just more vocal than the older people on it.  


I'm confused though, doesn't COD have an age rating 16, 18 (PEGI)?  People should look into the content of things they're buying for kids and actually look at the age rating instead of "oh well my little man wants it and he will get it" -5 minutes after playing- "oh my lord it's so violent aren't all video games kiddy fun land on the tv why I am outraged" -leaves kid to carry on playing-

End scene.

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