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Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire - Official Discussion Topic

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In other words, just Groudon and Kyogre's 3D models. Which we've seen before. -_-

Yeah this was such a big tease. But this is Get TV after all. Apparently they're know for being complete trolls ):

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Yeah this was such a big tease. But this is Get TV after all. Apparently they're know for being complete trolls ):

Yeah, I forgot all about their Mega Mewtwo reveal last year... I wish that I'd remembered that before I got excited.

Also, weren't they called Pokemon Smash before? That threw me off, too.

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Yeah, I forgot all about their Mega Mewtwo reveal last year... I wish that I'd remembered that before I got excited.

Also, weren't they called Pokemon Smash before? That threw me off, too.

Yeah they were called Pokemon Smash but they changed their name to Pokemon Get TV for some reason.

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Agh, that's all they had to show!?  Come on Nintendo, give us Pokemon fans a reason to squeal like little girls! D:  I want to see how the Hoenn looks, and how the trainers look, AND I WANT TO SEE FOOTAGE OF POKEMON CONTESTS, WHICH I LOVE AND ADORE!!!!  SHOW MEH DA CONTESTS!!!!! X_X

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Well, E3 is right around the corner, so hopefully we'll get more footage! Gah, this is an amazing year for video games, and I just can't wait to experience the adventure of the Hoenn region on my 3DS! :D


Hopefully? Lol. 


Amazing? I've seen better. Like 2010. And 2015.

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Again,people should've never overhyped Get TV,I mean didn't we learn from last year's Pokemon Smash's 5 seconds of Mega Mewtwo Y?


I mean honestly guys keep your hype in check because I honestly didn't hype Get TV and knew they won't show that much 

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I wish they teased us with in-game character models instead. I want to know what they look like.

I'm still curious if they'll be the same as in R/S, just in 3D, or if character customization will return... Hopefully they don't pull a HG/SS and completely change the models like they did with the female character (And kind of the male character).

Edited by Yellow Flash

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I'm still curious if they'll be the same as in R/S, just in 3D, or if character customization will return... Hopefully they don't pull a HG/SS and completely change the models like they did with the female character (And kind of the male character).


To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't mind if the game is being remade in 2D. Highly unlikely, I know. But it's such an amazing game it wouldn't matter to me.

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To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't mind if the game is being remade in 2D. Highly unlikely, I know. But it's such an amazing game it wouldn't matter to me.

I wouldn't mind that either, but I get the feeling they're going to go with the X/Y engine. FR/LG used the R/S engine, and HG/SS used the D/P engine, so it makes sense to me for them to use the X/Y engine. Besides, I imagine that they'll be using 3D a lot more now that they're able to.

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I wouldn't mind that either, but I get the feeling they're going to go with the X/Y engine. FR/LG used the R/S engine, and HG/SS used the D/P engine, so it makes sense to me for them to use the X/Y engine. Besides, I imagine that they'll be using 3D a lot more now that they're able to.


Yeah, probably. And in some ways it could be easier. Lol.

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Why would they use old engines? It's far easier to make it with the current engine as it works with the most recent console; 3DS. Also more vibrant 3D models of the cities that are being redone.


I can't wait to see how the Battke Froniter and the tower Rayquaza was in looks like. For a second I was going to call the latter the Sky Tower from PMD. lol

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