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Final Fantasy VIII-2 (signup)

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The defeat of Ultimecia has brought peace for Squall,Rinoa, and there allies in there world. Rumors spread as years went by that the time sorceress would be reborn in a new life that is a mystery when she would return. A new generation has awaken along with a girl born with the power to control time that wields a gunblade of her own. A new team awakens as the next chapter of Final Fantasy VIII begins.


No god modding

Be respectful to one another.

use parenthesis to speak out of character.

About 1,2 or 3 characters could be played.

Music has to be from FFVIII.

Put 'VIII-2' below your sheet to show you approved the rules.












Edited by twilight_roxas

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Username: twilight_roxas

Name: Sparrow 'Spar' Leonhart

Age: 17

Class: warrior/time mage

Backstory: The daughter of Squall & Rinoa, and granddaughter of Laguna. Rinoa died at childbirth while Squall was MIA during the SeeD wars putting her in a orphanage that Squall use to live. 17 years later she attended the same academy while inheriting her father's gunblade, and gifted with a strange magic to control time. Unknown to her she has a connection to Ultimecia.

Extra: She is mostly the lone wolf like her father.



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Small interjection. Didn't Squall die at the end? He got lost in time, and eventually died from exhaustion/thirst/starvation? At least that's what I understood from the ending.

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Small interjection. Didn't Squall die at the end? He got lost in time, and eventually died from exhaustion/thirst/starvation? At least that's what I understood from the ending.

I think he was brought back to life by Rinoa.

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