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Daniel Black

The World Ends With Us (Roleplay thread)

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Allirea runs towards a girl. She seems like she'd be a good partner. "you! Can you be my partner? Are you stuck here too?"

 (I am guessing you are talking to Rini, if you are not then you better let me know and I will edit this.)


Rini looked at the girl with a smile, standing up.

"I am stuck here too and being your partner would be an honor!" She said with a smile. 

She twirled around, the rabbit tail that was attached to the bottom of her jacket was shown.

"Thank you! My name is Rini!" she said upon facing Allirea again.

"Who are you?" she asked. 

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"Not a clue. Anyway! We have to get to this big huge place called the 104 Building and quickly! So lets hurry up and go go go!" Rini exclaimed. (This girl is obnoxious)

She started pulling on Allirea's hand, obviously going in the wrong direction.

"Hey, Allirea, did you get these awesome pin things too?" she asked.

"I got one that looks like a fireball...well...kinda. I wonder if I can shoot fire now!" she said with a smile. 

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Allirea tried got the pins out of her pocket.

"mine has a soda can on it and a lightning bolt. what do you think the sod can one does? also, you're heading the wrong way." Allirea turns Rini around. "104 building is that way."

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(Sorry My internet service was shut down. xD Fixed)


"Alright, I accept! Now, let's own these things and get on our marry way, right?" Jaks asked.

Suddenly a huge blue light covered both of them, a sign of the pact completed. " So now, let´s face this things!" Alan said while using his pin to make a cut over two frog Noises, erasing them, however one more did a scratch on him. "Nrgg.. these things are a nuisance!" 

Edited by Daniel Black

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(Sorry My internet service was shut down. xD Fixed)


Suddenly a huge blue light covered both of them, a sign of the pact completed. " So now, let´s face this things!" Alan said while using his pin to make a cut over two frog Noises, erasing them, however one more did a scratch on him. "Nrgg.. these things are a nuisance!" 

Jaks caught the one that struck his Partner with his Slash Pin, looking at his partner. "You OK?"

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"They why go to me?" She frowned lookign at him, clearly suspicious before shurgging.


"Sure, these Noise dropped some money pins, we can trash the, for real money." She said taking out 300-600¥ Money pins.

Mission: Get a partner complete. 

"I don't know how to explain it, but you seemed better than the rest" he told the girl as he smiled

"How convenient, could you handle that I'm probably bad with that" he said as he turned around 

"Say, do you have a second pin?" he asked 

Mission: Get a partner complete. 

"Not a clue. Anyway! We have to get to this big huge place called the 104 Building and quickly! So lets hurry up and go go go!" Rini exclaimed. (This girl is obnoxious)

She started pulling on Allirea's hand, obviously going in the wrong direction.

"Hey, Allirea, did you get these awesome pin things too?" she asked.

"I got one that looks like a fireball...well...kinda. I wonder if I can shoot fire now!" she said with a smile. 

Mission: Get a partner complete. 

Allirea tried got the pins out of her pocket.

"mine has a soda can on it and a lightning bolt. what do you think the sod can one does? also, you're heading the wrong way." Allirea turns Rini around. "104 building is that way."

Mission: Get a partner complete. 


(Ugh, sorry I'm so late. I hope there's someone I can partner with still...)


Sora groaned. My head hurts... What the heck happened? He got up, noticing he was in the middle of the Scramble Crossing. What's going on here...? Why was I sleeping out on the street? He noticed someone was about to walk straight into him... But they walked right through him. He tried getting someone's attention, but no one would look at him. What the heck? Wait... Now I remember. I'm in that stupid game... And I need to find a partner. For her sake.

Mission: Get a partner 

(sry i wasnt online reacently can someone give me a recap?)

(We haven´´t moved so much, you need to get a partner and such, Yellow Flash is the only available so...  xD)

Mission: Get a partner 

Jaks caught the one that struck his Partner with his Slash Pin, looking at his partner. "You OK?"

Mission: Get a partner complete. 


"Yes I´m fine thanks." Alan replied in a somehow moody tune, however they still needed to complete the mission. "Alright then we need to move already. Time´s moving, so be careful alright... eh... What´s your name by the way?" he asked to his new partner. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Alright guys, sorry for yesterday. Time´s moving again so now you can complete the mission.

Open path: 104 building

Available routes: Hachiko statue, Scramble Crossing 

Mission: Reach 104 with your partner. 

Timelimit: 30 minutes 

Time left: 15 minutes

Edited by Daniel Black

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Mission: Get a partner complete. 


Mission: Get a partner complete. 


Mission: Get a partner complete. 


Mission: Get a partner complete. 



Mission: Get a partner 


(We haven´´t moved so much, you need to get a partner and such, Yellow Flash is the only available so...  xD)

Mission: Get a partner 


Mission: Get a partner complete. 


"Yes I´m fine thanks." Alan replied in a somehow moody tune, however they still needed to complete the mission. "Alright then we need to move already. Time´s moving, so be careful alright... eh... What´s your name by the way?" he asked to his new partner. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Alright guys, sorry for yesterday. Time´s moving again so now you can complete the mission.

Open path: 104 building

Available routes: Hachiko statue, Scramble Crossing 

Mission: Reach 104 with your partner. 

Timelimit: 30 minutes 

Time left: 15 minutes

Ray, but just call me "Jaks". Jaks gave off a slight confident grin. "Anyway, to 104?"

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Allirea tried got the pins out of her pocket."mine has a soda can on it and a lightning bolt. what do you think the sod can one does? also, you're heading the wrong way." Allirea turns Rini around. "104 building is that way."

"Ooohhhhhh, thanks Allirea." Rini said with a smile. She looked down at her timer."We are running out of time!" She exclaimed, starting to run.

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