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The Transcendent Key

The PS4 Is Shaping Up To Be The Greatest Console Of This Generation!

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Hey everyone, how's it going?  As you all know, the new generation of game consoles kicked in a few months ago, and as such, many people have already gotten their hands on PS4's and XBox One's, and while I respect everyone's purchases, I have got to say that the PS4 is looking to be the best console of this generation!  It's like the PS2 of its time!  Not only has it had a great lineup of games so far, it also has ports of popular PS3 games too, allowing for many people to get into this new console!  And given the fact that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 will release for the PS4,(Yes, I know that it'll also come out for XBox One.) they will definitely be console selling juggernauts.  I mean seriously, the amount of people buying PS4's for these two games will be stunning.  I haven't gotten my hands on a PS4 yet because I'm quite happy with my PS3, and also, I'm waiting for Square to announce a Kingdom Hearts 3 PS4 bundle, which is bound to happen!  My other two reasons for having a PS4 are Final Fantasy XV and Batman: Arkham Knight!  So then, for those who have PS4's, how's it like owning such an amazing system?  And for those who haven't purchased it, what are your reasons for wanting one? :)

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Want it, don't have it. Not enough money (bills) but I'm saving up But before that I need to save for components to upgrade my computer. It's 5 years old, still going strong but starting to slow down. Upgrading the hardrive, sound card, graphics card and replacing the fans should give me another 5 years. And I need to get my drivers license so I need money for driving lessons. Plus it never seems to be on the shelves when I'm at the stores. But I'm definitely getting it.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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It's shaping out to be the console I'll only buy for maybe 3 titles. Uncharted 4, KH3, and FFXV.  Arkham Knight only has me in because of the Harley Quinn challenge maps. I literally have no interest in it otherwise. If they realeased the Harley Quinn maps on their own, I'd pick them up and just play that if I could.

I'm loving the constantly growing library on my Wii U however.

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The PS4 is great. With the Xbox One getting the Kinectless bundle both consoles are becoming similar. True PS4 still has more power, but games are going cross platform and unless you really care about resolution then it is pretty much pick what exclusives you like best. Personally I like Infamous and Uncharted so I am getting a PS4, but Xbox One offers a similar experience. Of course GUI are different and some features are different, but really it is about preference.

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Except for KH3 and FFXV there's nothing that really excited me about the PS4 so far. I see much more potential for the Wii U honestly,but I've always been a fan of Nintendo and I only care for Sony for a couple 3rd party games like the Tales games, Sonic,Castlevania or Kingdom Hearts.

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Start working in the next week, so within the next few weeks I will have one. So damn excited to have one, and I plan on having the biggest library for this console than I have for any other :)

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The PlayStation home console is always the best console of each generation. For this such generation, it has all three ticked off, best games, best hardware, best sales.


But anyway, it's pointless debating about consoles. If you can only get one, get the one that appeals to you most and move on.

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It's shaping out to be the console I'll only buy for maybe 3 titles. Uncharted 4, KH3, and FFXV.  Arkham Knight only has me in because of the Harley Quinn challenge maps. I literally have no interest in it otherwise. If they realeased the Harley Quinn maps on their own, I'd pick them up and just play that if I could.

I'm loving the constantly growing library on my Wii U however.

Pretty much


Unless Uncharted 4 or TLOS 2 gets announced I literally have no reason to get a Ps4,my brother got an Xbox One which means I can buy KH3 and FFXV and play it on it.if KH3 and FFXV were exclusive to the Ps4 that would've been a different story.But now I can use my brother's Xbox one for my multiplatform fill alongside my Ps3 and my Wii U for exclusives like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8,which btw are games I know I'm gonna be playing for years alongside the other upcoming Wii U games


That's just me though,I don't care about the small differences between the Ps4 and Xbox One regarding different resolutions cuz both are exactly the same at this point


And since Square Enix are taking their sweet ass time with FFXV and we might not even see KH3 until 2016 at the very least,that's even less reasons for me to get a Ps4 unless The Last Guardian(which I'm sure won't be shown at E3 this year) would blow my mind and rock my world

Edited by Red Tribal

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Pretty much


Unless Uncharted 4 or TLOS 2 gets announced I literally have no reason to get a Ps4,my brother got an Xbox One which means I can buy KH3 and FFXV and play it on it.if KH3 and FFXV were exclusive to the Ps4 that would've been a different story.But now I can use my brother's Xbox one for my multiplatform fill alongside my Ps3 and my Wii U for exclusives like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8,which btw are games I know I'm gonna be playing for years alongside the other upcoming Wii U games


That's just me though,I don't care about the small differences between the Ps4 and Xbox One regarding different resolutions cuz both are exactly the same at this point


There's more than that. The PS4 has better RAM, PlayStation Now, FINAL FANTASY XIV and all of Sony's first party titles not mention we'll get emulation and backwards comparability for PSOne and PS2 games.

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It certainly is going in the right direction to be the best of this console generation but I won't be picking one up until FF15 drops because there is next to nothing on the system right now. I know it only launched a few months back so the games are slim now but I don't see myself picking one up this year because games I'm looking forward to, be it indie games, multiplatform or even exclusive will be available on PC, PS3 or Wii U... and I guess handhelds but I won't count them for now.


Basically there isn't any must-have PS4 only game that has me interested in picking up the system just yet. I know FF15 or KH3 won't be PS4 exclusive but I personally would pick owning a PS4 over an XboxONE.


Let's see what E3 holds for the PS4 though and hopefully it's good.

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Pretty much


Unless Uncharted 4 or TLOS 2 gets announced I literally have no reason to get a Ps4,my brother got an Xbox One which means I can buy KH3 and FFXV and play it on it.if KH3 and FFXV were exclusive to the Ps4 that would've been a different story.But now I can use my brother's Xbox one for my multiplatform fill alongside my Ps3 and my Wii U for exclusives like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8,which btw are games I know I'm gonna be playing for years alongside the other upcoming Wii U games


That's just me though,I don't care about the small differences between the Ps4 and Xbox One regarding different resolutions cuz both are exactly the same at this point


And since Square Enix are taking their sweet ass time with FFXV and we might not even see KH3 until 2016 at the very least,that's even less reasons for me to get a Ps4 unless The Last Guardian(which I'm sure won't be shown at E3 this year) would blow my mind and rock my world

Well, Uncharted 4 was confirmed with a teaser during the PlayStation 4 launch, but we've yet to see in engine appearance and concept of story.

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There's more than that. The PS4 has better RAM, PlayStation Now, FINAL FANTASY XIV and all of Sony's first party titles not mention we'll get emulation and backwards comparability for PSOne and PS2 games.

FF14 is on the Ps3 too


Except for Uncharted and maybe God of War I really don;t pay attention to their other IPs not to mention they're yet to announce any Ratchet & Clank or Jak sequels to begin with


my Ps3 is backward compatable with Ps1 and Ps2 games and I bought tons already on my Ps3 so again.....no reason for me to get a Ps4 unless The Last Guardian comes out

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