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Hero of Winds

The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare (Wii U Rumor)

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Normally, rumors are taken with a huge grain of salt and usually just have some outside source report it, but this one is slightly different. Someone was given a list for the E3 2014 First Party Conferences.


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Now while some of you may point out Mario Kart 8, saying it's releasing this month, so why have it there? Keep in mind that Nintendo is pushing MK8 all year long. They won't stop commercials or marketing for it until 2014 is over.


You can check out the full article here:


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I will start believing more in these leaks , the closer it gets to E3( like a couple of days close). 

 but theres no 2.5 on this list

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Wouldn't "Shard of the Nightmare" or "Shards of nightmares" make more sense? Unless nightmare is actually the name of a creature/antagonist. lol either way taking this with a grain of salt, but it's pointing towards fake. 

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Wouldn't "Shard of the Nightmare" or "Shards of nightmares" make more sense? Unless nightmare is actually the name of a creature/antagonist. lol either way taking this with a grain of salt, but it's pointing towards fake. 

It's more than likely put out there as a name. I dun believe it much myself, but this list is something to think about. 

Edited by Vexoria

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Wouldn't "Shard of the Nightmare" or "Shards of nightmares" make more sense? Unless nightmare is actually the name of a creature/antagonist. lol either way taking this with a grain of salt, but it's pointing towards fake. 

I guess but I like Shard of Nightmare more

Edited by Dimi3Infinity

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So, that's not First Party.

Should that make much of a difference? Square is 3rd party, so why was Theatrythm listed on the Nintendo section? There's no reason why Kingdom Hearts shouldn't be there if a Final Fantasy side-game is listed.


I don't know. There could be something to this, but I'm going to take it with a grain of sodium chloride as well. Why it's so selective about which games are featured, I have no idea. But it would be nice to see another new Zelda game, since Hyrule Warriors is apparently not part of the timeline. I mean, after seeing that Zelda demo of the Wii U all those years ago, I seriously need some Zelda U action! But again, we'll see.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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I won't believe anything until E3 comes. And this is probably fake due to the lack of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, which will most likely be shown, due to how much Nintendo would want to get us hyped about these remakes.

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I put this here to have thoughts put into the subject of the items on the list. It's listed as a rumor, so there's no need to constantly paste "fake" all over the topic...It's almost like nobody knows how to read or something. >.>


Should that make much of a difference? Square is 3rd party, so why was Theatrythm listed on the Nintendo section? There's no reason why Kingdom Hearts shouldn't be there if a Final Fantasy side-game is listed.


I don't know. There could be something to this, but I'm going to take it with a grain of sodium chloride as well. Why it's so selective about which games are featured, I have no idea. But it would be nice to see another new Zelda game, since Hyrule Warriors is apparently not part of the timeline. I mean, after seeing that Zelda demo of the Wii U all those years ago, I seriously need some Zelda U action! But again, we'll see.

Because Square Enix has their own show floor for their main titles.


Dun forget that was just a tech demo. The game will more than likely not match the appearnce of the tech demo, as tech demos show off console capabilities and not games.

Edited by Vexoria

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