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English Translation Company Gauging Fan Interest For Localization of Final Fantasy Ultimanias

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Hi, greetings to all the users of KH13!

Did you know that The Japanese (sorry for the mistake in the title) translation and publishing company Interbooks Co. LTD is looking for new material to bring overseas and that to gauge interest in an official translation of the Final Fantasy Ultimania books(that have never been released outside of Japan), a petition has been created by one of its employees:



My name is Paolo Caracciolo and I represent a Japanese translation, editing, and publishing company known as Interbooks Co. LTD. My employers asked for suggestions about what Japanese material we could translate that would sell overseas. The first thing that came to my mind was the Final Fantasy Ultimania series. (Examples here and here.)

Ultimania compendiums are lore books and companion guides to various Square Enix games. In addition to in-depth walkthroughs, they contain official artwork, concept designs, and developer interviews about the games' creation. They also feature detailed information regarding each title's plot, backstory, characters, creatures, setting, and more. In short, these books can be considered "The Bibles of Final Fantasy".

If you are interested in bringing the series to the rest of the world, please sign this petition and make sure to tell to your friends! We will show this petition to our contacts at BentStuff and Square Enix in order to convince them that the Ultimania books must be translated.


Paolo Caracciolo, Overseas Department Manager at Interbooks



I for one would love to see the Ultimania books translated (It's years that I wish it, I've wainted for an opportunity like this for 8 years, since I was 11) and I think any Final Fantasy fan would too. These are your ultimate resource for your Final Fantasy games, so lets show Interbooks some interest!

If enough of us show that this is something we really want, we could see it happen! Let's do what we can!

Edited by Terra VII-XIII

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Signed, and shared with friends. I can't even begin to tell you how much I want these.

So do I!!! It's years that I wish this!!! Great man!!! Thank you  :smile:

I hope obviously that this will also bring to Kingdom Hearts Ultimanias translation. I will buy all these!!!

Edited by Terra VII-XIII

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