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Nintendo working on new console CONFIRMED

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All I can think of (me not really a Nintendo fan) is all the game series that I follow having a game on the new system, which I'll have to buy. A notable example would be the Kingdom Hearts spin-offs... a game on the DS... and another on the 3DS... really!? Also I fear any other Spin-offs (after KHIII of course) might end up on here...

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All I can think of (me not really a Nintendo fan) is all the game series that I follow having a game on the new system, which I'll have to buy. A notable example would be the Kingdom Hearts spin-offs... a game on the DS... and another on the 3DS... really!? Also I fear any other Spin-offs (after KHIII of course) might end up on here...


This console won't even be available for purchase in your country. Nothing to worry about.

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http://au.ign.com/articles/2014/05/08/nintendo-working-on-new-consoles-for-emerging-marketsSucked in to those who so outrightly denied the fact when a topic about this was made last week. Suck a fat one.

Iwata just said they won't release it until like 4 or 5 years from now and won't replace the Wii U or the 3DS


I didn't deny it in fact I posted a link about Nintendo denying the existence of a new console

Edited by Weedanort

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Iwata just said they won't release it until like 4 or 5 years from now and won't replace the Wii U or the 3DS


I didn't deny it in fact I posted a link about Nintendo denying the existence of a new console


It'd probably do them good to replace the Wii U with this. That box is a catastrophe. Spare me the "just wait till Smash Bros and Mario Kart huehuehue." It's been a blunder ever since its release. Could have and should have been handled so much better, riding the wave of Wii's success. 

I digress. 


Well to be fair, Nintendo stated no new console at the upcoming E3 and this new console has not been stated to be shown at E3, so you can have that victory. But nonetheless it has now come to light that they are working on a new console. Emerging markets or not, new is new. 

Edited by Weedanort

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They're working on a new console, so what?


It's not confirmed that they'll go through with it. They could give up halfway.


I'd say we wait until they actually confirm that it'll be released into the general market.

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I don't buy it one bit, all of the written quotes sound like the exact opposite of what Nintendo has been saying so far, plus "emerging markets" sounds like a empty buzzword to me, in this article anyway. The videos didn't really do much to add to the article, the second one, while sad, had nothing to do with what was said in the article at all, and overall, it just doesn't make ANY sort of sense. Like it or not, Nintendo is still focused on the Wii U and they want NOTHING to overshadow any chance it has at making a comeback. The last thing they want is people opting not to buy a Wii U in hopes of holding out for the next Nintendo console.



And on a personal note, I actually like the Wii U. I think it's a great system that's gotten some lazy and improper PR and needs a better and more familiar marketing approach to make people fully realize what it is and why it's great, and yes, that could well mean the latest installments of two classic Nintendo franchises, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. However this system turns out, I do not regret buying it for one second, and while I always look forward towards the future of Nintendo and Sony, I don't think the time has come for the next great Nintendo console just yet (Microsoft? What's that!? LOL xD ).


The Wii U still has a good lifespan on it, and it's not ending now with some rumor that something else is in the works. Hell, the rumor is that NINTENDO says that something new is in the works, right after they said something new ISN'T in the works right now, or at least after outright denying any comment whatsoever. Am I supposed to believe that bi-polar people are running Nintendo now? And it's reported by IGN and is less than 10 sentences long. Yeah, that's really proving your case there. :dry:


What I can say for sure though is that by E3, everything should become clear, or at least CLEARER, about as clear as the happenings of Nintendo can get to the outside viewer anyway. I don't normally partake in heavy speculation like this, especially if it's coming from one extreme or another. I'd prefer to actually straight up hear the news from Iwata's mouth in another Nintendo Direct, not some IGNorant article. Peace out! :P

Edited by Weedanort

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It'd probably do them good to replace the Wii U with this. That box is a catastrophe. Spare me the "just wait till Smash Bros and Mario Kart huehuehue." It's been a blunder ever since its release. Could have and should have been handled so much better, riding the wave of Wii's success. 

I digress. 


Well to be fair, Nintendo stated no new console at the upcoming E3 and this new console has not been stated to be shown at E3, so you can have that victory. But nonetheless it has now come to light that they are working on a new console. Emerging markets or not, new is new. 

Do you have a Wii U?

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Also,do I need to remind people how the first 2 years of the Ps3 was?Complete drought,low sales coupled with the price tag of 599$ US dollars that literally became a meme,did Sony gave up on the Ps3 and decided to come up with the Ps4 two years after the Ps3's launch and called their Ps3 a travesty??NO


They didn't give up,and despite all the financial losses they've suffered they managed to pull the Ps3 through,more and more games came out and slowly put surely the Ps3 gained the sales it deserved


there is still a huge chance for the Wii U to come back just like the Ps3,it just needs more games and more marketing,that's it.And seeing how the Mario Kart 8 marketing campaign is going things are looking much better than the calm drought of 2013.Heck Smash Bros will have an invitational Tournament in E3 and will appear in EVO so there is a chance


As for the whole new console thing,this is just the Quality of Life project they've been teasing which has nothing to do with a new console but the press are blowing it out of proportions

Do you have a Wii U?

He doesn't,I 100% guarantee that

Edited by Red Tribal

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Do you have a Wii U?

Nah I don't. But I'm not bashing the console for being crap. I'm saying that the way Nintendo has handled it has been awful. The name first off is very confusing for people who don't keep up to date with gaming news, i.e. parents. The initial marketing/promoting was bad as it put too much emphasis on the gamepad, making it seem like an add on to the Wii. The initial game releases were poor and the number of games released has been slow (but to be fair, I'm running dry of games on my PS4 as well). Yes, the future of Wii U is looking brighter, with big name games being released soon.

Like I said, I don't own a Wii U, so I can't judge its capabilities and whatever, and I'm not. I'm saying Nintendo's handling of it both pre and post release should have been a lot better. They're being their own worst enemy in that regard. 

Edited by Weedanort

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Nah I don't (obviously, as Red Tribal put it). But I'm not bashing the console for being shit. I'm saying that the way Nintendo has handled it has been awful. The name first off is very confusing for people who don't keep up to date with gaming news, i.e. parents. The initial marketing/promoting was bad as it put too much emphasis on the gamepad, making it seem like an add on to the Wii. The initial game releases were poor and the number of games released has been slow (but to be fair, I'm running dry of games on my PS4 as well). Yes, the future of Wii U is looking brighter, with big name games being released soon.

Like I said, I don't own a Wii U, so I can't judge its capabilities and whatever, and I'm not. I'm saying Nintendo's handling of it both pre and post release should have been a lot better. They're being their own worst enemy in that regard. 

Yeah neither is thinking you're worthless, bud.

Ok, then that's fair. I tend to ignore the people bashing it for the hell of it. When they don't own one. x'D


I think it's just going to take some time. So far, every game that I have played on the Wii U was amazing. I've enjoyed every one of them. Unlike a lot of my more recent consoles (Ps3, Wii, 360). Basically I think once more games come out that people really want, like Zelda, their sales will go up a lot. They just haven't released anything people feel like they need to have. Marketing was poor but people seem to be understanding it more and more. Giving up on it and starting new would be a poor move. It would piss a lot of people off.  Like I said, it just needs time. Hell, I thought it was going to be crap when it was first announced. I only bought one cause I figured, "Eh, I'm bored. Why not?". Now it's one of my favorite consoles of all time. 

Edited by Squirting Demyx

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