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So I've walked into my old residence hall for the last time

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They're tearing it down. Very bittersweet.  I mean don't get me wrong, the building needed to go.  It was totally liveable - except for the fire alarms that went off at night.  But, It was the first place where I lived on my own.  The place where I joined this site.  In that way, it's kinda sad.  Just had to share that with you.

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Aww, I kinda know what you are going through...I have to leave my home to go stay in an apartment 4 hours away and it's just a bit heartbreaking leaving areas of where their were your "first" time for things (I also joined KH13 in my original house) and it sucks cause I barely get to be here in my hometown. But they are just chapters of life and we have to keep making new memories and just cherish the old ones; that makes them more special when we hold them dearly to our hearts.

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