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Can anyone guess...

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Which Pokemon Generation you are familiar with? I'll try and name all of them... 



The first row: (not sure if the spelling correct...) Rufflet, Bouffulant, the next one I can't remember, Spinda, Croconaw, Swanna, Tailow, Teddiursa, Combusken, Poochena?


The second row: (again with the spelling correction...) Braivary, Sentret, (The fire bird) Moltres, Arcanine, Swablu, Skarmory, Bucksaw (Winter version), Whishcott (I think...)


The third row: (The big colorful bird) Ho-Oh, Ursaring (Teddiursa's evolved form), (The whale-like Pokemon) Kyogre, Taros (Darn it can't spell...), Stantler, Mightyena, Granbull


The last row: Pigeot, another Spinda, another Braviary, Poohena (not sure...) Entei, Staravia (Starly's evolved form), Starly, Staraptor (Starava's evolved form), Flaafy, Politoed (Poliwrath's evolved form when using the item "King's Rock"?) 

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First: Rufflet, Bouffalant, Bibarel, Spinda, Croconaw, Swanna, Taillow, Teddiursa, Combusken, Poochyena


Second: Braviary, Sentret, Moltres, Arcanine, Swablu, Skarmory, Sawsbuck, Whimsicott


Third: Ho-Oh, Ursaring, Kyogre, Tauros, Stantler, Mightyena, Granbull


Fourth: Pidgeot, Spinda, Braviary, Poochyena, Entei, Staravia, Starly, Staraptor, Flaaffy, Politoed.

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