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A girl from my school ran away.

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Those can happen.

Its probably tpbecause her parents did sent her to military school. Since she has a boyfriend i guess she thinks her boyfriend is like her life, and she hates her parents for sending her to military. Maybe something happened big between her and her parents. She went to her boyfriend to consult. And either she/boyfriend said they should ran away together.


Either way, thats how i see in my book of view. Im 13. And i look out for investments, i have to study or il get banned from internet /games/socialized once. so i sometimesget her feelings of running away. :/

Edited by HIrukina15

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Well shit. Do you know if her parents are looking for her or anything? Well if she ran away I hope she had a damn good personal and internal reason for it but, eh....to each their own.


You all might call me a bad influence or totally backwards, but if this is truly, deeply what she wanted to do, then props to her. I always admired it when people take control of their own lives and if that includes running away from what you know and starting anew, then fine.


I'm just one of those unhealthily imaginative people who would rather live my life by my rules than how others/society dictates it for me. But it's my life, so however I choose to firetruck it up is all on me xD


We don't know the relationship she had with her parents, right? There's a lot of factors that could either justify or not in her going away but, I hope she and her boyfriend are safe above all else. Safety and happiness, that's really the only thing that matters.

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