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Kingdom Hearts: Decolor Censura (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to making characters for this RP...


Name: Titus Pullo

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/058/4/d/Roman_Soldier_by_pbario.jpg With Roman style armor as the clothing unless otherwise stated.

Personality: Drunkard, slow to anger, calm, mysterious, uncaring, free and easy

Bio: Unknown. Makes residence on Elympios, Milo and Neena's home world.

Weapons: Gladius, hidden blade, legionnaire's shield.

Abilities: earth magic.

Edited by Emerald Sustrai

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Yep, definitely addicted.


Name: Syfe Lhant

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/011/2/4/over_in_a_flash_bv_by_the_cannibal_sheep-d5r6ucd.png

Personality: Serious, slow temper, calm, intelligent, strategic, confident, a tad teasing to those close to him

Bio: A young officer in the Light army. He was raised by a ranking general in the army, so it was clear that Syfe would go into the military, though it had been less than obvious that he disliked how the keyblade regime worked. In his studies, Syfe found the original purpose of the keyblade. He realized that those gifted by the keyblade had overstepped their bounds. They needed to be knocked back down to size. But he was already a part of the military. This gave him an advantage. Syfe started a small rebellion group consisting of rogue soldiers from both the Light and Dark side. They work in absolute secret, and their is a long period of evaluation before anyone is cleared to join. This group of rebels, self titled the Order is discrete and un affiliated with the Decolor due to the Decolor's intolerance of all keybladers, while the Order is willing to accept any that meet their criteria.

Weapons: A dual blade, which can split into two short swords, and morph into pistols. Very skilled warrior.


Name: Leonarda Rieze

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alignment: Female

Appearance: http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/12/122378/1973463-tales_of_graces_f_character_art_2.jpg

Personality: Spontaneous, difficult to understand, genius, random, amusing, easy to smile

Bio: Syfe's chief lieutenant in the Order and an engineer in the Light army. From a young age Leonarda had showed a technological genius, building and inventing devices that would have taken seasoned scientists and engineers years to figure out in a few months. When asked where she got the ideas, Leonarda would shrug. In any case Leonarda was recruited to be an engineer for the Light army. She had never liked the keyblade regime, but she had accepted. It wasn't until she met Syfe until she realized that she could truly make a difference. So she was Syfe's first recruit into the Order.

Weapon: A shotstaff: A staff which augments magical abilities with rifle capabilities.

Ability: A gifted black Mage.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 12:05 AM, Captain Arrowguns said:

Wow, I never realized how hard it is to kill off a character you like. RIP Penny.

My sympathies. I've chickened out of killing some of my characters for that reason.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 12:05 AM, Captain Arrowguns said:

Wow, I never realized how hard it is to kill off a character you like. RIP Penny.

Posted Image


I killed off my main character in another one of Rikunobody's roleplay. I know that feel, mate xD

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  On 8/9/2014 at 12:05 AM, Captain Arrowguns said:

Wow, I never realized how hard it is to kill off a character you like. RIP Penny.

La is an accomplished healer D: if you all had left me room while I was at work ;-; I coulda saved her! I probably can save her still! (After work...)

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  On 8/9/2014 at 7:02 PM, Oathkeeper136 said:

La is an accomplished healer D: if you all had left me room while I was at work ;-; I coulda saved her! I probably can save her still! (After work...)

Thanks Oath, but it's alright. Besides, this way I can give Braxen a little extra character progression.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 7:39 PM, Captain Arrowguns said:

Thanks Oath, but it's alright. Besides, this way I can give Braxen a little extra character progression.

Oh. I just remembered something.


Zion has a way to resurrect people, as long as she has their soul. The only l roblems present:


1.) You need to FIND Zion.

2.) It requires going to the Underworld.

3.) You might end up having Penny a foxgirl.


Just...in case you want a way out of itd later onnin the roleplay.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 7:48 PM, Oathkeeper136 said:

Oh. I just remembered something.


Zion has a way to resurrect people, as long as she has their soul. The only l roblems present:


1.) You need to FIND Zion.

2.) It requires going to the Underworld.

3.) You might end up having Penny a foxgirl.


Just...in case you want a way out of itd later onnin the roleplay.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

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  On 8/8/2014 at 3:20 AM, rikunobodyxiii said:

I think I ran into you a few times when you went under Rikuva, too. Man, that was a while ago.

Goodness gracious it is. Am I making you feel old yet lol? (I am incapable of being made to feel old by any of you because I am the youngest RPer!)
  On 8/9/2014 at 12:05 AM, Captain Arrowguns said:

Wow, I never realized how hard it is to kill off a character you like. RIP Penny.

You told me to, or I wouldn't have done it. But yeah, death sucks. I am currently planning for a bunch of my OCs to die, so I'm in for a rough ride.
  On 8/9/2014 at 7:48 PM, Oathkeeper136 said:

Oh. I just remembered something. Zion has a way to resurrect people, as long as she has their soul. The only l roblems present: 1.) You need to FIND Zion.2.) It requires going to the Underworld.3.) You might end up having Penny a foxgirl. Just...in case you want a way out of itd later onnin the roleplay.

I think that would be a cool development point for Braxen actually. Him going on a possibly fruitless quest to save his only friend... Besides, if he does it, you can add another point to his RP resumè! Has brought back someone from the dead.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 11:00 PM, Emerald Sustrai said:

Goodness gracious it is. Am I making you feel old yet lol? (I am incapable of being made to feel old by any of you because I am the youngest RPer!) You told me to, or I wouldn't have done it. But yeah, death sucks. I am currently planning for a bunch of my OCs to die, so I'm in for a rough ride. I think that would be a cool development point for Braxen actually. Him going on a possibly fruitless quest to save his only friend... Besides, if he does it, you can add another point to his RP resumè! Has brought back someone from the dead.



And hey...Im preparing to kill Zion. Im not untouched D:

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  On 8/10/2014 at 12:46 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

Yep. And hey...Im preparing to kill Zion. Im not untouched D:

Would you like that to happen soon? I was already planning for Neena and Zion to fight once we get to Milo's destination.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 12:53 AM, Emerald Sustrai said:

Would you like that to happen soon? I was already planning for Neena and Zion to fight once we get to Milo's destination.

NO. The events surrounding her death must happen laterin the roleplay. The ramifications of the death and the subsequent events...its just way too early.


But Neena can kick Zion's ass; she's still a bit limited in power and hasnt recovered after her bought with Derik yet 

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  On 8/10/2014 at 2:43 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

NO. The events surrounding her death must happen laterin the roleplay. The ramifications of the death and the subsequent events...its just way too early. But Neena can kick Zion's ass; she's still a bit limited in power and hasnt recovered after her bought with Derik yet

I still am mad you went second mode in our first fight <.<

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  On 8/10/2014 at 3:06 AM, IItNeverGetsBetterThanThis said:

I still am mad you went second mode in our first fight <.<

>.> Because everyone absolutely has to lose all their items, gear, and levels plus abilities at the start of each new game.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 5:16 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

>.> Because everyone absolutely has to lose all their items, gear, and levels plus abilities at the start of each new game.

Never said you should, but I mean, round one, you are freshly awakened, I don't think you should have that level of strength yet. I was only mad cause the fight got blown way out of proportion for their first fight.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 5:34 AM, IItNeverGetsBetterThanThis said:

Never said you should, but I mean, round one, you are freshly awakened, I don't think you should have that level of strength yet. I was only mad cause the fight got blown way out of proportion for their first fight.

Dark wielder hurt Luna.


I doubt Derik would be all holding back if he awoke and found someone he loved hurt >.>

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  On 8/10/2014 at 6:08 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

Dark wielder hurt Luna. I doubt Derik would be all holding back if he awoke and found someone he loved hurt >.>

Well, I never said she should hold back, but I mean, think about it realistically: she was a statue for a very long time. Very long. Then she hatched out of it. Her strength should have been very little because of that, kinda like if you sleep way too much it makes you feel tired but not sleepy. Or if you leave a computer off for a long time, then boot it up after it's collected fine dusts from around the world: startup is slow, but it still runs. Evil Derik likes to play games, so killing the hero of Twilight Town wouldn't be fun for him. I mean, killing the only person who could feesably challenge him and make the game fun then and there would kill the fun he could have with messing with them. He loves no one. That's why he is how he is, people played with him like he was their play piece when he was nice, so when he finally snapped, he forgot the idea of "love" and instead replaced it with quite the large-ego'd bitter, angry, and cocky version of himself that isn't just trying to act in a way to not be hated; he gives no crap about what you think of him. Once he had his fun, he's gonna stab you, and that's all there is to it. He isn't without morals, but he has very few. Anyway, my off-topic ranting aside, she shouldn't have her full powers yet. A night of rest and relaxation after reawakening and then full power, sure, but immediate access to her near-maximum abilities is a little nuts, at least when it's right from the get-go. The noobish villains wouldn't stand a chance and a plot-convenience would have to save them from imminent doom if the hero started off at level 70 and the second-best weapon in the game.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 11:00 PM, Emerald Sustrai said:

Goodness gracious it is. Am I making you feel old yet lol? (I am incapable of being made to feel old by any of you because I am the youngest RPer!)

heh, yeah. I get that feeling a lot, lately.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 11:00 PM, Emerald Sustrai said:

Goodness gracious it is. Am I making you feel old yet lol? (I am incapable of being made to feel old by any of you because I am the youngest RPer!)

I'm totally jealous of this... I hate feeling old >.<

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