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Film Batman: Assault on Arkham Trailer

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Wow that was really awesome. Whoever is voicing The Joker sounds really close to Mark Hamil's voice of him. This should be a tv series because this seems to have a lot of potential to become as good as Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, and Batman Beyond.

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Wow that was really awesome. Whoever is voicing The Joker sounds really close to Mark Hamil's voice of him. This should be a tv series because this seems to have a lot of potential to become as good as Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, and Batman Beyond.

I believe it may be Troy Baker. He's been the Joker a few times now, including Arkham Origins.

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Looks interesting, but I'm really not a fan of the animation style. Looks really stiff.

This. I'm both a fan and yet completely underwhelmed by DC's animated movie efforts. But hey, they're better than Marvel's animated movies.


Then again, Marvel's live-action films are better (and more numerous) at this point too, so...wait, what was I saying?


Also, I like Harley's new outfit.

Edited by Kaweebo

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It does. :D Glad to see Harley AND Joker finally together again in one animation. But question, would be thankful if someone answers this. I heard rumors about DC Comics doing an animated series of the Arkham games... now is this movie something related? Or does it have nothing to deal with the Arkham video game series at all?

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