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Favourite Legend of Zelda game

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Just wanted to know which Zelda game you guys like best,my favourite Zelda game is Twilight Princess.But it may change when I go through Wind Waker and Skyward Sword but I think it won't.

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My favorite zelda game is Spirit Tracks because of the overworld theme. My second favorite is Twilight Princess because of the graphics. xD

Edited by Zeldablade7

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Wind Waker is one of the best games I've ever played, it's so amazing. Skyward Sword and Phantom Hourglass are right behind it, with Twilight Princess being at the very bottom of my list.

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My favorite zelda game is Spirit Tracks because of the overworld theme. My second favorite is Twilight Princess because of the graphics. xD

I never palyed those games in fact the only handheld zelda I played was A Link Between Worlds.I really like TP because of the world,the dungeons,the bosses,the items basically everything ;).The only thing that can get a bit annoying for me it's the wolf sections but I like them, if they added new attacks for the wolf form of Link those sections would fell less repetitive.

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I never palyed those games in fact the only handheld zelda I played was A Link Between Worlds.I really like TP because of the world,the dungeons,the bosses,the items basically everything ;).The only thing that can get a bit annoying for me it's the wolf sections but I like them, if they added new attacks for the wolf form of Link those sections would fell less repetitive.

yeah wolf link does need newer combos. Do some of the bosses in TP feel easier to you because to me they were actually too easy? 

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yeah wolf link does need newer combos. Do some of the bosses in TP feel easier to you because to me they were actually too easy? 

Yeah I agree that some are easy and some are too easy but there are as well amazing bosses in this game.

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Yeah I agree that some are easy and some are too easy but there are as well amazing bosses in this game.

A Link Between Worlds is one of my favorite zelda games I just do not know where to put it yet. It's also a good game. ALBW even reflect the same exact map of A Link to the Past, making ALTTP ALBW's legendary predecessor. 

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Of ones I've actually played, I can only really say OoT because I've only played OoT, like the first segment of Wind Waker on a cousin I didn't even know I had's Gamecube, and Phantom Hourglass.  Out of all them though, I reckon I'd like MM the more since I enjoy side quests.  

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A Link Between Worlds is one of my favorite zelda games I just do not know where to put it yet. It's also a good game. ALBW even reflect the same exact map of A Link to the Past, making ALTTP ALBW's legendary predecessor. 

ALBW is one of my favourites as well but my second favourite is Ocarina of Time definetly :)

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I have several favorites, but my top five from Most to Least favorite would be:

1. The Wind Waker (Amazing Story, Great Character Development, Beautiful Art Style)

2. Skyward Sword (Deep, Emotional Story and Character Development, Beautiful Art Style, Best Motion Controlled game on the Wii)

3. Majora's Mask (Dark, Several Stories with loveable Characters, Showed the best Zelda had to offer on the N64)

4. The Minish Cap (Best Villain, First 2D Zelda I beat, Opened up the entire Four Swords Arc)

5. Spirit Tracks (Great Indirect Sequel, Amazing Soundtrack, Zelda Companion)

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