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What was the video game that had the weirdest controls?

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Super Mario Bros. 2 for the 3DS. Idk, it just feels weird D: especially when sprinting. But yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Tails as well. Kid Icarus: Uprising really had some wacky controls. Using the touchscreen to aim is annoying at first, but I got used to it after a while. It's annoying when using it in multiplayer though. I have to zigzag the stylus to aim at multiple people like a crazy dude. 

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the zelda CDI games and a lot of the games from action 52

The World Ends with You. Never beat that freaking game because of how strange the battle system was. 

i freaking loved the battle system! TWEWY is one of my favorite games of all time!

Kid Icarus: Uprising. The controls were a bit weird to get used to at first when you play it. But after a while you kinda get used to it.

i actually adapted right from the start. i guess its becouse ive been waiting ever scince the game was announced and visualized/tried it in my head. xD

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Oh god I hate the game's controls they are awful. Thank you for showing this. 

This is the only game I couldn't make any progress because of the control.I'm usually able to get use to bad controls like in the old Castlevania games or Sonic Heroes,but that was too much awfulness for me to handle

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The World Ends with You. Never beat that freaking game because of how strange the battle system was. 


I love TWEWY's battle system! But yeah, it kinda took awhile to get used to it... But once you do... it's the best thing ever. :3

For me the weirdest controls were in some Battlefield-game (cannot remember the number). I tried once and... uh, that was so akward. I realised then that FPSs aren't my thing.

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