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Tales Of Hearts R Finally Localized!

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Welp, it's time to get a Vita. I'm so glad that the Vita is FINALLY getting another JRPG (for the west at least) . Now I can't wait for this, Tales of Xillia 2, and Tales of Zestiria. These three games are going to keep my PS3 from collecting dust (heck, I still need to get the first Xilia xD). I just love how Hideo Baba is giving the western fans so much love with the Tales games. it just shows how Namco has improved in handling this franchise in the West.


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I don't have a Vita and I don't intend to buy one so I won't be able to play Tales of Hearts r,but I'm glad to hear that they're localizing this game.

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'Tis a good time to be a Tales fan!  God, I should get myself a Vita! X_X

Indeed it is, my friend. I'm so hyped for this and Xillia 2  xD.

Edited by Tails

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'Course right after I get a PS3, Tales is localized to a different platform. xD Oh well, more localized Tales is a good thing for the series, so no complaints for me (besides, I still get Xillia/Xillia2/GracesF/Zestiria/SymphoniaHD). I've heard Hearts® is quite good, so I hope all of you who get it have a blast.

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Maaan i am sooo slow i still haven't finished Grace F (because Xillia hat more priority xD) and i still have to fetch Symphonia and then those 3 little gems are coming up and maybe the new tales of world for the 3DS is getting localized...wonderful times for me bad times for my wallet :D 

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