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what is kingdom hearts

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What is kingdom hearts ?

Is it the door in kh1

or the moon in The World That Never Was


and If it was the moon how many kingdom hearts (moon) in kh ? because theres a kingdom hearts in The Keyblade Graveyard and theres a kingdom hearts in The World That Never Was

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Kingdom Hearts is the door to darkness seen in Kingdom Hearts 1.

In Kingdom Hearts 2 is the Moon made of hearts that once made completely would turn into the door seen in KH1 and give to the Organization the hearts they wanted... as fo BBS I'm one of the people who don't want to have spoilers so I won't know about it until BBS comes out

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But on the cover art of KH1, there is a moon shaped like a heart, so maybe it can be represented both ways? In BBS, it is shaped as a moon and that must be its true form, although being a door would make sense also so it is the "door and heart of all worlds." I like the heart presentation better. -.-

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Remember when Xemnas was talking to Kingdom Hearts inkh2 then vanished, so did the hesrt moon. After that a big door popped up. Sora and co. said was the door to kingdom hearts, where Xemnas was. So maybe the door in kh1 was just the door to kingdom hearts.

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