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I have something that will change our world

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The most delicious thing to come out of fast food since the McDonald's Angus Burger, (Which has since been removed from the menu, those bastards) Cinnabon Delights are the tastiest morsels you will ever encounter in this dimension or even the next! Filled with creamy juicy cinnabon cream and covered with delicious rough cinnamon outer skin...stuff, these Cinnabon Delights will rock your world! They rocked my world! They rock all worlds! Even world that do not wish to be rocked, they are rocked to their core once they try this!!


Visit your nearest Taco Bell today! Or call 1-800-HOLYSHIT for a chance to win a free Mr. Incredible toy for the new Pixar's The Incredibles 2 movie! Amazing deal, I know!!


Warning. Taco Bell is not responsible for abdominal upset or pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, anorexia, sprains, broken bones, snapped tendons, bruised egos, malnutrition or accidental death incurred while eating this product. Visit your nearest doctor if you show signs of any of these symptoms, or have suffered death. In which case, alert the closest still-breathing human to assist you in preparation for your funeral and the moving of your personal belongings. 



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