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Imagine how awesome KHIII could have been if it skipped from CODED right to KHIII:


(OLD) master Xehanort returns and wants to recreate a Keyblade war by recruiting many Disney and Final Fantasy villains besides some new Original Character bad guys.


Yen Sid leads his army consisting of Sora, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua and Ven, they clash and the good guys are assisted by some new Original characters that are drawn into the war.


Sora is the only main character and travels to many different worlds with Donald and Goofy. At certain fights he gets help from Mickey and the others like in KH2. Drive forms are back and Sora can use the original 5 but also gains new ones.


Reaction commands are more prominent and it is possible to enter command styles this way.

Sora can summon actual people like in KH1 rather than out-of-place roller-coasters and parade floats.



New Worlds include



“Duckburg” (whooo-oo),


“Louisiana Bayou (Princess and the Frog)”,

“Treasure Planet”,

“The Black Cauldron”,

“Bambi’s forest”,

“Jungle Book”,

“101 Dalmatians” (guiding  Dalmatians while fighting Jasper, Horace and Cruella!!!),

"Pocahontas Jamestown and Riverlands" (Native Tribes Sora but I see Disney causing troubles due to political correctness)



Vastly extended worlds return with new storylines:

“Radiant Garden”,

“Twilight Town” (Hayner Olette Pence!! :D ),

“Traverse Town”, “Destiny Islands” (finally playable again, maybe even first world!),

“Keyblade Graveyard”,

“Kingdom Hearts” (we finally get to see it),

“100 acre wood” (always welcome to chill out at and surely cute with new graphics),

“Port Royal” (Plot of Pirates 4 and return of merman Sora fighting an underwater battle against evil mermaids and sharks!),

“Never Land” (mainlands, goofing with lost boys and fighting Hook is always fun as well as FLYING!!),

“Olympus coliseum” (fighting ALL of the Titans!),

“Land of Dragons”

“Beasts Castle”

“Dwarf Woodlands”

All of the princesses of light’s worlds actually with awesome quests to save them all from Xehanort’s minions who want to capture them.



Sora wants to find a way to get to Xehanort’s secret hideout and he has to fight Disney villains in their respective worlds who act as guardians for Xehanort's plans. More and more new bad guy characters interfere with Sora's paths and he finds out where Xehanort is hiding.


As he approaches the Keyblade graveyard he fights Xehanort who has some new tricks and spells and Sora is assisted by several characters as party members. Imagine Sora, Riku and Aqua against Xehanort's ultimate Dragon-like form. Donald and Goofy protect Kairi and the princesses of heart back at Mysterious tower/ twilight town and Kairi especially fights off an army of heartless invading the tower.


Xehanort pulls a final trick: he found indeed a way to unlock Kingdom Hearts.

Then He threatens to kill Sora, all other characters are locked out and Sora has to fight a final fight before losing to Xehanort. Eventually Sora is almost lost and Yen Sid fights and defeats Xehanort for good.


Anyway there ARE some losses, Ven dies as do two of the 4 new characters and Sora almost dies too.


Sora recovers and Kairi confesses her Love for him in fear he might die. Masters Aqua, Mickey and Riku and (now-again) Master Yen Sid combine their Curaza spells but Sora faints and only Kairi can save Sora with a Kiss of true love. :D


Everything is fine, everyone returns to their home worlds.

Yen Sid trains one of the new Characters to wield the keyblade.


Sora, Riku and Kairi return to Destiny Islands and Kairi and Sora are finally together. Riku also brought another girl he met on their journey.


Mickey, Pluto, Donald and Goofy return to Disney Castle /Town and are happily welcomed by Minnie and Daisy.


Jiminy goes back to Pinocchio's world.

Aqua returns to the now-restored Land of Departure and examines Yen Sid's students for the Mark of Mastery. She also built a memorial for her fallen friends Ven and Terra.



THE BEST thing of KHIII could be its predictability. Deaths like Ven’s would come surprisingly but the sheer technical and visual superiority of the game combined with the final loss of Xehanort we are yearning for yould be the biggest strength of the game.




And a classical Disney-style Ending scene:

First we see all those ending scenes I mentioned above, and then during the credits all the Disney endings are played like in previous games.

Then the final scene:

Riku and his girl are leaning against the Paopu tree on Destiny islands, hugging and Kairi is seen fishing a bottled message out of the water by the docks. (a new raft is seen there too!)

Kairi opens the bottle and is surprised the letter is addressed to her. She reads the letter out loud  and finds out it’s from  Sora. The letter includes some poem that is similar to Kairi’s letter that saved sora in KH2 and ends with something really romantic/tacky like this:


We can see the end of the letter:


[…] Kairi,

You are my One Sky, my destiny.

I’ll always be with you

And I’ll always keep this promise.

[yours truly, Sora xD ]


Beneath the text we see Sora drew the Paopu fruit sharing he drew on the stone wall in the secret cave. (and his drawing skills have not improved a bit, haha)


Then we see Sora sneaking up behind Kairi and covering her eyes with his hands from behind.

Due to her eyes being covered, she stops reading but Sora finishes “I’ll aways be with you…”

She smiles, turns around and her smile becomes radiant when she sees it’s indeed Sora.

Then the camera turns behind the two of them with a wonderful view of the glittering golden sea behind them. The light gets more intense and for a moment we see Naminé and Roxas smiling at each other and Naminé sheds a tear that continues running down Kairi’s cheek. Sora, having watery eyes himself, wipes the tear off her cheek.


Finally we turn to a Disney fairy tale movie-like close up showing their faces getting closer, their eyes closing and finally, accompanied by Mrs. Shimomura’s subtlest yet most majestic tunes, the final Kiss of true love.


Fade and then the golden letters “The End” appear before the animated logo of Kingdom Hearts III materializes and the music fades out.




The battle report screen shows the usual record data and features a most beautiful artwork including all characters in the series, similar to the one in the KH2 Final Mix.




Hope you enjoy this theory and despite I fear KHIII won’t be as great because it’s been hyped and idolized for too long now, and DDD did a major part in downgrading its potential, I’ll get it just for the growing possibility of Sora and Kairi finally getting together!!


Feel free to add you own ideas!

Edited by MarkXIIII

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I don't like the new worlds you thought up of, but everything else looks pretty awesome. Probably the best thing Nomura and SE could do is pretend that DDD didn't happen.

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I don't like the new worlds you thought up of, but everything else looks pretty awesome. Probably the best thing Nomura and SE could do is pretend that DDD didn't happen.


Thank you, I've been working on this ending for a while.



Trashing DDD is the second best thing that could happen to KHIII. 

I just can't imagine KHIII without finally seeing some more romantic Sora+Kairi interaction. Sora and Kairi are so cute together this is my top-priority and even if everything else gets worse and very DDD focused I might even play the game just to see some romance, haha

Edited by MarkXIIII

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Ehhhhh I don't completely agree with some stuff, mostly that last part. I sure got some stuff to say about that sora kairi "romance" (lol who am I kidding I got a shit load to say)


But DDD was not bad IMO. I liked it alot

Edited by Xora98

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Actually, I think the direction the game is heading is more to my liking then your version. In your version we only play as Sora, but we already have hints that Riku will be playable in this one. As for Attraction Flow, they aren't replacing Summoning, they're an evolution of Flowmotion. We'll have the typical commands (Attack, Magic, Item, Summon) and we'll have Attraction Flow and Command Styles. 


I think the only character, if any to die will be Xehanort I can't see Disney letting a hero die. But I'm all for some cheesy Disney style SoKai romance.

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Ehhhhh I don't completely agree with some stuff, mostly that last part. I sure got some stuff to say about that sora kairi "romance" (lol who am I kidding I got a shit load to say)But overall SOOOOOOO MUUUUCCCCHHHH RRREEEEAAAADDDDIIINNNG.But DDD was not bad IMO. I liked it alot


Hahaha, fair enough.


But still, Sora+Kairi is predestined!



and this is only Part 1, haha



Anyway, granted, Mr Nomura is known for coming up with unconventional solutions, but still, I'm almost certain they'll get together in KHIII!!


Besides, what is the alternative? Riku? Nah!


Although, Nomura-san would get huge enjoyment out of throwing all those shippers off track with something like this:


Sora, Riku and Kairi return to Destini Islands Main Isle.

Riku and Sora are welcomed by their Moms while Kairi walks off holding hands with her boyfriends.


This would 100% fit Nomura logic:

*fans don't expect this

*it's so off it's actually possible

*a new character is ontroduced fans keep wondering WHERE he has been all this time.


Hahaha, just kidding,

Sora+Kairi is gonna happen. Period!

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Hahaha, fair enough. But still, Sora+Kairi is predestined!

 and this is only Part 1, haha Anyway, granted, Mr Nomura is known for coming up with unconventional solutions, but still, I'm almost certain they'll get together in KHIII!! Besides, what is the alternative? Riku? Nah! Although, Nomura-san would get huge enjoyment out of throwing all those shippers off track with something like this: Sora, Riku and Kairi return to Destini Islands Main Isle.Riku and Sora are welcomed by their Moms while Kairi walks off holding hands with her boyfriends. This would 100% fit Nomura logic:*fans don't expect this*it's so off it's actually possible*a new character is ontroduced fans keep wondering WHERE he has been all this time. Hahaha, just kidding,Sora+Kairi is gonna happen. Period!
Considering how poorly developed both kairi and that pairing is. If they ever get together it surely ain't gonna be in three.

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Actually, I think the direction the game is heading is more to my liking then your version. In your version we only play as Sora, but we already have hints that Riku will be playable in this one. As for Attraction Flow, they aren't replacing Summoning, they're an evolution of Flowmotion. We'll have the typical commands (Attack, Magic, Item, Summon) and we'll have Attraction Flow and Command Styles. 


I think the only character, if any to die will be Xehanort I can't see Disney letting a hero die. But I'm all for some cheesy Disney style SoKai romance.


This is just my theory and I know I contradict the direction they are taking. As I stated "if DDD didn'T happen"...


Anyway, I didn't like the multiple characters so far because it takes away depth of the game. I hated having to level up sora and Riku individually in DDD. I never finished BbS cuz I got too lazy to complete the game 3 times.

I did complete Kh1 and Kh2 cuz it's easier to keep an overview and complete all the tasks.


I don't mind temporary switches in controls like Mickey and Riku or Roxas in KH2 but I think it wouldn't be an authentic "numbered" Kingdom Hearts title if it wasn't Sora, Donald and Goofy exclusively.

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This is just my theory and I know I contradict the direction they are taking. As I stated "if DDD didn'T happen"...


Anyway, I didn't like the multiple characters so far because it takes away depth of the game. I hated having to level up sora and Riku individually in DDD. I never finished BbS cuz I got too lazy to complete the game 3 times.

I did complete Kh1 and Kh2 cuz it's easier to keep an overview and complete all the tasks.


I don't mind temporary switches in controls like Mickey and Riku or Roxas in KH2 but I think it wouldn't be an authentic "numbered" Kingdom Hearts title if it wasn't Sora, Donald and Goofy exclusively.

The only thing not having 3D would change was the explanation of Xehanort coming back and the members of the New Org. It wouldn't rally make that much difference, and it certainly wouldn't change Riku being playable. Even without 3D if Nomura wanted us to play as Riku, we'd play as Riku. I do agree that clearing the same worlds multiple times is tedious, but if Sora and Riku each visit different worlds, that I would enjoy and it seems that my be entirely possible since they're on separate missions, where as in BbS and 3D, all characters were basically doing the same job.

For example, say your list of Worlds was the one they went with, Riku could visit the new worlds and Sora could visit the returning ones. And having two characters each visit different worlds could potentially double the number of worlds in the game, making for a longer play. 


Anyway, since you shared your theory, here's mine.http://kh13.com/forum/topic/47407-kingdom-hearts-3-scenario-theory-ddd-spoilers/?do=findComment&comment=964725

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Considering how poorly developed both kairi and that pairing is. If they ever get together it surely ain't gonna be in three.


I must agree on that one, Kairi is one of the well-rounded characters of the series!


In KH1 she is a little tomboyish and wild, but she is still pure-hearted. She is just innocent.

After her capture and rescure she realizes her inner strength for the first time (when recognizing and restoring heartless sora)

Back in Traverse town she gets a bit more serious with the coming final battle.

At the end she is sent back to the isles and has no other choice but she still is hurt by hert departure from where sora is.


In CoM and Days the whole Memory messup is taking part.

Due to Naminé's interference with Sora's most precious memories (those of Kairi), Kairi even forgets Sora's name and his imprtance to her. In Days this relationship is torn apart even further when those memories become trapped in Xion.

We have to notice that Sora and Kairi grow to their 15 year old version during this time but due to their memories we only see them in their 14 year old versions during this period. All characters remembering them as well as the memories themselves have never seen the 15 yo versions. (and Sora in Halloween town in KH2 imagines Kairi how he remembers her as 14 year old girl).

Thsi transformation is also visible in Naminé who changes appearance from the 14 yo girl in CoM to the 15 yo veriso in Days and beyond.


KH2 features the biggest development for KAiri in both physical as well as characterisic fields. At the beginning (until she connects with roxas as her memories return) she only remembers vaguely that other than riku another boy used to play with them. Besides the natural distance 1 year of not seeing someone can bring, she has grown more mature and seems focused on school work more intensely (summer vacation's over, right ;) )

As the Name and Memories of Sora return to her, she feels the urge of reuniting with him. She does remmeber Riku (or at least his name) and she does not feel like going to look for him! But she even wrote a letter for Sora that will reunite them in the end.

She is looking desperatley for a way to go look for Sora which is why she tkaes the plunge though Axel's portal.

In Twilight Town ALL of the town gang members confirm how big her desire is to see sora and after she is captured by Org. XIII she is indeed willing to get active and break free.

After meeting Riku on the way she sees Sora fighting and she unleahses her ultimate strength whith the help of Riku in form of a keyblade (and this is indeed her own strength a she inherited this pwer from Aqua in Radiant garden). She even jumps from a platform to join her firend in battle and after the threat is vanquished they meet again in person after so long.

Sora is kind of stunned by how much she has changed but she rushes forward to hug him and see if it is really him.

Then they continue on their journey together until they are separated at the end. And there Sora and Riku are saved due to the (love) letter Kairi wrote for sora and her pure light.

Kairi gets a lot more princell-like and lady-like in KH2 and she also remains strong-hearted in her search for Sora.


The ultimate prof for their predestined relationship is that Sora's most precious thing is Kairi and his memories of her and vice versa.

Despite all the dark forces working against them they always overcome the obstacles and reunite.

Sora is a silly and light-hearted guy most of the time but he's always serious and romantic when it comes to Kairi.

Granted, he's like this toward Riku too and he even cires when seeing Riku again, but it's more like  biased sad+happy tears cuz he's glad to have his bro again but yet Riku gave in again to Ansem's darkness for whatever reason.


Sora blushes when talking about her, Donald and Goofy tease him because of this, Sora cries a lot over Kairi-related matters and KAiri is his top priority in KH2. Sory kneels down and begs (!!!) Saix hoping he would take him to Kairi.


I could go on and on but I'll also brush on the contradicting facts in more recent titles:


In the "Reconnect KH" secret endings sprawled over BbS, Coded and DDD, Sora and KAiri have a more peripheral relationship. When Sora decides to go on yet another journey she only urges him to come back soon rather than going with him.

She does gove him her lucky charm wayfinder, though.

Kairi is also not present during Sora's Mark of Mastery Exam which is weird. Sora takes a dangerous exam and he has only Riku to hug at the end?? Sora also has no rush to return to his "girlfriend" but heads to see his Dreameater friends...

Wouldn't a faithful girlfriend scome to her boyfriend's graduation exam? And Wouldn'd a faithful boyfriend rush back to his girlfriend after he almost died in an assault of the utmost evil thing ever??


But I'm not even starting criticizing the most inconsistent of all titles (DDD) so I'll just pretend they didn't include her for time or ease reasons.

Nevertheless, Kairi IS willing to to train and hone her Keyblade skills,

be it because she wants to go with sora to the ends of the world(s)

or because she's sick of getting kidnapped - only time and KHIII will tell. :D

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The only thing not having 3D would change was the explanation of Xehanort coming back and the members of the New Org. It wouldn't rally make that much difference, and it certainly wouldn't change Riku being playable. Even without 3D if Nomura wanted us to play as Riku, we'd play as Riku. I do agree that clearing the same worlds multiple times is tedious, but if Sora and Riku each visit different worlds, that I would enjoy and it seems that my be entirely possible since they're on separate missions, where as in BbS and 3D, all characters were basically doing the same job.

For example, say your list of Worlds was the one they went with, Riku could visit the new worlds and Sora could visit the returning ones. And having two characters each visit different worlds could potentially double the number of worlds in the game, making for a longer play. 


Anyway, since you shared your theory, here's mine.http://kh13.com/forum/topic/47407-kingdom-hearts-3-scenario-theory-ddd-spoilers/?do=findComment&comment=964725


I didn't like the new Org. XIII plans at all. It takes away the originality and importance of KHII completely.

I also hated the new theories they introduced cuz they contradict everything that has lasted for more then 10 years! (time travel and Nobodies that grow heart)


I woudl even agree on multiple main characters IF 1) Sora got enough screentime (I really miss 15 y o Sora!)

2) other playable characters could use the very same growth system (Like starting with sora and leveling up to say lv 15 and then switching to riku and continuing on lv 15). 3) The transition to another playable charcater is timed right (no drop system or player's choince) - if they include it right they can make it more cimactic liek Sora getting trapped by Xehanort in KHII and Riku taking over!

4) IF we get multiple playable characters the MUST include Mickey and Kairi!!!




I'll gladly read your theory!

I too wish DDD had never happened, It was a game full of shit plot points that gave me a headache. ALL THE VILLAINS RISE FROM THE DEAD. ALSO TIME TRAVEL.


So true!

I get sick when I think I'll have to figt Xemnas and Ansem, Young Xehanort even just on e more time!

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I really didn't have a problem with DDD, it gave me answers as to why the Organization was formed, and the true way to summon the x-Blade, I really like the game despite it's flaws, I do like it's plot. DDD is currently my favorite KH game.

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I didn't like the new Org. XIII plans at all. It takes away the originality and importance of KHII completely.

I also hated the new theories they introduced cuz they contradict everything that has lasted for more then 10 years! (time travel and Nobodies that grow heart)


I woudl even agree on multiple main characters IF 1) Sora got enough screentime (I really miss 15 y o Sora!)

2) other playable characters could use the very same growth system (Like starting with sora and leveling up to say lv 15 and then switching to riku and continuing on lv 15). 3) The transition to another playable charcater is timed right (no drop system or player's choince) - if they include it right they can make it more cimactic liek Sora getting trapped by Xehanort in KHII and Riku taking over!

4) IF we get multiple playable characters the MUST include Mickey and Kairi!!!




I'll gladly read your theory!


So true!

I get sick when I think I'll have to figt Xemnas and Ansem, Young Xehanort even just on e more time!

Well it had been hinted since Re:CoM that nobodies weren't as heartless as they believed, for example, Axel genuinely enjoying screwing with Marluxia's plan, not just pretending to be amused.

Time travel wasn't really that big a deal for me. Teh way they explained the rules, it seems like things would have turned out the way they did anyway, Maybe sooner, maybe later, but they would have happened. And villains coming back from the dead had been happening since II.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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I must agree on that one, Kairi is one of the well-rounded characters of the series! In KH1 she is a little tomboyish and wild, but she is still pure-hearted. She is just innocent.After her capture and rescure she realizes her inner strength for the first time (when recognizing and restoring heartless sora)Back in Traverse town she gets a bit more serious with the coming final battle.At the end she is sent back to the isles and has no other choice but she still is hurt by hert departure from where sora is. In CoM and Days the whole Memory messup is taking part.Due to Naminé's interference with Sora's most precious memories (those of Kairi), Kairi even forgets Sora's name and his imprtance to her. In Days this relationship is torn apart even further when those memories become trapped in Xion.We have to notice that Sora and Kairi grow to their 15 year old version during this time but due to their memories we only see them in their 14 year old versions during this period. All characters remembering them as well as the memories themselves have never seen the 15 yo versions. (and Sora in Halloween town in KH2 imagines Kairi how he remembers her as 14 year old girl).Thsi transformation is also visible in Naminé who changes appearance from the 14 yo girl in CoM to the 15 yo veriso in Days and beyond. KH2 features the biggest development for KAiri in both physical as well as characterisic fields. At the beginning (until she connects with roxas as her memories return) she only remembers vaguely that other than riku another boy used to play with them. Besides the natural distance 1 year of not seeing someone can bring, she has grown more mature and seems focused on school work more intensely (summer vacation's over, right ;) )As the Name and Memories of Sora return to her, she feels the urge of reuniting with him. She does remmeber Riku (or at least his name) and she does not feel like going to look for him! But she even wrote a letter for Sora that will reunite them in the end.She is looking desperatley for a way to go look for Sora which is why she tkaes the plunge though Axel's portal.In Twilight Town ALL of the town gang members confirm how big her desire is to see sora and after she is captured by Org. XIII she is indeed willing to get active and break free.After meeting Riku on the way she sees Sora fighting and she unleahses her ultimate strength whith the help of Riku in form of a keyblade (and this is indeed her own strength a she inherited this pwer from Aqua in Radiant garden). She even jumps from a platform to join her firend in battle and after the threat is vanquished they meet again in person after so long.Sora is kind of stunned by how much she has changed but she rushes forward to hug him and see if it is really him.Then they continue on their journey together until they are separated at the end. And there Sora and Riku are saved due to the (love) letter Kairi wrote for sora and her pure light.Kairi gets a lot more princell-like and lady-like in KH2 and she also remains strong-hearted in her search for Sora. The ultimate prof for their predestined relationship is that Sora's most precious thing is Kairi and his memories of her and vice versa.Despite all the dark forces working against them they always overcome the obstacles and reunite.Sora is a silly and light-hearted guy most of the time but he's always serious and romantic when it comes to Kairi.Granted, he's like this toward Riku too and he even cires when seeing Riku again, but it's more like  biased sad+happy tears cuz he's glad to have his bro again but yet Riku gave in again to Ansem's darkness for whatever reason. Sora blushes when talking about her, Donald and Goofy tease him because of this, Sora cries a lot over Kairi-related matters and KAiri is his top priority in KH2. Sory kneels down and begs (!!!) Saix hoping he would take him to Kairi. I could go on and on but I'll also brush on the contradicting facts in more recent titles: In the "Reconnect KH" secret endings sprawled over BbS, Coded and DDD, Sora and KAiri have a more peripheral relationship. When Sora decides to go on yet another journey she only urges him to come back soon rather than going with him.She does gove him her lucky charm wayfinder, though.Kairi is also not present during Sora's Mark of Mastery Exam which is weird. Sora takes a dangerous exam and he has only Riku to hug at the end?? Sora also has no rush to return to his "girlfriend" but heads to see his Dreameater friends...Wouldn't a faithful girlfriend scome to her boyfriend's graduation exam? And Wouldn'd a faithful boyfriend rush back to his girlfriend after he almost died in an assault of the utmost evil thing ever?? But I'm not even starting criticizing the most inconsistent of all titles (DDD) so I'll just pretend they didn't include her for time or ease reasons.Nevertheless, Kairi IS willing to to train and hone her Keyblade skills,be it because she wants to go with sora to the ends of the world(s)or because she's sick of getting kidnapped - only time and KHIII will tell. :D

God so much to read, ok lemme get to the point. you got some points, IMO I didn't see much of her character in kh2 either because she only had like 3 seconds on screen and I didn't bother paying much attention beacause it was irrelivent and just a plot movement. I'm not gonna start on the only tell never show "relationship" of sora and kairi. (I'm on my phone it would be easier to write more if I was on my laptop) Ummmm what else is worth it, I doubt kairi will get any so call "well rounded development" in three. The way I see she barely has any development that she made on her own. And can you please tell me why DDD was a inconsistent game? I'm failing to see that. And from what I know kairi wasn't in DDD because she didn't belong there. Ignore and errors like I said I'm on my phone.

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Well it had been hinted since Re:CoM that nobodies weren't as heartless as they believed, for example, Axel genuinely enjoying screwing with Marluxia's plan, not just pretending to be amused.

Time travel wasn't really that big a deal for me. Teh way they explained the rules, it seems like things would have turned out the way they did anyway, Maybe sooner, maybe later, but they would have happened. And villains coming back from the dead had been happening since II.


Yeah but the theory Axel is a good actor and Roxas having Ven's heart makes sense!

If they really grew their own hearts we get this:


Sora originally has 1 heart.

Then he harbors Vens heart , hence has 2.

Roxas is born, takes Ven's heart, grows his own heart, hence has two.

Xion grows her own heart, roxas merges with xion hence has 3.

Roxas returns to sora leaving him with 4 hearts. Even if they restore ven and xion and roxas as own persons it doesn'T work:


Axel grew a heart but when he returned as Lea he still has 2 own hearts!!

It was also said that Axel was affected by sora's heart and therefore had glimpses of emotions.

But the mess of nobodies having nurtured hearts messes up everything and literally states "I as a director changed my mind and now all my previous theories are not valid anymore. As I can't re-release the previous titles I just include time travel and say that's the solutions for everything"

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Imagine how awesome KHIII could have been if it skipped from CODED right to KHIII:


(OLD) master Xehanort returns and wants to recreate a Keyblade war by recruiting many Disney and Final Fantasy villains besides some new Original Character bad guys.


Yen Sid leads his army consisting of Sora, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua and Ven, they clash and the good guys are assisted by some new Original characters that are drawn into the war.


Sora is the only main character and travels to many different worlds with Donald and Goofy. At certain fights he gets help from Mickey and the others like in KH2. Drive forms are back and Sora can use the original 5 but also gains new ones.


Reaction commands are more prominent and it is possible to enter command styles this way.

Sora can summon actual people like in KH1 rather than out-of-place roller-coasters and parade floats.



New Worlds include



“Duckburg” (whooo-oo),


“Louisiana Bayou (Princess and the Frog)”,

“Treasure Planet”,

“The Black Cauldron”,

“Bambi’s forest”,

“Jungle Book”,

“101 Dalmatians” (guiding Dalmatians while fighting Jasper, Horace and Cruella!!!),

"Pocahontas Jamestown and Riverlands" (Native Tribes Sora but I see Disney causing troubles due to political correctness)



Vastly extended worlds return with new storylines:

“Radiant Garden”,

“Twilight Town” (Hayner Olette Pence!! :D ),

“Traverse Town”, “Destiny Islands” (finally playable again, maybe even first world!),

“Keyblade Graveyard”,

“Kingdom Hearts” (we finally get to see it),

“100 acre wood” (always welcome to chill out at and surely cute with new graphics),

“Port Royal” (Plot of Pirates 4 and return of merman Sora fighting an underwater battle against evil mermaids and sharks!),

“Never Land” (mainlands, goofing with lost boys and fighting Hook is always fun as well as FLYING!!),

“Olympus coliseum” (fighting ALL of the Titans!),

“Land of Dragons”

“Beasts Castle”

“Dwarf Woodlands”

All of the princesses of light’s worlds actually with awesome quests to save them all from Xehanort’s minions who want to capture them.



Sora wants to find a way to get to Xehanort’s secret hideout and he has to fight Disney villains in their respective worlds who act as guardians for Xehanort's plans. More and more new bad guy characters interfere with Sora's paths and he finds out where Xehanort is hiding.


As he approaches the Keyblade graveyard he fights Xehanort who has some new tricks and spells and Sora is assisted by several characters as party members. Imagine Sora, Riku and Aqua against Xehanort's ultimate Dragon-like form. Donald and Goofy protect Kairi and the princesses of heart back at Mysterious tower/ twilight town and Kairi especially fights off an army of heartless invading the tower.


Xehanort pulls a final trick: he found indeed a way to unlock Kingdom Hearts.

Then He threatens to kill Sora, all other characters are locked out and Sora has to fight a final fight before losing to Xehanort. Eventually Sora is almost lost and Yen Sid fights and defeats Xehanort for good.


Anyway there ARE some losses, Ven dies as do two of the 4 new characters and Sora almost dies too.


Sora recovers and Kairi confesses her Love for him in fear he might die. Masters Aqua, Mickey and Riku and (now-again) Master Yen Sid combine their Curaza spells but Sora faints and only Kairi can save Sora with a Kiss of true love. :D


Everything is fine, everyone returns to their home worlds.

Yen Sid trains one of the new Characters to wield the keyblade.


Sora, Riku and Kairi return to Destiny Islands and Kairi and Sora are finally together. Riku also brought another girl he met on their journey.


Mickey, Pluto, Donald and Goofy return to Disney Castle /Town and are happily welcomed by Minnie and Daisy.


Jiminy goes back to Pinocchio's world.

Aqua returns to the now-restored Land of Departure and examines Yen Sid's students for the Mark of Mastery. She also built a memorial for her fallen friends Ven and Terra.



THE BEST thing of KHIII could be its predictability. Deaths like Ven’s would come surprisingly but the sheer technical and visual superiority of the game combined with the final loss of Xehanort we are yearning for yould be the biggest strength of the game.




And a classical Disney-style Ending scene:

First we see all those ending scenes I mentioned above, and then during the credits all the Disney endings are played like in previous games.

Then the final scene:

Riku and his girl are leaning against the Paopu tree on Destiny islands, hugging and Kairi is seen fishing a bottled message out of the water by the docks. (a new raft is seen there too!)

Kairi opens the bottle and is surprised the letter is addressed to her. She reads the letter out loud and finds out it’s from Sora. The letter includes some poem that is similar to Kairi’s letter that saved sora in KH2 and ends with something really romantic/tacky like this:


We can see the end of the letter:


[…] Kairi,

You are my One Sky, my destiny.

I’ll always be with you

And I’ll always keep this promise.

[yours truly, Sora xD ]


Beneath the text we see Sora drew the Paopu fruit sharing he drew on the stone wall in the secret cave. (and his drawing skills have not improved a bit, haha)


Then we see Sora sneaking up behind Kairi and covering her eyes with his hands from behind.

Due to her eyes being covered, she stops reading but Sora finishes “I’ll aways be with you…”

She smiles, turns around and her smile becomes radiant when she sees it’s indeed Sora.

Then the camera turns behind the two of them with a wonderful view of the glittering golden sea behind them. The light gets more intense and for a moment we see Naminé and Roxas smiling at each other and Naminé sheds a tear that continues running down Kairi’s cheek. Sora, having watery eyes himself, wipes the tear off her cheek.


Finally we turn to a Disney fairy tale movie-like close up showing their faces getting closer, their eyes closing and finally, accompanied by Mrs. Shimomura’s subtlest yet most majestic tunes, the final Kiss of true love.


Fade and then the golden letters “The End” appear before the animated logo of Kingdom Hearts III materializes and the music fades out.




The battle report screen shows the usual record data and features a most beautiful artwork including all characters in the series, similar to the one in the KH2 Final Mix.




Hope you enjoy this theory and despite I fear KHIII won’t be as great because it’s been hyped and idolized for too long now, and DDD did a major part in downgrading its potential, I’ll get it just for the growing possibility of Sora and Kairi finally getting together!!


Feel free to add you own ideas!

Wow, amazing concept! I applaud you!

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Edited by PrincessHearts25

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God so much to read, ok lemme get to the point. you got some points, IMO I didn't see much of her character in kh2 either because she only had like 3 seconds on screen and I didn't bother paying much attention beacause it was irrelivent and just a plot movement. I'm not gonna start on the only tell never show "relationship" of sora and kairi. (I'm on my phone it would be easier to write more if I was on my laptop) Ummmm what else is worth it, I doubt kairi will get any so call "well rounded development" in three. The way I see she barely has any development that she made on her own. And can you please tell me why DDD was a inconsistent game? I'm failing to see that. And from what I know kairi wasn't in DDD because she didn't belong there. Ignore and errors like I said I'm on my phone.


DDD literally messed up what was stated as "true" in previous games (see my other pst for details)

According to ALL other games the nobody theory works out, even if they decide to bring Roxas back.

According to the new DDD theory Roxas ends up with 4 hearts at once "unless" they bring Roxas AND Xion back.

But LEA gets stuck with 2 hearts that atre his own!


I thought KAiri had a lot of active screentime in KHII but I could be failed by my memory. Surely, compared to the huge storylines in all the worlds Kairi's presence is kinda short, but she IS important. She's a princess of heart after all as well as a main character.


What I also disliked in DDD is Excatly the fact KAiri din'T belong there. WHY wouldn't she come and watch the exam?

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Yeah but the theory Axel is a good actor and Roxas having Ven's heart makes sense!

If they really grew their own hearts we get this:


Sora originally has 1 heart.

Then he harbors Vens heart , hence has 2.

Roxas is born, takes Ven's heart, grows his own heart, hence has two.

Xion grows her own heart, roxas merges with xion hence has 3.

Roxas returns to sora leaving him with 4 hearts. Even if they restore ven and xion and roxas as own persons it doesn'T work:


Axel grew a heart but when he returned as Lea he still has 2 own hearts!!

It was also said that Axel was affected by sora's heart and therefore had glimpses of emotions.

But the mess of nobodies having nurtured hearts messes up everything and literally states "I as a director changed my mind and now all my previous theories are not valid anymore. As I can't re-release the previous titles I just include time travel and say that's the solutions for everything"

Yes, but Axel was also truly surprised that he was genuinely enjoying it as he was alone there was no need for an act so that shows that his surprise too was genuine.. And the part about him being affected by Sora was only a common theory, Nomura never said that's actually what happened.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Wow, amazing concept! I applaud you!

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Thank you very much - another Kairi+Sora shipper, I assume? ;)

They just belong together!! :D


To me, even though I know little I came up with will be in the real deal KHIII, I still do hope we get to see this shipping! Most important thing, haha.

Yes, but Axel was also truly surprised that he was genuinely enjoying it as he was alone there was no need for a act so that shows that his surprise too was genuine.. And the part about him being affected by Sora was only a common theory, Nomura never said that's actually what happened.


Axel says in CoM:  "He did have an effect on me after all. His heart must have rubbed off on me" or so, no literal quote

So, taking ALL the facts from ALL the games into account it is ALL games against one sentence from DDD.

Therefore Nobodies DON'T have hearts but can have heart-like reactions triggered by strong hearts. Only Roxas could cry for example because he had a heart - Ven's

I hope the resolve this point in KHIII by making this clear again

or else Poor lea will have to deal with 2 hearts at once!

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DDD literally messed up what was stated as "true" in previous games (see my other pst for details)According to ALL other games the nobody theory works out, even if they decide to bring Roxas back.According to the new DDD theory Roxas ends up with 4 hearts at once "unless" they bring Roxas AND Xion back.But LEA gets stuck with 2 hearts that atre his own! I thought KAiri had a lot of active screentime in KHII but I could be failed by my memory. Surely, compared to the huge storylines in all the worlds Kairi's presence is kinda short, but she IS important. She's a princess of heart after all as well as a main character. What I also disliked in DDD is Excatly the fact KAiri din'T belong there. WHY wouldn't she come and watch the exam?

Well number one there's a thing called nomura logic, our logic isn't his logic so we wouldn't understand very much because kingdom hearts is super confusing. End of story. How did lea get stuck with two hearts? How does Roxas have four? I never got that from DDD. Last time I checked kairi rarely appeared, when she did appear it was to move the plot when it was getting slow. IMO kairi is a important plot device. And again IMO I think that's a odd reason to not like a game if a certain character (or plot device) doesn't make a long appearance. And maybe she wasn't there because she may had got in the way. Or square didn't want her there. Most likely the latter.

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Well number one there's a thing called nomura logic, our logic isn't his logic so we wouldn't understand very much because kingdom hearts is super confusing. End of story. How did lea get stuck with two hearts? How does Roxas have four? I never got that from DDD. Last time I checked kairi rarely appeared, when she did appear it was to move the plot when it was getting slow. IMO kairi is a important plot device. And again IMO I think that's a odd reason to not like a game if a certain character (or plot device) doesn't make a long appearance. And maybe she wasn't there because she may had got in the way. Or square didn't want her there. Most likely the latter.


I think they just saved the KAiri plots in KHII to build up tension for the climax. You can't say Kairi was unparticipant in the World that never was. But I see your point- she COULD have been incorporated more actively over the whole course. But I think the Story just focused on Sora and if you play the gma ein a slow pace, and KHII has maaaaaaaaany cutscenes, you might have forgotten where KAiri is if they had aplit up her actions over the course. And there were lots of other long scenes that would have been even longer if another plot element were told at the same time.


They could have at least given a reason why she didn't come with them. Mickey brough Donald and Goofy as well.

It's weird that Kairi is all like Ill always be with you and then she's just really shallow and like "you're gonna have this really dangerous graduation exam, so come back soon"

Edited by MarkXIIII

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