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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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egde looked at him"hahah..you wish im already died"then he reached up and grabed his head he pulled out his sword and cut his head off then kicked the body to the gorund

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Ryan leaped back and hit the barrier and his darkness grew inside his body. "Fools, if you think that I still have light within me, keep on dreaming! For, I gave all my energy of light to Allera, and was technically a nobody but those 3 bastards gave me the power of darkness so I'm complete!"

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egde looked at him "rayn you are a shell for them to sue and im going to break you"egde kicked him up then out of no where lunar appeard and smashed ryan to the gorund then soul came up and cut rayn rayns body was bleeding all over all three of the family members where stayding in front of ryan

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Ryan leaped back "Oh I'm not a shell, I'm not used by anyone, I follow my own ways. I dont listen to those fools. Those fools may be of darkness but I have a even stronger darkness that shadows the 3 of them" Ryan used dark aura.

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egde looked at him lunar ran in first and grabed one or his arms soul ran uop next and grabed his other arm egde ran up last and hit ryan in the bootm of the jaw breaking it then soul grabed both of his arms lunar got his legs and egde jumped up abouve him and droped down on his rippes breaking them then egde thorw ryans body up inot the air he picked soul up and thorw him up there two oul pulled out his guns and shot ran 10 times then lunar came out of no where and cut ryan with his scythe's 20 times then egde came out of no where and puched him 40 times then ryan was lieing on the gornd egde flow dow and it looked liked there was three or him he ran thorw ryans body so fast it looked like a shawdow was behind him he stood there looking at ryan fade away

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Xanry jumped out of Ryan's body. Xanry then drained all of the darkness out of Ryan and all of his darkenss went into Ryan. "Oh well, guess I'll do the business" smirked Xanry. His eyes were gold. Xanry summoned his A-Blade and Kingdom Dawn Fenier

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egde was stading there alon the whole time lunar and soul where never there"hahah..rrrrrgggghhhhaaaaaa!!!"tehn xanrys blads desaperad egdes eyes wehre white he was gone now he had a evil smirk on his face then he ran up and kicked xanry of that world and onto a new one

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egde body spon around and blocked the attack then it hit xanry in the face then the stomic then the leg and he just keep hitting him it waas like he wasnt him any more he was more of lunar and osul and egde togther

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egde opend his mouth and a beam of darkness came out blowing the beam of light way then out of no where egde poped up in front of xanry and puched him in ot the gournd

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Trey sensing Edge was on his Side ran farther into the jungle ad took Allera's body into the Cockpit section of the plane and hid it. " Allera dont freak. Just stay here and look dead." trey said putting her in a plane seat. he then set out into the jungle again.

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Xanry appeared in front of Allera and Trey. "Going somewhere?" asked Xanry smirking. Xanry summoned a barrier around the 3. "I dont think so" Xanry used dark grip on the barrier and then summoned his A-Blade and Kingdom Dawn Fenier

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Trey summoned Naturespark and fresh breeze. " your not the only one with weapons Bitc h." trey said. He used Fission Figa on Xanry then went behind him and used sky uppercut. Trey then followed up with air arts.

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Xanry ran after the 2 of them "You're not getting away that easy fools" Xanry slowed down time for everyone except Xanry (DO NOT TRY TO INTERFERE WITH THE TIME THING PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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