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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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Allera smirked, "Why so serious Ryan?" she asked, "I'm not possessed anymore." still holding her keyblade to her side, not really caring about the barrier

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"And why should I care about that all I care about is going to the 4th round" lied Ryan. He didn't really care if he went onto the 4th round. Ryan summoned his Oblivion and slashed her

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Ryan took the hit hard and fell down "Dammit I'm not at 100% I dont have my Ultumia Weapon or Fenier, I dont even have any potions or Curaga or Cure or Cura or Dark Cure, Dark Curaga, and Dark Cura" he growled. Ryan kicked her and started choking her

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Ryan hit the barrier. Ryan ran at her and used multiple dark fiagras for distraction and then when he got to her he slashed her with his Oblivion. "And I believe you still have somethings of mine" said Ryan

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"Heh when I get into the 4th round... your finished Edge" said Ryan. Ryan started choking her "I may not be at 100%, but give me back what is mine to take, my keyblades" said Ryan

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Ryan pushed him out of the barrier, "I'm sorry Edge but you are supposed to be in your fight with Drake, Avin, King, and Oni" said Ryan. A bunch of blood squirted out of his chest. Ryan used strike blade on Allera "I said give me my Ultumia Weapon and Fenier" said Ryan angered

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Allera gave him the GTFO look (xD idk)


Allera winced "Do you seriously want the same thing to happen to you that I did to King and Oni? What im doing now is NOT EVEN close to what i did to them!!" she used curaga on herself

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It appeared as if that another person was possesing Ryan because when he goes into trances of darkness his eyes stayed blue but this time was different...

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Ryan was hurt a lot since there were a bunch of darkness but the darkness didn't change at all. All it did was Ryan got hurt "Why? Are you falling to darkness?" Ryan asked glaring at Allera

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