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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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"Fine if you dont think I'm Ryan... then I guess I'll have to arrange your memories correctly!" Ryan pulled out his Kingdom Dawn Fenier (combination of Kingdom Key D, Way to Dawn, and Fenier) and his A Blade

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They were near the Tail section crash site. Ana lucia stepped out of the water and saw Ryan fighting with allera. " I had one to many drinks today." Ana Lucia said getting baack to her people. The black smoke attacked Allera and tried to wound her with darkness.

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Ryan's Kingdom Dawn Fenier and A-Blade started to glow of darkness and Ryan's body started to flow through darkness "Wh-what is happening to me? Allera, Edge! Please help me!" said Ryan/ The 3 posssesors (That wasn't the actual Ryan talking)

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"i did!"tehn he pushed the girl out of the barrier"you have my friends body i wont you out of it now ryan i know your in there and this is the fight youv been waitng for soo come on!'

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egde looked at him then pushed the girl out of the bairrier"ryan this is me and you man to man like you ben wonting and with out her in here we can go all out"

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the blads where pushed by at them then egde fell on the gruond holding his head"rrrrrrgggghhhaaaaa!!!"his eyes where pure white there was no more him in there his body and spikes on it and he had claws his teeth where showing and the darkness started puring out of his mouth he had 6 tails and ever one of his keyblads where around him his scythe had dubly into two of them his winges where stell out but they where darker his metal chococbo,finrir,kingomdkey D,oth keeper,and x-blad where fully dark there was a mark on egdes face it was red it was in a moon shap with a nother cut thorw it the keyblads where all in revers grip and soo where the scythe's

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egde looked at ryan"...rrrrrrrggggghhhhaaaaa!!!!"then the area started to sink in and they where the only ones stading in the area everworld around started to break then egde was behind ran and stabed him in the chest bit his hand then pushed the scythe into part of hs body and was infront of him agian befor he even know he did it

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