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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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soul was in front of atoil he was lookign at the memorys of them then he whent back to the place"hey peoply i know what my light is its my wife and the mother of my child soul"

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A flash went by Trey to around a 11 months from the crash. Trey was running through the jungle he was at the hatch. But it was a giant hole. The bodies of the Tail section Survivors were in the middle. he saw the kids Emma and Zach. Next to them Ana lucia and Mr. Eko the priest. Libby was near the outer ring along with five unrecongnizable faces. Their hearts flutted out of them and they became heartless. Trey didnt want to hurt them. Ana's went up to him and attacked. Trey lashed back and destroyed all of them. Then from the real survivors bodies came a bubble of light and Trey exited the world moving on the the fifth round.

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"Look I told you before, all those things with your parents, that was in the past, you have me, Soul Edge, and many other people" said Ryan looking at ther

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