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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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"A belt? Wow your cruel!" Allera said as she dodged the figara and retured it at twice the power. "Xanry?" she thought. She had heard that name before. But she wasn't going to worry about that now.

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"Try to remember 2 years back... it all fits now doesn't it, I know you're thinking about it Xanry being possesed then the reason why I'm so unfriendly to Shelia think about it" said Ryan and used thundagra he then conquered the dark fiagra just strong enough to block it

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"yeah like teh one my dad gave me when i killed three peoply and didint hide the bodys good and he hit me in the face with the belt it hurt becous he used his darkpower in the hits"

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"Not! Now! I'm not going to worry about it!" she made a small flash of very bright light and It blinded them for a vital second when Allera moved in and dropkicked his back and cut his neck with her keyblade. Then she pulled back so he could not counterattack

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Ryan fell back to the barrier and was knocked forward a little

Inside Ryan's head

"Xanry fight her"


Ryan and Xanry split bodies and Ryan collapsed. Xanry summoned his Fresh Breeze "Oh well I guess that Ryan fainted"

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"Well I'll give you you head back, here let me show you some memories back... painfully." Xanry tightens his right hand and lowers it a little bit and gives out memories of the Keyblade War which was 2 years ago

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Allera did as she was told and looked into his eyes "I know I've seen those eyes somewhere and your face....... But i dont know who!!"


(okay sommetime in the keyblade wars Allera got her memories erased soo...)

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Trey walked into the room and saw what was happening. He paused and looked into allera's eyes too. " Allera look have you met my daughter?" Trey asked her. He eyes looked like Kalina's and if Allera looked closely so did his face.

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