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Mirage Arena: The Ultima Tournment

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King comes from wherever he was, ( O_O ) and appears behind Ryan. "Don't kill yourself, let me do it for you." His Heartless was by his side.

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"..." "Stay out of my way, or I'll kill you" threatened Ryan angerly (dont worry Ryan and Xanry split so I'll control Xanry). It didn't sound like Ryan... Ryan teleported from behind of King and knocked him out and brought his body 10 feet away from where Ryan was standing. Ryan then glared at Allera "..." Ryan went back to where he was standing

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(the light side won the 1st battle and Ryan is about to commit sudicide, my other character Xanry is just knocked out.) Ryan snapped his fingers and a barrier surronded the two no one allowed in and no one allowed out until there is a looser. Ryan pulls out his two keyblades "..."

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King gets up to his feet and stares. He brings out his Keyblade, and then says something silently. His Heartless turns into a Guardian.

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"Alright." Drake warped away from him and appeared behiind king "This a private afair." he said as he was once again bounded by the giant heartless hands.

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King's Guardian knocks the hands away, and King looks at Drake. "I'm just watching and waiting. The person that wins will be my next victim." He walks and sits down, the Guardian floating next to him.

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"I seek power, harness it, and use it for my own advantage. I never turn down an opportunity to increase my power.", King says, still staring at the battle intensely.

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