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advice on telling a bestfriend

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Look, I like my best friend who I've known since pre K. And it's starting to get awkward and weird (Like, around crush awkward and weird. Hoping you guys are familiar with that) I was gonna tell him that I like him just to get it off my chest and out of the way. But you see, it's not that easy anymore. why? Because He just got a girlfriend, and as you may guess....I'm pretty jealous and hurt about it.

I would just go with my plan A and tell but I'm afraid if I do, it may cause some issues. And I seriously don't want to deal with that. So advice, should I just deal and not tell him? or just spill? Any other suggestions?

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Patience, a key factor in this. See how their relationship develops. If he looks happy, move on. If not; just be there for him in case he gets upset over something about the relationship. Discuss your feelings if they break up, but let him recover if that happens first.

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Fool. Actually a great opportunity. You should see how he treats a girlfriend.

He's on to something.

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Fool. Actually a great opportunity. You should see how he treats a girlfriend.

Surprisingly smart advice from Xemnas lol jkJust two things to keep in mind:1)  Though all of us on the site mean well in our advice giving, none of us know all of the factors. We don't this new girl, we don't know how strong your feelings are, or what your entire relationship with him has been. No matter what advice you follow, always take it with a grain of salt.2) Even if your friend and this girl seem happy, you deserve to be happy as well. Even if things don't work out the way you want them to, it's waaaaaay better to go on with life knowing he didn't feel the same, instead of forever wondering and wishing you had done something. If you do decide to tell him, it's better to do so earlier rather than later, when things may get more serious between your friend and his new gf.Whatever you end up doing, be confident in your decision and stick true to your beliefs. I hope everything ends up well.

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