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Thinking about getting a Wii U

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I should get them all because their all good games. People underrate Wind Waker to much.

agreed. best zelda. <(period) but seriously, that game is awesome! nitroblogs, i say get the wii u. all the awesome nintendo exclusives are on it! (soon mario kart 8 and SSB4 [MEGA MAN IS IN IT!]) itl be worth it in due time.

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So I'm thinking about getting a Wii U with the Wind Waker Bundle and also buy Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.Do you guys think it is a good idea?To me it seems like the Wii U console is underrated.

Get it ^_^


Especially with Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros 4 around the corner

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Definitely go for it, it's a great little system.


From your words it seems you don't have a Wii since you're thinking of getting TP and SS too? If that's the case, then you have that whole console's library to go through as well, which makes it an even better purchase.

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I say yes, its actually a really cool console and I find it fun to play when I get to play it. I don't own one myself, yet, but I'm DYING for it. Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros anyone?

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