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When our we going to get a release date for 2.5 ?

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I was hoping they would tell us around March time, but that hope was soon dashed. Now I don't know, although if I had to guess, maybe around the same time 1.5 came out? Which would be September where I live.

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I was hoping they would tell us around March time, but that hope was soon dashed. Now I don't know, although if I had to guess, maybe around the same time 1.5 came out? Which would be September where I live.

September would suck by the way, just when school starts too, ugh. I would love for it to be released in the summer, besides not a lot of games come out during the summer... But in reality if it were released in lets say a few months, it would have to release in Japan first... so we are kinda doomed for a fall or at worst a winter release 

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Me too. They could of announced the release date by now.

Could they have? Sure.


Except it's entirely possible they can't give an exact date of release yet.


Would you rather be kept in the dark? Or keep hearing that the release date keeps getting delayed when they realize they can't finish by the date they last announced?

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If the release date isn't announced at E3 for all regions then I honestly will be surprised. Given that they announced the game back in October and not even Japan has a solid date confirmed is a little strange to be honest. Especially when you take into account that 1.5 was announced back in September 2012 and was out by March 2013 in Japan.


Who knows though, only 2 months left till E3 so we'll have to wait and see.

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Possibly Pax East (11-13 april), we got a 1.5 trailer there last year so I'd say there's a 60% chance of them showing it there, they can't make us wait too much longer.


Kingdom Hearts won't be appearing at PAX East 2014.

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Square Enix haven't told us it'll be there, so we don't expect it there.

And Square Enix didn't told us that Kingdom hearts 3 would be att E3 2013 


Nothing is impossible now <3

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