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Lady Aleister

Neko-chan's third year on kh13!

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*walks in*


A special gift for the Neko is needed for her third Anniversary. You get one free wish, so long as its within a sane area and you understand I'm a broke mother firetrucker.

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*inhales deeply*

We wish you a happy third anniversary. We wish you a happy third...

(Wait...that's a Christmas tune.)

Happy third anniversary, to you. Happy third anniversary to you...

(Nope, doesn't flow. The old one flowed better.)

We wish you a happy...

(But that has problems too. Maybe if I left out the 'third'...)

we wish you a happy anniversary. We wish you a...


Ah, heck to heck with it!

Happy 3rd, Neko! Glad to have had you around for that time and hope to see you around for another year :D

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