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Arya Stark

Young Justice: Apocalypse (RP)

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Kaylee continue to walk through Happy Harbor that she decided to shop for new clothes that are just like her clothes. She enter one of the best stores, and tried on the clothes they have till she finally bought them, and left the store.

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"Yeah, I'm ready. It isn't like this is my first mission... just my second." Winter replied to Tigress. He was definetly nervous, but he still felt ready to face what ever he may face in the building. Or at least, as ready as he could be. He then heard Red Robin talk about the communicators, "Comms check. Everything's good on this end." he said to his leader.

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Brainiac nodded. "Good luck to you all. As I said, this mission has no chance of us dying. Wounds, but no dying." He dropped off of the plane, and activated his leg rockets on stealth mode to land on the top of the building.

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Tigress walked over to Winter and stood by his side, they just had to wait for Red Robin to finish clarifying a few things to the others. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything," she started. "We've just haven't really interacted that much and I don't know a lot about you." After she got all this out, she took a deep breath. It was hard for her to share things like this. Talking to Miss.M, Kaldur, Conner, Nightwing, and Zatanna, that's easy. Probably because she's known them for so long.

Impulse and Kid Flash

"Luck, that's just what we need," Impulse thought as she and Kid jumped out of the Bioship and on to the roof and from there to the ground. Kid ran toward a corner and turned and was gone from sight. She looked at Mercury, "Should we start over there?" she asked, pointing in the opposite direction that Kid had gone.

Kid was looking around at all the things around him. He saw trees, rocks, trees, birds, trees, squirrels, and trees. "Nothing unusual so far," he thought. 

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"Don't worry about it, I haven't really been a social butterfly since I've got here. I've talked with Beast Boy and Static, but that's about it." Winter said, suddenly aware of how antisocial he's been since he's joined the team. "So, what's this team like, anyways? I mean, I know what we do, but what are the others like once you get to know them a little better?"

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{Red Robin & Ion}

Robin waited a few moments to see the teams were in motion before he took up his position with Winter and Tigress.

"Remember, if you find some suspicious chemicals, don't get it on you." He said. "'Cause you'll turn into a mindless zombie, a killer clown, a crazed hero of sorts with yellow skin, the list just goes on and on."

The Boy Wonder went into a crouch and studied the land ahead, mapping a course.

"Alright, let's go." He said, then took off on a dashing path from cover to cover.

Ion looked around at his teammates, then at Derek.

"You ready for this,..." He started. "Dude, what is your code name? I can't keep calling you 'dude'."

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Derek looked at the rings. "...bearer..." He muttered.

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Ion thought about the name for a few moments, then nodded.

"That works." He said, scratching his chin. "Certainly makes more sense than 'Lantern'."

A green glow covered Ion as he levitated off the ground by a couple on inches.

"Ready to be eyes in the sky?"

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"Okay..." He nodded, and went into the sky with the other bearer.

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"Ready as I'll ever be," Tigress replied and turned to Winter, "All you need to know about this team is that soon, you'll consider us your best friends and that the League respects us but don't mess with them. And remember not to die." All this is what you need to survive being a member of the Team, she thought.

Kid Flash

"Tree. Tree. Tree. Rock. Tree. Tree. Bush. Tree." Kid thought. He sat at the base of the 49th tree and counting. He took a snack from his cuffs. He didn't like wasting time eating, but it was better then passing out in the middle of a battle. Soon he was running again. "Tree. Tree. Tree. Tree."

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{Red Robin}

Robin ran in a pattern indicated by a security plan Aqualad had given him to keep him and his team out of view of cameras. He had already planned a security pint where he would hack in and take control of the systems. If the security system wasn't triggered into high alert, Robin felt confident that he could overcome what Lexcorp put into place.

After progressing to the just outside a parking lot area, Robin stopped at a line of bushes. This was the tricky part.

"Tigress, there is a camera on top of the wall that tracks the area just beyond this line of bushes. I need a electro arrow to knock it out long enough for me to get to it and hack it. Winter, once Tigress hits the camera, you make for the door to the factory and open it. Preferably in a stealthy manner, but what ever it takes."

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"Got it,"she replied. She removed her crossbow from the strap on her leg. Tigress' favorite weapon was a bow and arrows, but she had retired it when she went undercover. She knew she could have introduced the bow to Tigress but with her bostaff, darts, crossbow, and the rest of her weapons, she couldn't carry it all. She still had her Artemis costume, it was in the trunk at the foot of her bed. Tigress loaded the arrow into the crossbow and aimed, "Get ready," she said, and in her mind she told herself, "Ready. Aim. Fire." The arrow was released with a thwack of the bow string.

Edited by TimTrainsDragons

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Once Tigress had shot the camera, Winter quietly made his way through the shadows to the door, and opened it. "All right, we're good to go." Winter said just loud enough so that his teammates could hear.

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{Red Robin}

Robin was moving a second after Tigress's crossbow fired. He dashed over the empty space of the parking lot as he pulled out a grapple gun. Not missing a stride, he fired the gun, and started being reeled up to the top of the building with practiced ease. He landed on the roof a yard away from the camera. He closed the distance and pulled open the casing. Jacking into the system with his holographic computer, Robin's fingers danced across the keys, and security systems fell one by one.

Feeling better about the mission after his hack, Robin closed up the security camera and jumped off the roof, to land near the front door.

"Text book." He told Winter.

He waved to Tigress to head over before ducking inside the building.



From above, Ion watched the teams advance as he also watched for an movement on the perimeter. He kind of wished he was going into the building himself, but he had learned in his stint on Oa that all duties were important. The little blue midgets were at least right about that.

"So, been off world much?" He asked conversational to Bearer.

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Bearer looked at him, confused. "No..." He said quietly. "I haven't..."

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"I saw them... At night..." He said, not caring to divulge more. "When will we start the mission?"


Brainiac looked at the plane. "It is safe to drop." He stated, wondering why they seemed to be hesitant. "And time is of the essence."

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Tigress put the crossbow back on her belt. She ran over, "Will this ever get boring?" she thought. "Weapons, combat, and taking down bad guys being boring? Not a bit." Tigress then joined Red Robin inside.

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Ion gave Bearer a suspicious look, but didn't say anything yet. He might have to ask John or Hal to ask around.

"It started the moment we got here." He finally answered his teammate. "We're the Calvary in case the crap hits the fan. Plus, we got to make sure no one makes a break for it."

To Ion, Bearer seemed restless. Not that Ion could blame him. Kyle had to admit, he would have rathered some other duty, but the GL Corps had taught him that sometimes the boring jobs were needed just as much as the exciting ones. You can never tell when things would heat up in the hero business.


{Red Robin}

After a quick check to see there was no immediate threat, Robin pulled up his holo computer with the plans for the building.

"Alright, we have three labs and a factory floor to check out." He said as he studied the plans. "Each of us will take a lab, then meet up for the factory floor. Again, careful what you touch. Good luck."

With that, Robin took off for one of the labs.


{Black Bat}

Brainiac's radio buzzed with Black Bat's voice.

"No sign of targets yet." She said. "Pro...proceed with roof entry."

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 Silently breaking into the factory, Blue Beetle and Sparrow made their way to the office. After checking to make sure no one was inside, they entered. 'So far so good,' Hazel was breathing heavily from nervousness, if she was in control of her body right now, Hazel would be shaking and twitching easily getting discovered. They reached the computers with the screens on sleep mode. "Well, I guess you do your..." Sparrow paused to find a right word. 'Hacking,' "...hacking stuff and since I have no idea how you do that stuff I'm gonna be on the look out." She whipped around and headed to the door putting her ear against it to hear if anyone was coming. 'Ya know I'm really tempted to just go out there and beat the crap out of all the workers, it's been awhile since I last fought.' She was reaching for the door handle but Hazel's voice pounded in her head. 'Stop! Our cover would be blown if you do that!' Sparrow put her hand back down, the thought of bringing out her fire-forming abilites teased in her mind. Luckly Hazel, a normal human who was not in control of her own body, was keeping Sparrow from going wild. 

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{Red Robin}

Moving silently, Robin ran through the hallways, stopping twice to listen, before heading on again. He made it to a lab, and tested the door handle. Locked. Quickly pulling picks from his utility belt, he set to work on the lock. It was a decent lock, but Batman had trained him on harder, so Robin was in 15 seconds later. Closing the doors behind him, Robin began his sweep.

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