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Image Behold! The Bearillagator!

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Ah yes, yet another completed drawing. In my Drawing II class, our newest assignment was creating an Animal Hybrid and coloring it. This my hybrid: The Bearillagator. One-third bear, one third gorilla, and one-third alligator. It's a dream come true for... uh... somebody who'd want that, I don't know. A chimera enthusiast maybe? lol


Anyways, this project is due Friday but... I kinda rushed myself and finished it early. And I have no way of making any major changes to it so... blegh, here it is. Take it or leave it. lol


Imagine having this in a zoo. In fact, imagine all KINDS of hybrids having their own zoo. Come on, we have scientists don't we? We need to put them to use. It's not like they're doing anything important right now anyway...


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With me being 1/3 of this, I approve of this hybrid!

Pandas actually aren't in the Ursus group thingy, meaning they aren't bears. If I remember correctly pandas are in the same family as racoons.

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All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel. All these Firagas make a flame wheel.All these Firagas make a flame wheel. X_________X

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