Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 31, 2014 "Let's cut to the chase Lily. My twin sister and Sora are in danger of this curse. We both know it is real. So please. Tell me everything you know. We got to stop these deaths; Peter was only the first. Help me make it the last." The screens filled with documents, reports, everything, Sora tried something novel - she searched eyewitness reports and testimony for the word "curse" and came up with four reports over a thirty year five. And ea h person had no relations (which thankfully yhe FBI so kindly left in their findings reports Sora hacked) and soon enough Sora and Ellie figured one thing out. Ellie ran outside to call Jules. Once the girl had picked up, Ellie began. "Jules. Ellie Hunter, Jeremy's twin. Sora and I have combed through dozens upon dozens of reports and found five separate unaffiliated ones that have a very important link. The last words these people said was a defiant cry and denouncing the curse as fake. 'This curse iz a joke' and'Curse of Rose is jothing more then a legend used to justify freak accidents and -' aaaand that one was cut off by the rock that was shot through her eye." Ellie paused. "I think maybe we should take the curse seriously. Don't have people shout its fake. We'll keepnlooking; Jeremy is still at Lily's." Sora was reading the horrific deaths. Car crashes, delivery truck run overs, one was eviscerated by a wood chipper...and one poor guy, after surviving hell, got hit by a small single engine Cessna making an emergency landing on the football field. Nailgun death, weights crushing a guy's head, and random events that a Final Destination movie would be proud of. "Pattern...where's the pattern..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted March 31, 2014 Seth spend most of his afternoon being dragged around the mall by his sister and by the time they got home, it was almost 4pm, about after the time school ended. Entering their house, Sonya squealed with glee, "That was a fun day right Seth?" The brownette male went over his memories at what occured today. Well today at school someone explained the class about this Curse of Rose, a guy name Peter if he remembered correctly, panicked and fell down the stairs ending with his head chopped up, so how was it even a fun day? Just as Seth was about to say something their mother came into the room, "Welcome back, how was your first day at school? I'm sure Seth took care of you since you have the same homeroom together." His sister giggled, "It was great! Everyone seems friendly and we got along!" If Seth told their parents the truth they wouldn't believe him but if Sonya told them, they would trust every word. His mother smiled. "That's wonderful, I prepared a couple slices of apples for you." Knowing his mother's attention was fully on Sonya, Seth head up the stairs to his room tossing his backpack on his bed. Back downstairs Sonya took the plate filled with apples and with a thank you, she knocked on Seth's door before peeking inside. "Seth, you want some apples?" "No I'm good but thanks." Seth was on his laptop typing stuff rapidly but Sonya paid no attention and left his room. 'Curse of Rose, an accidental death every month,' She tightened her grip on a tiny knife made for peeling fruits. 'Who the hell is responsible?' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 31, 2014 Ellie snapped at Sora. "Hack and start messaging." Sora sat and began hacking. She started with alll she could, and as she took over a secondary screen, with around four screens tracking, she found Seth and Sonya's house had a wireless signal being sent. With the precision of a nueral surgeon, the Wizard-Level hacker sliced into the firewalls and was into Seth's computer. She made the screen go black, began typing. Seth. Homeroom 139 with your little sister, Sonya. I am the one who posted those History answers on the school's electronic billboard. I have information about the Curse of Rose, and I believe you should know of it. Do not let you or Sonya believe and vocalize the curse is real. It may keep you alive. Sora cut the line after a full minute, and Seth's screen turned back to normal as the image of her broomstick star faded. She paused, then began tracing the next few people - which wasn't easy. It was ridiculous. She began tracing the other classmates, and decided to go a bit more subdued - she just traced and started hacking into emails. (Nerd, if you don't like the hacking, let me know - I'll just edit it ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted March 31, 2014 (Well the thought of high school students in a horror rp having super good hacking abilites seems mind blowing, but it's perfectly fine ) Seth nearly fell out of his chair when his computer screen turned black and a message was being typed. "W-what the-" Reading the message, he did remember an incident last year when teachers were going wild trying to cover up the electronic billboard because somone posted answers to the history test that day. Seth forgot to study it but thanks to that person putting up the answers it saved his history grade. After finishing reading the message, his screen went back to normal. 'Don't believe the curse is real? Someone died today!' He thought. Seth sighed his head feeling boggled. 'When that guy Peter died, he was nervous, scared which led him to his death.' Taking a couple deep breaths he dropped his tensed shoulders. 'Maybe they're right, I should be calm and relax about this.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 31, 2014 (Well the thought of high school students in a horror rp having super good hacking abilites seems mind blowing, but it's perfectly fine ) Seth nearly fell out of his chair when his computer screen turned black and a message was being typed. "W-what the-" Reading the message, he did remember an incident last year when teachers were going wild trying to cover up the electronic billboard because somone posted answers to the history test that day. Seth forgot to study it but thanks to that person putting up the answers it saved his history grade. After finishing reading the message, his screen went back to normal. 'Don't believe the curse is real? Someone died today!' He thought. Seth sighed his head feeling boggled. 'When that guy Peter died, he was nervous, scared which led him to his death.' Taking a couple deep breaths he dropped his tensed shoulders. 'Maybe they're right, I should be calm and relax about this.' (Read the manga Bloody Monday. What Sora's kinda tame atm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DEADACCOUNT2333 Posted April 1, 2014 (Any 1 have ideas for me ? ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted April 1, 2014 (Any 1 have ideas for me ? ) ((Maybe explain your character's household abit, let us see some character development like his daily things he does or his thoughts on this curse)) (Read the manga Bloody Monday. What Sora's kinda tame atm) ((I'll check it out later, I just thought everyone in this rp was normal but having a diversity of characteristics seems more fun)) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted April 1, 2014 ((Maybe explain your character's household abit, let us see some character development like his daily things he does or his thoughts on this curse)) ((I'll check it out later, I just thought everyone in this rp was normal but having a diversity of characteristics seems more fun)) ((Everyone kinda IS normal. But everyone has their special skills,remember that.)) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) too many OOC posts here guys go to the other thread for that K thanks A small groan escaped the girl's lips. Scarf and jacket was tossed aside and she was lying on her back on the bed. Since school was released early today so there wasn't exactly any homework to do. Nimue flipped open her phone and saw that there was no response from Cesare. It was expected of course. No matter how much she texted him, he would never reply. What the hell am I suppose to do? Do some research like everybody else? It's no point. A small vibration came from her phone and she quickly looked at it to see that it was from Ceasare. The message read. [so I asked around a little bit and it turns out that most of the people I asked doesn't want to talk about that topic so lightly. Some would just leave as soon as I said 'Curse of Rose'] Nimue narrowed her eyebrows as he began to type back a response. [Are people really that scared to catch the curse or some shit like that? There was nobody that would give you a straight answer?] [No. I'm going back home. And stop spamming my phone before I block your number] Meanwhile "All these cases have something in common, but I just can't make the connection." "What? That people die?" "No, not that. And stop spinning in that chair over there. I'm trying to focus." Lucy drew out a sigh as she looked over at her textbook, which seemed to be stuffed with papers. That was expected since she was a freshmen in college but she was still a child at heart. "Well out of the people in your class, try taking these into consideration when looking for your ghost student or whatever." Lucy got up from the chair and began pacing. "Interrogation. Question them but not to the point that it will drive them away. Ask about their life, emotional state, anything that they're willing to tell. From past ghost stories, people usually have a reason for staying on earth to haunt a certain something. Like they're chained to the earth because they have 'unfinished' business that they need to deal with. And a person that would fit that description would be the person that's dealing with something very deep internally or maybe even externally." Ryo didn't say anything as he considered all of this. "I don't really know any of my classmates like that, so I'll try that. Are you sure this will work?" "Hey, I'm not some ghost hunter. This is sorta like a mystery right? So take a forensic approach to all of this. And another thing." "What?" "Get off of the computer before your eyes turn to shit. You've been sitting there all afternoon." Meanwhile Out of fatigue, Rose decided to call it a day and went to sleep a lot early than she usually would, but Mary would probably come out any minute now. Next to her slumbering body on her carpet on the room floor was her laptop of course, now on the desktop screen, and stack of paper everywhere. They were all tidy and each had a different label. One labeling cases that happened already and the deaths of the students ever recorded. One with the list of suspects that are still residents here and the rest were just people she should start interrogating soon. Mary was right, she really was an ace when it came to research. A job well done, but now she needed to rest. Edited April 1, 2014 by Junko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites