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i feel bad for even thinking this

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i was watching fairy tail and gildarts said "at fairy tail we will not let our friends die even if at the cost of the world!". i want to also think the same way but theres one thing. let me explain. if you were put into a situation were the fate of the world was in one botton. if you dont press the botton, then the world and all of its inhabitants die. if you do press it, the world is saved, but at the cost of the person you love the most. i think i would push the botton, then live he rest of my life in agony and pain, or enjoy my life from that moment on, depending on how the person who was at stake reacted before me pressing the botton. if the person was showing some sort of of acting like "i understand that its the only way and its ok if you kill me" then afterward i would proceed to enjoy my life becouse it seems like thats what he/she wanted me to do. if he/she was showing a reaction along the lines of "how could you even think about this? dont do it!" or "please dont kill me!" then after pressing the botton i would live the rest of my life in agony and pain. maybe even killing my self afterward. i feel absolutly horrible for thinking this and dont ever want to be put into a decition like this. pls dont think that im a horrible person for the desition i would have made becouse even after a made it, i would feel absolutly horrible. this botton thing never hapens in fairy tail (as far as im aware of) but i cant help but think about it. i say around 49% of me doesent want to press the botton but 51% of me is worried about everyone else losing the same thing i will lose if i do press the botton. i probably would pres it tho if the person who was at stake said that he/she was ok with dying for the sake of the world. sry, but i just had to share. if your reading this, i urge you to respond.


EDIT: I thought it over and I've switched my desicition. I never really put it into account how bad I would be if I killed my best friend. I'm not saying I completely switch over but I just can't bear the feeling of killing my friend for ANY reason. Even if it is for the world, I don't know if I'd be able to do it. I'm somewhere in the middle. If I were in that situation I would probably just faint. I'm sorry that I've made such a big deal about this but I'm a worryful person. I don't know if you can believe me but I really did think it over and I just can't either way. I'm tied in the middle. If your reading this than I thank you but I can't just...... UGH!!!! I hope that everyone who originally read this topic is reading this edit but that obviously isn't going to happen but I st least hope that some people are reading it.

Edited by benj0818

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watch Fate/Zero a similar situation to that of your button one occurs on more then one occasion one of the main characters Kiritsugu has the mind set of when it comes to saving people whether it be someone you care for or not the majority out way the few 

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watch Fate/Zero a similar situation to that of your button one occurs on more then one occasion one of the main characters Kiritsugu has the mind set of when it comes to saving people whether it be someone you care for or not the majority out way the few 

im sorry, pls restate in laymans terms. -_-

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watch Fate/Zero a similar situation to that of your button one occurs on more then one occasion one of the main characters Kiritsugu has the mind set of when it comes to saving people whether it be someone you care for or not the majority out way the few 

actually i think i get it. i just was confused over the lack of puntuation. thanks for the answer!

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im sorry, pls restate in laymans terms. -_-

in layman terms hum let me see what im trying to say is that in another anime i watch (Fate/Zero) unlike Gildart who said no matter what even if we make an enemy of the world we will protect our family and friends the character in Fate/Zero Kiritsugu has an all together different mind set of thinking for when it comes to saving people in his mind the majority will always out way the few for example in fate/zero kiritsugu is told that two boats are sinking on one boat there is 300 passengers on the other there is 400 kiritsugu is then told he is the only one who can fix the ships but he only has even time to save one which does he chose without hesitation he chooses the ship with 400 but is kidnapped by the 300 ship and told to repair there ship first in responce he kills all 300 passengers on board the ship so he can get to the 400 ships and fix it over the 300 and thus he attempts to save the majority over the few even if it means killing 300 people its a dark mind set to have but in many ways its an accurate one for a world like ours but if i could i'd prefer to have a mind set more like Gildarts 

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in layman terms hum let me see what im trying to say is that in another anime i watch (Fate/Zero) unlike Gildart who said no matter what even if we make an enemy of the world we will protect our family and friends the character in Fate/Zero Kiritsugu has an all together different mind set of thinking for when it comes to saving people in his mind the majority will always out way the few for example in fate/zero kiritsugu is told that two boats are sinking on one boat there is 300 passengers on the other there is 400 kiritsugu is then told he is the only one who can fix the ships but he only has even time to save one which does he chose without hesitation he chooses the ship with 400 but is kidnapped by the 300 ship and told to repair there ship first in responce he kills all 300 passengers on board the ship so he can get to the 400 ships and fix it over the 300 and thus he attempts to save the majority over the few even if it means killing 300 people its a dark mind set to have but in many ways its an accurate one for a world like ours but if i could i'd prefer to have a mind set more like Gildarts 

i agree. but i just cant stant how i would feel if i didnt kill my friend for the world. same as a cant stand saving the world at the cost of my friend. i wish i could just have gildart's mindset. i wish i could just get this strait!

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i agree. but i just cant stant how i would feel if i didnt kill my friend for the world. same as a cant stand saving the world at the cost of my friend. i wish i could just have gildart's mindset. i wish i could just get this strait!

its a tricky topic at hand and although it seems as if there is only to possible routes to take with it in truth the real answer to this question lays deep within every persons heart and for each person there will be a different answer but none shall know what that answer actually is until if ever they are faced with the challenge of actually having to make that choice when and if that time cames only then shall one truly know what there true feelings towards his topic are

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its a tricky topic at hand and although it seems as if there is only to possible routes to take with it in truth the real answer to this question lays deep within every persons heart and for each person there will be a different answer but none shall know what that answer actually is until if ever they are faced with the challenge of actually having to make that choice when and if that time cames only then shall one truly know what there true feelings towards his topic are

i feel that if i were faced with this situation, depending on how the person was acting when he/she was at stake, i would push the bottn becouse there are thousands like me who have that same friendship with other people and it doesent seem fair to kill all of those people for the sake of 1 to remain. if the person was showing some sort of of acting like "i understand that its the only way and its ok if you kill me" then afterward i would proceed to enjoy my life becouse it seems like thats what he/she wanted me to do. if he/she was showing a reaction along the lines of "how could you even think about this? dont do it!" or "please dont kill me!" then after pressing the botton i would live the rest of my life in agony and pain.

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