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Jordan Arnold

I'm gonna start a fight

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Posted ImageI'm just gonna put this here.

Would you like a large, or a small smoking crater to commemorate where you once stood for suggesting Xion as an annoying character?

Edited by Javelin434

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Sora is the worst charcter in kingdom hearts

Yyyyyeah that's why he's the main character while the others are sidekicks or damsels waiting to be saved by him


In short:No Sora,no Kingdom Hearts series....nothing


It's like a Zelda game without Link or a Megaman game with no Megaman



oh last note:the Kingdom hearts series is amazing but it's fanbase is terrible fighting over their waifuhusbandu characters

Edited by Metal Snake

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Would you like a large, or a small smoking crater to commemorate where you once stood?

i know u like the ladies of kingdom but i agree xion is not need and annoy 

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No one cares. You seem to have a fetish with sora because you mention how much you hate him in a few threads. Is it like when a little boy teases the girl he likes because he's unaware of his feelings? How do you hate good characters? Especially the main person.I don't hate any characters its a waste of my time to hate each character has goods and bads. But if you hate sora then have fun playing bbs and days.

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No one cares. You seem to have a fetish with sora because you mention how much you hate him in a few threads. Is it like when a little boy teases the girl he likes because he's unaware of his feelings? How do you hate good characters? Especially the main person.I don't hate any characters its a waste of my time to hate each character has goods and bads. But if you hate sora then have fun playing bbs and days.

Hey don't diss the two saddest games in kh history and the reason I dislike sora is because the key blade wouldn't have chosen him if it wasn't for the large amount of hearts dwelling in his body he cheatedDo I really talk about not likening sora a lot Edited by Jordan Arnold

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Hey don't diss the two saddest games in kh history and the reason I dislike sora is because the key blade wouldn't have chosen him if it wasn't for the large amount of hearts dwelling in his body he cheated


Do I really talk about not likening sora a lot


 Actually it was destiny according to Nomura . He's always said that . Also,according to Nomura himself you are wrong :


- So it�s not �Once Sora�s story is finished, another hero�s story will begin�, the hero is always Sora.


Nomura: Yes. One of the concepts behind the KH series is that the main character Sora isn�t special, he�s just a normal boy. Yes he does have connections with Ventus� heart, among others, but he hasn�t inherited anything from them.  He�s just a normal boy you could find anywhere. I wanted to make Sora a character that the player could take onto themselves and feel that you don�t have to be special. But connect to many people and you will realize your secret potential. With BbS I want to make fans excited to see Sora�s return. The secret event is a symbol of that, so I hope everyone will get to see it and wait for Sora�s next adventure.



-Even though Riku was the rightful owner of the Keyblade, then why did Sora obtain the Keyblade in the beginning?

Nomura: Even though I would like to keep that obscure, there is a scene in Destiny islands where Riku is being swallowed by darkness, a light appears, and Sora first obtains the keyblade. With the setting I created, the darkness that surrounds them is Riku’s heart’s darkness. At that moment, Sora enters the darkness, and the light he sees inside is Riku’s heart’s light. Sora, who was squirming in the darkness to save Riku, touched the light and temporarily obtained the Keyblade from Riku.

---Does not the Keyblade itself choose its owner?

Nomura: The Keyblade reacts to the rightful owner’s heart and appears to them. Even though it was definitely Riku who called the Keyblade towards him, the reason why Sora was able to weild it was because he also had the right qualities too.



Also this :


It's hard to deride a character who has the best track record for being effectual and getting things done.  Hate Sora all you want; without him, the universe would've imploded three times over by now.

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When it comes to games, I think most people tend to prefer the original protagonist over the next. I didn't like Roxas for the longest time because I never thought he would ammount to Sora's level (also cue the majority of MGS fans with Raiden). I've come to quite like Roxas though. What are some faults on Sora's end?


But yes, Xion.

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Xion is great. I don't see anything wrong with her. I really don't see anything wrong with Sora, I just don't like him that much. Vanitas is.....

Okay so yes Sora is an excellent character. I'm not quites satisfied why Riku is not the protagonist. I mean like he sorta is but he's like a side kick until DDD.

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