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KHUX the darkest KH game and story ever!

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so is was playing chi yesterday and i was trying to get to daybreak town so i can get some new story to read and i did and once i started reading i couldn't stop and hears what i read(unless your not going to play chi or have no interest in it don't read, spoilers)  STORY 5-2

Go talk to Chirithy.


Chirithy:   やぁ、ゴメンねぇ。 Ah, I'm sorry. しばらく、ボクの方で 調べてたんだぁ。

I was just checking things out by myself for a bit.

こないだの ダークボール出現のこと。 You know those Darkballs that have been popping up lately. それで、わかったんだけど、 やっぱり、あのハートレスは他の 世界からやって来たみたいなんだ。 Just like I thought, those Heartless don't seem to have come from this world. つまり、残念だけど、 その世界も闇に浸食されつつある、 ということ。 Basically, that means that even this world is being eaten away by the darkness right now, sad to say. でも大丈夫だよねぇ。 But it'll be all right. キミには 闇を払う力がある! You have the power to drive back the darkness! うん。 そうそう! Yeah. Exactly! それに新しい世界へ行けば 新しいキーブレードの力も 得られるはずだよぉ。 Plus, if you go to a new world, you should be able to get new power for your Keyblade. これからも厳しい戦いに なるだろうから、 I think from here on out the fight will only get tougher, so キミにはその力を 手に入れてきてほしいんだ! I'd love for you to go out and get that power! うん。 じゃあ キーブレードを差しだして。 Yeah. All right, please hold out your Keyblade. さあ、 新しい世界へ行こう! Come on, let's go to a new world!


Chirithy:   やぁ、チリシィ。 Hey there, Chirithy. Another Chirithy:   やぁ、チリシィ。 Hey there, Chirithy. Chirithy:   どうだい? 君のプレイヤーは。

How're they going? Your Player, I mean.

Other Chirithy:   無関心な感じだったねぇ。 They felt kinda apathetic, really. Chirithy:   そうか。。。。。。 Oh, really… Other Chirithy:   まだ試練が 足らないのかも。 Maybe they haven't been put through enough trials yet. Chirithy:   困ったねぇ。 That sucks. Other Chirithy:   ただでさえ、光の勢力は 5つしかないのに。 And there are already only five forces of light, to boot. Chirithy:   欠落は埋められない。 We can't cover up deficiencies.

彼らの成長に 期待するしかないね。

I guess all we can do is place our hope in their growth.

STORY 5-11


  彼は来れないくなったんだ。。。。。。 He won't be coming, now…

ボクは彼から 伝言をたのまれてね。

He left me with a message. 約束を守れなくてゴメン。 I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. じゃ、たしかに伝えたよ。 Well, I'm sure it made it.


Chirthy 1:   やぁ、チリシィ。。。。。。 Hey there, Chirithy... Chirithy 2:   。。。。。。やぁ。 ...Hey. Chirithy 1:  

ボクのプレイヤーは 闇にきえてしまった。。。。。。

My player was erased by the darkness… Chirithy 2:   。。。。。。


Chirithy 1:  

ボクの役目も ここまでかな。。。。。。

I guess my duty is finished, too... Chirithy 2:  

ボクたち使い魔は、 プレイヤーに紐付けられる。

Familiars like us are tied to our players.

プレイヤーが消えれば、 ボクらも消えるんだよ。

If our player is erased, so are we. Chirithy 1:   そうだよね。。。。。。 Yeah... Foreteller:  

キーブレード使いの活躍によって、 多くのルクスを回収しても、

Due to the actions of the Keyblade Wielders we have gathered a great deal of Lux, 

それ以上の勢いで、 闇の勢力は拡大している。

but even so, the power of the darkness is growing with even greater force. Chirithy 2:  

やっぱり、 5つの光の勢力に 裏切り者が?

Then there really is a traitor within the five forces of light? Foreteller:  

まだ、 そう信じたくはない。

I do not want to believe so, not yet. Chirithy 2:   。。。。。。はい。 ...Yeah.

(link to that scene, skip to 4:21: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOqkD4VVr3I)


darkest plot yet, no one has said someone has died or has showed death, but i like it. kh is starting to grow up a little more and it like how the darkest story is in the cutest game.(and by dark i mean everyone is going to die)

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I don't really see how this is the darkest. All worlds we've visited in KH games were being consumed by darkness, that's why the Heartless were there in the first place. If anything, Birth by Sleep is probably the darkest, considering everyone's fates at the end. I find that much darker than worlds being consumed by darkness, and characters who we barely even know/care about being erased when their students do, too.

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I don't really see how this is the darkest. All worlds we've visited in KH games were being consumed by darkness, that's why the Heartless were there in the first place. If anything, Birth by Sleep is probably the darkest, considering everyone's fates at the end. I find that much darker than worlds being consumed by darkness, and characters who we barely even know/care about being erased when their students do, too.

its the darkest because they never say it the closest thing to the word death. they say "consumed by darkness", but he said "My player was erased by the darkness…" that means death, while the other meant ether: they are in the realm of darkness, the were corrupted by the darkness but not dead, or maybe death. plus you have to realize that this is the keyblade war, so that automatically means that everyone will die by the end of this game and the world will ether be consumed by the darkness or will turn into the keyblade grave yard and your playing in a war too soo....


In the loosest sense of the term sure.

not really, but what ever.

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its the darkest because they never say it the closest thing to the word death. they say "consumed by darkness", but he said "My player was erased by the darkness…" that means death, while the other meant ether: they are in the realm of darkness, the were corrupted by the darkness but not dead, or maybe death. plus you have to realize that this is the keyblade war, so that automatically means that everyone will die by the end of this game and the world will ether be consumed by the darkness or will turn into the keyblade grave yard and your playing in a war too soo....


not really, but what ever.

The direct Japanese translations will obviously be less censored than the official English ones, that's how it typically is for everything. They probably refer to death multiple times in the Japanese translations of KH games. Also, "erased" could mean other things, including being sent to the Realm of Darkness. Besides, I personally don't find it as dark because I just can't care for the characters in Chi. It's considered noncanon by many anyway, so it doesn't necessarily matter to those of us who don't consider it canon. In fact, I believe there was only that one script or whatever that was confirmed to be canon.

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The direct Japanese translations will obviously be less censored than the official English ones, that's how it typically is for everything. They probably refer to death multiple times in the Japanese translations of KH games. Also, "erased" could mean other things, including being sent to the Realm of Darkness. Besides, I personally don't find it as dark because I just can't care for the characters in Chi. It's considered noncanon by many anyway, so it doesn't necessarily matter to those of us who don't consider it canon. In fact, I believe there was only that one script or whatever that was confirmed to be canon.

nomura said the whole game is canon and the "characters" are your self, fortellers, and chirithy so they are important, and kh doesn't get censored like that, it only gets censored in gameplay, but not dialogue i've watched all of them in jap with subs. the only time it was censored was in US release re:com axel was supost  to say "one hell of a show" like in the US release of Com but in bbs maleficent dose say it. and how dose "erased" mean being sent to the Realm of Darkness? it meas gone for good, erased from existence. but not seeing it dark is your own opinion though

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So basically, each player has their own Chirithy and if a player some how gets banned or basically has their account deleted, their Chirithy gets erased too. (or maybe it also refers to quitting the game.)

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So basically, each player has their own Chirithy and if a player some how gets banned or basically has their account deleted, their Chirithy gets erased too. (or maybe it also refers to quitting the game.)

lol, yeah xP this game just got real!!!!

Edited by Keyblade master26

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