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Kingdom Hearts: Fade into Light (Roleplay Signups)

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i have no idea what's going on so forgive my character being aloof.

will edit.

Name: Soul
Age: 19
Gender: Male


Posted Image


Personality: Aloof and uncaring, yet unpredictable during bouts of emotion. Perpetually bored, yet loves to play around during fights. He loves teasing people.

Bio: Soul. The word for something inside you. The silver haired boy once had a name, but couldn't recall what it was. All he remembered was unlocking a keyblade, and finding the darkness in his heart appear in his hand. A portal opened him to a world he never knew, and to make it worse, he has amnesia. Desperate to make a personality, he forges one, despite lack of feeling.


(toss me in whatever world you're all in)


Keyblade: Posted Image

Spell Blizzard
Light/Dark: Dark

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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