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What worlds could return in Kingdom Hearts 3?

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Here are my thoughts on what world should appear in the new game.


There are many locations in each world that were not shown in previous worlds, from past games


Atlantica - We could visit Prince Eric's castle and this time Ariel and Eric's daughter.


Beast's Castle (we only saw Beast's Castle and not the village where Belle came from) we could explore the village called Beauty Village. Gaston should appear this time as a main villain against the Beast.




We never really go inside the Sultan's Palace. Jasmine mentions her father but we never see him.  We never see Jasmines tiger pet Raja. We could maybe see them in Kingdom Hearts 3


Halloween Town and Christmas Town would look good in the new graphics.


Pridelands - I want to see pride rock in it's actual glory, not based when Scar took over, leaving pride rock nothing but dead rock, no grass and greenery whatsoever. We could see a grown up Kiara.


Port Royal should come back ...


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Radiant Garden (Heroes' main hub)

Destiny Islands (Where the tutorial will take place)

Twilight Town (Where all the heroes can eat ice cream together)

Mysterious Tower (Where Yen Sid will issue missions)

Castle Oblivion (Where Aqua and friends will go to get Ven obviously)

The Land of Departure (Restored by Aqua upon retrieving Ven)

The World that Never Was (Where the Disney villains have set up shop)

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Apart from KH original worlds, I would want:


A Pirates of the Caribbean world, possibly based off the plot of the fourth movie.

An Alice in Wonderland world: based off the Tim Burton movie

Fantasis world. It was my favourite world in KH3D and I want it to return.

Olympus Coliseum.


Other than that, I want all other Disney worlds to be entirely new worlds.

Edited by atheist123

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Fool. Technically, any of them could return except the Tarzan world and the End of the World.


The End of the World is possible to return (depending on the plot for KH3). They could have it as a world or stage in the Realm of Darkness.

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I would presume that Agrabah or one there's been loads of (Agrabah is the only one that springs to mind right now, damn I hate that world) simply cause KH3 is meant to be all great and wonderful and fabulous and mind blowing and wow, so to use a world that's been repeated in the majority of each installment seems boring.  I want Disney's Alice with trippy visuals (could be returning Alice to her actual home, England), and OC where we get to the see the other gods. 

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Well, of the worlds that would probably return, there's:

  • Agrabah:  At this point, it's been added in almost every single Kingdom Hearts game.  And in the series we saw the plot for the first and second movies, so chances are that we'll see Aladdin's father in Kingdom Hearts 3.  So I'm sure that'll be a world that will appear.
  • Port Royal:  I want to visit this world again! Since in Kingdom Hearts 2 we witnessed the story of the Curse of the Black Pearl, in Kingdom Hearts 3 we could see the plot from Dead Man's Chest!  And well, Johnny Depp in digitized form is awesome. xD
  • Radiant Garden:  This is a must.  It would be shockingly odd if this world didn't appear.
  • Traverse Town:  Seeing as how there are countless worlds out there, odds are that Traverse Town will always be there to serve as refuge from those who have lost their home worlds.
  • Wonderland: The Tim Burton version.  This is the definitive, creepy and awesome way that Wonderland should be presented, and plus, it's also got Johnny Deep. Plus, it'd be badass to fight against the Jabberwocky, or however it's spelled. :3
  • Pride Lands: Like I've stated in a few topics before, we could see Kovu and Kiara's relationship in Kingdom Hearts 3.  Their story is an intriguing one, and I would love to have Kovu as a party member! Plus, it's the same guy that voices Noel from XIII-2 and XIII-3, so yeah, there's that too, lol.
  • Halloween Town:  Face it people, Jack Skellington is the Pumpkin King, and he deserves to get his shot at Kingdom Hearts 3, since the Kingdom Shader would be implemented in a way that Jack and the others move in claymation style, like in the movie.  God, that'd be worth drooling over. :O
  • The World That Never Was: I'm guessing that it'll be the base of the new Organization, so it's most likely.
  • The Keyblade Graveyard: Xehanort said that they'll all meet at the fated place, so that's an obvious indication that he means the Keyblade Graveyard.  And I hope more areas are explored, because seriously, only the Twister Trench!?  I wanted to roam around the vast wasteland! Oh well, here's hoping it happens in KH3.
  • Twilight Town: Since it was shown in the trailer, I'm guessing that Nomura will probably add this world, because after all, it's a world that is in between light and darkness.
  • Olympus Coliseum: Heck, do I even need to explain this?  The D23 Expo Gameplay video practically gave off a huge hint that we might get to go to Mount Olympus and finally hang out with Zeus!  How cool is that!?  Although, Hades is already dead.  But I'm guessing they could pull off the Titans attacking Mount Olympus and Sora and the others fending them off kind of thing.  Hey, it could be done.
  • The Land Of Dragons: I love Mulan, and I loved this world in Kingdom Hearts 2, and I know that Nomura will probably add it!  Here's keeping my fingers crossed for it to be included!

Those are all the worlds I have in my mind for now that I want to return.  If I keep going on and on, I think I won't finish, lol.  I just hope I didn't bore you all halfway through this post. Lol. xD

Edited by Golden Fighter

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I would REALLY want to see Sora going to Disney Town AND Disney Castle. And it wouldn't hurt to add in worlds they didn't put in the first place. The Jungle Book world? HELLO? oh and another world i would want to see in kh3 is Wasteland from Epic Mickey. it would be AWESOME if Sora allies with Oswald and destroys the Phantom Blot.

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