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Lu Xun

So far, has 2014 been a good year to you in terms of video games?

So far, has 2014 been a good year to you in terms of video games?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. So far, has 2014 been a good year to you in terms of video games?

    • Yes! I've bought a few nice games and/or a new console/handheld.
    • Yup! Only bought a game so far, but it was a good game.
    • More or less... Maybe..
    • Nope. I haven't bought any new games so far; it's been terrible.
    • Nah. And I don't expect it to get any better any time soon!

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Well Lu Xun,I started this year with Lightning Returns FFXIII of all games I could've bought,guess how that turned out??



Yyyyeah,more or less it's so far mixed,but once I get FFX HD,DKC Tropical Freeze,Bravely Default,Mario Kart 8,Smash Bros 4 among others I'm sure 2014 can be a much better year than 2013

Edited by Metal Snake

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I didn't vote in any of the spaces, because as far as I can remember, I haven't bought any games in this year as of yet.  Bravely Default will probably be my first game of 2014.  But yeah, if there would have been a "Not yet, but I plan to get games soon!" option, I'd have voted for that.  So yeah, I didn't vote in the poll. xD  God, I want 2.5 so badly already! X_X

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South Park The Stick of Truth was some of the best fun I've had in ages, since Bravely Default last year. This year hasn't been as good as 2013 which already had DmC, Fire Emblem, Dead Space 3, and Tomb Raider by now.

Edited by atheist123

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Lightning Returns, Dangan Ronpa, Project Diva f, Bravely Default, with


Kingdom Hearts II.5, BlazBlue Chrono phantasma, Tales of Xillia 2, Final Fantasy X-X2 HD, Persona 5 / Arena 2 / Q / Dancing All Night, and Dangan Ronpa 2 on the way


I'd say it's a so-so year

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So far, alright. The only game I've gotten so far is Assassin's Creed IV, though, and that was because someone let me borrow it. I'm gonna be buying MGSV: GZ in a couple weeks, though, so that should be fun. Then, of course, there's KH 2.5 coming out. So, so far, it's looking good.

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Game year looks great. Gotten Lightning Returns, and will be playing it next month or so after I finish FFXIII and FFXIII-2.

My next game is FFX/X-2 HD Remaster, and maybe Bravery Default comes next. If not, then I will be waiting for KH 2.5.

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"...has 2014 been a good game to you in terms of..." 2014 is a game? xD


Anyway, it's been alright so far. Tales of Symphonia is the only thing out so far. But Final Fantasy X collection, Watch_Dogs, inFamous Second Son, the new Assassin's Creed, and KH 2.5 will make it a lot better.

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Well, if getting games that were released years ago counts, I got Metal Gear Solid, which is awesome. I also downloaded a few 3DS/Wii U games. I'm looking forward to getting Bravely Default soon, and with KH2.5, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 4, and Evolve coming soon, this year's looking bright.

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Lightning Returns and Left Behind TLoU were both awesome :D


Looking forward to KH 2.5, BsI Burial at Sea E2, probably Super Smash Bros, and.... well crap. I think that's about it for this year. O_o

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Bought no games yet (ones that have come out in 2014) but InFamous: Second Son and MGSV come out later this month so I guess I will be getting those.


Slow start but I am sure this year will be nice for gaming.

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2014 had a pretty good start for me,I bought Castlevania Lords of shadow 2 and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles and I have a lot of fun playing them.


As for later this year I intend to buy KH2.5 of course, Tales of Xillia 2,the next Naruto game that's coming up and I still haven't bought South Park the stick of truth

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Not when my PS3 is an ocean away!!! *cries*

It's not all bad though.  I have my 3DS.  And I went to a game convention a few days ago and got to try out the oculus rift.  I guess that makes up for it ^^

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I started uni recently, and my weekly timetable is so full. Most days I don't get home until 8-11 at night, and then I have dinner, homework, and am dead tired. Video games have taken a hit for me this year, and I don't like it :(

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More or less, in terms of games that are going to be released, it's not half-bad, still waiting for Monster Hunter 4 and Dragon Ball Battle of Z, which I will gladly spend money on both.

Square Enix says so? Well yeah, sure KH2.5, but otherwise then that? Meh.

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bravely default. fire emblem awakening. Apparently, i've been working on expanding my 3DS console library.

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