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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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"I apreaciate the offer but guitar isnt my thing. Lucio ... he can play guitar like a pro now. But maybe ill change my mind some day. And im still tryig to make that band, dreams like those are just too good to give up. If youre interested maybe you culd come play a song or two. My dad owns a studio downtown and ... Oh im getting ahead of myself again." Cadance replied. She wasnt the kind of person to give up on dreams if not else she culd at least get Lucio to help her after all hes aulways been there for her. "Anyway i see that you dont like to talk about that so lets leve the subject. After all the past is the past all you can do is go onward." She contiued noticig that she wasnt really up for a topic like that.

"Well who knows.."She thought "Maybe someday.."She smiled.She say that girl was feeling like she was forcing her to,which made Erin feel guilty."Don't worry,you can ask anything you want on that""After all, the past is the past all you can do is go onward."were the words that felt like a knife thought her heart.The past... Is the past... Go on...With it?A blurry voice rang in her head as a flashback emerged in her mind"YOU'LL HAVE TO GO ON WITH IT,YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE PAST,ERIN!""YEAH,I firetruckING GET IT,BUT CAN I JUST KNOW MORE 'BOUT IT?!I'M ALMOST 17,,I'M ENOUGH MATURE TO KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!""YOU MEAN MATURE BY ROBBING,TAKING DRUGS AND BEING....IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN MATURE?!YOU IDIOT GIRL YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING"*sound of a hit*"IT'S NOT LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!IF I DIDN'T JOIN THE BAND,WE WOULD BE ON THE STREETS!AND PLUS,WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THE IDEA OF ME SEEING OTHER MEN OR TAKING DRUGS?""IT'S BECAUSE NOBODY CAN'T TRUST YOU ANYMORE!"*silence*"Fine..if you..still think that I'm just a spoiled and ungrateful brat...then I'll leave this house....I got in a new school..barely...I'll start a new life..I had enough... "Goodbye Dad..."As the memory ended ,she jolted a little bit."Oh sorry,I was thinking of something..It wasn't on the subject we were talking"She said with a fake cheerful smile trying to hide the water in her eyes"So anyway...I may sound insane if I ask you this but..Have you experienced something strange on and after midnight?" Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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(I wasn't sure of a good time to come back in.  Plus, I had to study for a test.)



Batsu and Natsu were walking around, wondering what to do or where to go next.  Batsuya blinks his eyes and remembers there's hardly any milk or juice left at the apartment.  He checks his watch and sees there's still some time.  He nudges Natsuya and tells him what he remembered.  Nodding yes, the brothers walk off to the nearest grocery store.

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Cadance noticed that the smile was fake she culd see right through her but decided that it must be something painfull. After she mentioned strange things after midnight she went in thought. "Well there were some noises around the hospital but on most nights i told Lucio to check it out he was there with me. For some reason he aulways came back beet up or hurt or bleading. But last night ..." she remembered what happoned back then voices scratching through her head she suddenly felt scared "They were there i dont know what but they were there. I culdnt tell Lucio cuz i felt like he wuld go nuts over it. Tell me has he been fighting in school. If you saw him then i think you wuld notice his movments. I watched him train three days ago and it looked like he was training to fight something not human." She continued. It was like she was reeliving what happoned. that made her think  "And now i sound like the crazy one."

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Cadance noticed that the smile was fake she culd see right through her but decided that it must be something painfull. After she mentioned strange things after midnight she went in thought. "Well there were some noises around the hospital but on most nights i told Lucio to check it out he was there with me. For some reason he aulways came back beet up or hurt or bleading. But last night ..." she remembered what happoned back then voices scratching through her head she suddenly felt scared "They were there i dont know what but they were there. I culdnt tell Lucio cuz i felt like he wuld go nuts over it. Tell me has he been fighting in school. If you saw him then i think you wuld notice his movments. I watched him train three days ago and it looked like he was training to fight something not human." She continued. It was like she was reeliving what happoned. that made her think  "And now i sound like the crazy one."

"Oh,boy how am I going to explain this to her..."Erin thogth in herself,since her "brother'' refused to tell her.Well,since she'll stay in this dorm,she'll find out sooner or later."No,you don't...I've experienced similar things.I'll tell you if you promise that you'll keep it a secret,OK?"

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I walked down the hallway of doors. Noticing some familiar scents, like the boy (Makoto) from last night. His scent was different from everyone else's scents. Was he the one who brought the one, that smelled like the ones that only come when it gets really dark? I didn't know but I saw him in the corner of my eye when I was eating. He looked sad, with some metal thing around his ears. I felt bad I didn't pay attention to him before, since I was trying to get help for the man (Gijiro). So I sniffed the floor and followed the boy's (Makoto) scent, I sat at the door. Then I scratched at the door making pathetic barking noises, since I had my tongue sticking out.


Makoto grunted, sitting up from his bed. Although his music was playing loud enough to block out nearly every sound--one thing stood out. Scratching as his door. Something wanted in. From the sound of it--either a dog or a really big cat.

"What is it?" Makoto asked, pulling the door open to see what was, in fact, a dog sitting there while barking and pawing at his door."A dog...? When did we get a dog?"

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I tilted my head to the side as my blue stained tongue was still hanging out. I barked a weak hello, "Arwwfffffffff" I couldn't help it, I didn't like the taste of the pen. I wanted to play but I didn't know if the human would want to. So I got on my hind legs and balanced myself by leaning on the boy's leg. 


(Sorry its short)

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Thoughts ran through her head in lightning speed as she herd her say that she experienced similar things. She said to herself "Culd i really keep a secret from lucio? Am i that strong?" This was her most dificult choice in her life. Sure there were decisions but she aulways relied on Lucio for support. "Well ... I ... I promise ill keep it a secret but only if it helps me get to the bottom of this."

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I tilted my head to the side as my blue stained tongue was still hanging out. I barked a weak hello, "Arwwfffffffff" I couldn't help it, I didn't like the taste of the pen. I wanted to play but I didn't know if the human would want to. So I got on my hind legs and balanced myself by leaning on the boy's leg. 


(Sorry its short)


"A trained one too..." Makoto murmured. This dog was certainly interesting, (Was that pen ink on its tongue?) so Makoto smiled for once and gave it a well-deserved pat on the head. "Who's your owner? Usagi? Or someone else? Probably not too good to be in here right now.."

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I wagged my tail as I was petted. As he questioned who my owner was, yes I could understand humans. Some words no…but somethings I've been taught to by other dogs, or my old owners… The thought of the younger boy made my ears lower, and whine. I realized I had no owner, not anymore at least. However I didn't let the thought stay for long, I perked up and walked back a little. Standing as long as I could on my hind legs then got back on all fours.

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(Im mooving on Lucios part cuz lee isnt posting)


After fianlly completing the buisiness he had with Usagi he left. "Good god that took longer than i expected. He ran back to the dorm. As he made his way through the corridor he saw Makoto and the dog. "Is he yours?" Lucio asked not sure if pets were alowed. The atmosphere of the boy he just met was interesting. It was like this kid was going to do something important in the near future.

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Thoughts ran through her head in lightning speed as she herd her say that she experienced similar things. She said to herself "Culd i really keep a secret from lucio? Am i that strong?" This was her most dificult choice in her life. Sure there were decisions but she aulways relied on Lucio for support. "Well ... I ... I promise ill keep it a secret but only if it helps me get to the bottom of this."

"Well..I'll explain to Lucio that I've told you and you can talk about to the people that are ilive in the dorm since I assume that you'll be staying here..right?"

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"Well..I'll explain to Lucio that I've told you and you can talk about to the people that are ilive in the dorm since I assume that you'll be staying here..right?"

She took a deep breath"Ok,Here we go..you see,when the clock strikes at midnight,that's when an even known as the Dark Hour begins.It's not known what cause it but we know some things for sure.The voice you've heard and what was Lucio fighting were by creatures called Shadows.They...aren't harmless.When I mentioned "We"I thought of this dorm-we're a group called the "SpecializednExtracurricular Execution Squad" or for short S.E.E.S.The school sponsors us as a sport club not knowing our true goal-to eliminate both the shadows and the dark hour.It's a reason why I told you keep it a secret."(Why isn't anyone posting?)

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the words rang in her head "Is lucio really in this?"she thought to herself. "So thats why ... He was probubly hiding this from me to protect me. I ... I ... This is a little much for me. I never wuld have guessed he got himself intoo something like this." Cadance said and let out a sigh. "You know he really wants to help people but for some reason he keeps getting deeper and deeper into these kinds of things. Before this he was in a gang and before that he was a smuggler. I culd cary on for hours but i never imagined he culd get intoo something supernatural or whatever this is." That made her think if her so called brother was accualy involved with a lot of bad things. "Thank you for the information i think i understand the situation now.

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I pathetically bark a 'bye'. I got on my hind legs and waved my paw. Heading down the corridor. Seeing two girls talking to each other and I see my old enemy. That blasted pen, I growled getting into a battle stance. Hearing a very familiar tune in a game which my old master played, it included a lot of high pitched 8-bit sounds. He also always screamed, "I want to be the very best that no one ever was!" I wondered why he did this, I shook off the thought.


-Third pov-

Shiro used claw attack!

Pen dodged! Pen used splash! 

Shiro is now covered in blue!

Shiro used growl!

Nothing happened!

Pen uses Swagger!

Shiro falls over! And gets back up very angrily!

Shiro gives up!



(Ps. I. Had. Too. Much. Fun. Ha.)

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the words rang in her head "Is lucio really in this?"she thought to herself. "So thats why ... He was probubly hiding this from me to protect me. I ... I ... This is a little much for me. I never wuld have guessed he got himself intoo something like this." Cadance said and let out a sigh. "You know he really wants to help people but for some reason he keeps getting deeper and deeper into these kinds of things. Before this he was in a gang and before that he was a smuggler. I culd cary on for hours but i never imagined he culd get intoo something supernatural or whatever this is." That made her think if her so called brother was accualy involved with a lot of bad things. "Thank you for the information i think i understand the situation now.

Erin felt bad for giving too much pressure about the subject,but she was later satisfied to see that the girl thanked her.But she didn't expect to actually hert that Lucio's past was similar like hers.That itself raised a lot of questions to her-Have ever met in a gang fight?Was the accident connected with this?She wanted to ask everything but decided not to,because she didn't had the guts to tell her past."I see..."

I pathetically bark a 'bye'. I got on my hind legs and waved my paw. Heading down the corridor. Seeing two girls talking to each other and I see my old enemy. That blasted pen, I growled getting into a battle stance. Hearing a very familiar tune in a game which my old master played, it included a lot of high pitched 8-bit sounds. He also always screamed, "I want to be the very best that no one ever was!" I wondered why he did this, I shook off the thought. 

-Third pov-

Shiro used claw attack!

Pen dodged! Pen used splash! 

Shiro is now covered in blue!

Shiro used growl!

Nothing happened!

Pen uses Swagger!

Shiro falls over! And gets back up very angrily!

Shiro gives up!



(Ps. I. Had. Too. Much. Fun. Ha.)
She also witnessed the dog's fight to "the death".She held herself from laughing as she left a small sigh."Silly dog,now you got to take a bath."she took the destroyed pen and threw it in the bean

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