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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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It didn't take long for Makoto to return to the dorms--especially since, after all, the dorms were on campus.

He had seen Usagi walk by; almost looking like she wanted to say something before walking away. Makoto sighed. He had that air about him. That depressing, anti-social aura that made people uncomfortable in speaking or even being around him.

At least he was back at the dorms, and eventually, in his own room. With headphones still on he flopped onto the bed and let his bag fall to the floor with a muffled clunk.


Finally, peace and quiet.

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Usagi arrived a little late in her dorm than usual..."That little kitty was sooo cute! Good thing I had left over snacks to feed it." Suddenly, the girl's stomach grumbled... "Speaking of food...I am a bit hungry." Usagi dropped her stuff and headed straight to the kitchen. "I think tonight is a good Italian night! Mama mia, let us begin with the meatballs! Usagi began to search for her needed ingredients.

As Usagi was rolling the meat into sphere shapes she started to thing to herself, "I like duckies, there so cute. I also like skunks even though they smell. Making meatballs for me to eat...and I wonder if my Partner will eat them to." Her song then broke off "Speaking of which, where has my Partner been?" She then resumed, "I also like manatees because their neat..."

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At Duck Burger, the brothers were having a good time.  They were enjoying their burgers, looked at all of the other people around, and laughed at corny jokes.  To those two, being with each other was good enough company.  Looking at his watch, Batsuya swallowed and said:  "Better finish soon bro.  Have to get back home before midnight."  "I know."  Natsuya replied, drinking some soda.  Finished, they throw away the trash and start heading to their apartment.

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"Now wait here ok." Lucio said as he left searching for Usagi. He got to her dorm and heard noises. He came through the door and saw her talking to herself. It was a sight that made him close the door. He wanted to go back to Cadance but he needed to get her signed up for school. And so he once again opened the dor and walked in. "Listen miss prez. I dont mean to disturb but there is something i wuld like to discuss."

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Usagi was about halfway done with the meal. "Alright! All I need is the frying pan!" She bent down reaching for the drawer. "I can fry up the meatballs and add a tad of spice." She slowly got up when she heard someone talk behind her back. "INTRUDER!" Quickly she turned around smacked the foe. The person fell down causing Usagi to look. She then realized it was that same boy who always appears, "How the hell did he get inside the dorm?! Only two people live in this dorm...wait do I have a Stalker? Oh...no." If there was one thing Usagi learned from her parents...it was to Never have Stalkers. "I need to figure out a plan and fast."

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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Lucio quickly gets up and gives a angry look. "Ow whats the big idea?" he said as he loked at usagi "Do you really hate me that much? If so then ill stay out of your way but seriously chill out." he wanted to get away but Cadance needed this "Sometimes i wonder if this was all a curse..." He thought. "Listen i need to sign my close friend up for school since youre the president i thought you were the first person i shuld go to." He sighed and Gallan took over "I dont care what he thinks but its getting on my nerver how you treet Lucio as if he was dirt. You may not be mistaken that much but he trys to act according to the rools. My sister wants to go to this school and i just wanted to sign her up." He nearly shouted out of anger and grabed his head "Man you sure know how to kill a person. Dont make me end up same as Gjiro. Last night was a strange thing and i wuldnt like to end up in a body bag  especialy becouse of a president who trys to kill me." He mutterd in pain.

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Naoko left the cafe with more energy that she could think about."That hit the spot." She said while stretching. "Now let's go home, I still need to catch up with all the work I haven't done yet."The blond girl then walked away in direction of her dorm."It's getting late." She thought. "The sun is gone and the moon is up.  A nice night indeed."Slowly she put her headphones over her ears as music began to play.

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Cadance was sittin in the kitchen in the dorm waiting for Lucio. "Hes been gone to long." She thought as she tried to move her wheelchair but unfortunately she ei something on the grounf and fell off her chair. She tried to climb back on to it but she culdnt "Helo! Is anyone there!?" She screamed hoping to get a response. First there was no response so she once again shouted "Hello! Someone please help"

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Cadance was sittin in the kitchen in the dorm waiting for Lucio. "Hes been gone to long." She thought as she tried to move her wheelchair but unfortunately she ei something on the grounf and fell off her chair. She tried to climb back on to it but she culdnt "Helo! Is anyone there!?" She screamed hoping to get a response. First there was no response so she once again shouted "Hello! Someone please help"

After finishing their homework,sshe said goodbye for now to Gijiro and decided to go to her room.Then she heard the cry of help.It wasn't a cry of despair so Erin didn't panic."I'm coming.."she shouted as she walked downstairs.In the kitchen,she found the wheelchaired girl that looked a lot like Lucio.She realized what was the problem-the pen that Shiro chewed while they were in school got stuck in of the wheel.She squated as she removed it."There.Now it alright.And who are you?"

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I walked down the hallway of doors. Noticing some familiar scents, like the boy (Makoto) from last night. His scent was different from everyone else's scents. Was he the one who brought the one, that smelled like the ones that only come when it gets really dark? I didn't know but I saw him in the corner of my eye when I was eating. He looked sad, with some metal thing around his ears. I felt bad I didn't pay attention to him before, since I was trying to get help for the man (Gijiro). So I sniffed the floor and followed the boy's (Makoto) scent, I sat at the door. Then I scratched at the door making pathetic barking noises, since I had my tongue sticking out.

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"Thank you." she said in gratitude but soon turned to her. "Do you know where Lucio ? He and my big brother went to sign me up but its taking to long." She said and looked at Erin with woried eyes. She was obviously woried about what happoned.

Edited by savus1909

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"Thank you." she said in gratitude but soon turned to her. "Do you know where Lucio ? He and my big brother went to sign me up but its taking to long." She said and looked at Erin with woried eyes. She was obviously woried about what happoned.

"Not really,the last thing I saw him,he said he needed to go to the hospital.Is he a relative to you?"

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"No but Gallan is. He is one of lucios personalitys. He picked me up at the hospital earlyer and said i culd stay the night here. You see the doctors are going to let me join this school so i wanted him to show me around but first he had to go sign me up." Cadance answered with a more cheerfull tone "Im Cadance by the way." She continued by introducing herself. "Are you one of his friends?"

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"No but Gallan is. He is one of lucios personalitys. He picked me up at the hospital earlyer and said i culd stay the night here. You see the doctors are going to let me join this school so i wanted him to show me around but first he had to go sign me up." Cadance answered with a more cheerfull tone "Im Cadance by the way." She continued by introducing herself. "Are you one of his friends?"

She raised an eyebrow"So what you're saying is that Lucio isn't his real self?That this Gallan is?"she wanted to ask that but she dared not to since that would make more stress to the girl."Is that so?Well,it's nice to meet you Cadance.I'm Erin.Erin Mochika" "Well he joined yesterday,I met him today so I'm not sure if I could consider his friend yet"

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"In case you were wondering Lucio is Lucio. You see A fiev years ago lucio ordered someone to brainwash him intoo thinking that he is Gallan so i culd have my brother back. Oh the real Gallan died in a freerunning accident and i was devistated, then lucio came and offerd to help me. He is realy nice."  She looked around and there was still no sign of Lucio. "Wait did you just say that Lucio joined jesterday? Are you new becouse he has been at this school since last year. Funy ..." Cadace said wondering how she culd have missed him unknowing that Lucio never even visited school last year.

Edited by savus1909

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"In case you were wondering Lucio is Lucio. You see A fiev years ago lucio ordered someone to brainwash him intoo thinking that he is Gallan so i culd have my brother back. Oh the real Gallan died in a freerunning accident and i was devistated, then lucio came and offerd to help me. He is realy nice."  She looked around and there was still no sign of Lucio. "Wait did you just say that Lucio joined jesterday? Are you new becouse he has been at this school since last year. Funy ..." Cadace said wondering how she culd have missed him unknowing that Lucio never even visited school last year.

"I see.."Erin answered looking down.With what the girl said,she realised origin of Lucio's insanity and why she was in a wheelchair."Well,yes he is in the school since last year,but it was yesterday that he joined this dorm or if he already told you,the SEES"

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"No he hasnt said much about that. I asked him but he didnt want to tell me more about it. His exact words were "Its something dangerous." and then he didnt want to say aything more about it." Cadance sighed. "Can you help me look for him? He is directionally chalanged." She contiued with a more serious tone and a slightly unhappy expression (puppy dog eyes). "Its hard for me to move around like this." She pointed towards her chair.


(Why is noone else posting again?)

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"No he hasnt said much about that. I asked him but he didnt want to tell me more about it. His exact words were "Its something dangerous." and then he didnt want to say aything more about it." Cadance sighed. "Can you help me look for him? He is directionally chalanged." She contiued with a more serious tone and a slightly unhappy expression (puppy dog eyes). "Its hard for me to move around like this." She pointed towards her chair. (Why is noone else posting again?)

She wasn't sure to tell her about the whole Organisation or the Dark hour."Seriously?!"she thought when the girl gave her the puppy dog eyes look.It looked so disconnecting with her serious tone to her voice."I'm sure he'll be back.He seems like he knows what he's doing."She now decided to see if it's worth telling her about everying"So...Are you planning to stay here,in this dorm for this school year?"

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What Erin said ade her feel a little better and she stoped woryig for a while. "I wuld love to but the doctors say that i have to go back to the hospital after class." She sighs. "Still its not that bad ... You see Lucio Gallan Juan Jean and Rei keep me compay. But there are times when i wish i culd go out with friends." Cadance contiued then realised the whole conversation was about her "So tell me somethig about yourself its better when the conversation is two sided."

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What Erin said ade her feel a little better and she stoped woryig for a while. "I wuld love to but the doctors say that i have to go back to the hospital after class." She sighs. "Still its not that bad ... You see Lucio Gallan Juan Jean and Rei keep me compay. But there are times when i wish i culd go out with friends." Cadance contiued then realised the whole conversation was about her "So tell me somethig about yourself its better when the conversation is two sided."

Sadly she didn't got an answer to her quiestion,but she did got an information about Canadence loneliness which made Erin a bit sad.Just the thought of being stuck in a wheelchair saddend her even more."Myself?there isn't much to say about me.."she said smiling"What a freaking LIE"darkskinned girl thought in herself"Well,I joined this dorm last month as well as the school but I don't know a single soul around here,I used to be a guitarist in Nocture and...."she wanted to mention that she can ride a motorbike but decided not to in case that reminds the other girl of the accident."I guess that's pretty much it."She again started to feel like an idiot when though she didn't say anywrong...did she?

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"Oh my god. Youre one of my favourite guitarists." Cadance almost screamed. She had the felig that she knew her but to thik that she spoke to one of her idols. "Why did you quit? You were so good. The band kid of sucked after you did." She said before trying to get a grip. for her it was exciting. " You know i accualy tought of making a band myself. After i watched you play once i kind of wanted to do the same. I even talked lucio intoo learning to play guitar. Heck even i learned to play the drums ... Oh my sorry i rambeling. Its just been so long sice i talked with anyone besides Lucio." She said with a cheerfull expression.


(Well baisicly Cadance is talking to Erin, Lucio is talking to usagi ad thats about it.)

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"Oh my god. Youre one of my favourite guitarists." Cadance almost screamed. She had the felig that she knew her but to thik that she spoke to one of her idols. "Why did you quit? You were so good. The band kid of sucked after you did." She said before trying to get a grip. for her it was exciting. " You know i accualy tought of making a band myself. After i watched you play once i kind of wanted to do the same. I even talked lucio intoo learning to play guitar. Heck even i learned to play the drums ... Oh my sorry i rambeling. Its just been so long sice i talked with anyone besides Lucio." She said with a cheerfull expression.(Well baisicly Cadance is talking to Erin, Lucio is talking to usagi ad thats about it.)

"Huh!?"Erin had to admit,she was suprised of how Cadance reacted.She never valued the information nor the time and experince she had as a guitarist.She always thought that her fans,who half of them forgotten her face,that liked her for her older agressive attitude and their perspective of "sexyness".She bit her lip when the other girl asked those questions"Well I..."This was agonazing to explain."I had some difficulties in my life back then,expecially with education".What suprised her the most and what actually made her happy was when she was told that she was her inspiration,her idol."Well maybe I can join your band someday.Don't give up,ok?"she said giving her a smile.This was a rare smile that one of true happiness.Not that grinning or smiliing was something incommon for Erin but most of them were face."Maybe I can teach you both how to play a guitar?" Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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"I apreaciate the offer but guitar isnt my thing. Lucio ... he can play guitar like a pro now. But maybe ill change my mind some day. And im still tryig to make that band, dreams like those are just too good to give up. If youre interested maybe you culd come play a song or two. My dad owns a studio downtown and ... Oh im getting ahead of myself again." Cadance replied. She wasnt the kind of person to give up on dreams if not else she culd at least get Lucio to help her after all hes aulways been there for her. "Anyway i see that you dont like to talk about that so lets leve the subject. After all the past is the past all you can do is go onward." She contiued noticig that she wasnt really up for a topic like that.

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