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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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Finally. School was over. For the day, at least. And so started the rest of Makoto's school year. New school. New friends. Along with some extra things that surprised even him--the overlord of apathy, boredom, and angst.

Makoto began to ruffle through his bag, searching for his special headphones and walkman. He doubted he would need them, though, as likely someone from the dorm (or just someone interested in the new kid) would approach him for some reason.

"There it is." He mumbled, pulling out the small blue headphones, mumbling a bit to himself.


(The P3 Protagonist's headphones are real things. Audio-Technica ATH-EM7.)

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Usagi sat on a teacher's desk, tapping her legs against the border. She was waiting for her fellow detention students to enter and if they didn't come....

Well moving on, Usagi's mind started to take over as she thought about the school day events. What really struck her overall was the kid who looked exactly like the Newbie. "No one can summon a Persona like that and finish off a blow....well except me." She thought to herself. Yes, it would be about time to enter the lovely tower again, but detention came first.

(yeah Lee plans on buying a pair for her Minako cosplay :3)

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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Naoko put her things on her bag and stood up."Free at last." She muttered. "Time to go home...or stay in the library to read up some books."The blond girl left the room and slowly made her way towards the library, often being pushed by the students who were leaving home or their clubs."I should have waited. Oh well...I'm already outside the classroom."A couple of minutes later Naoko was in the library looking through the bookshelves."What to read...what to read..." She said before stopping on a book that cough her attention. "Let's see...Grimoire de Coeur? This will do."The young girl took a seat in the farthest table to avoid the few students that were in the library so she could read in peace."Let's see what's inside this book." Naoko said while opening the book. "Uh? Tarot? A book about Tarot Cards...Mayor Arcanas...Minor Arcanas...Yeah, this will do for today."

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Lucio left the auditoriun in search of something to do while he Will be in detention "God dam it Gallan wuld you mind not resorting to violance next time." He sighed while he walked towards an unkown direction. the students heard him talk to himself but didnt want to say anything better to leave him alone. The truth is Lucio hiself hated any kind of fighting and hated the solitude that came with it but then again he had no choice. He was walking and somehow iracoulosly found the room in which detention was held. "Hello in coming in." he said as he came through the door. He saw Usagi sitting at the teachers desk and sat down in the front row. "This is my first detention and im guessing ill have it alot so culd you please tell me what im supposed to be doing here." He let all of that out by exhaling and runing his hand through his hair. With this kind of confidance he is going to get himself killed eventualy.

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To her luck,Erin Mochika didn't get sent to detention for pulling her obviously dangerous knife in front of the public by a mistake.But just like she promised,she headed to a bakery to buy a cake.She rolled her eyes as she thought of why would she buy a cake for people that didn't even give a damn about her.But,a promise was a promise and if was a good way to disguise her shame.


After choosing a nice small chessecake and managing to be as nice as possible to some fans that met her and rewarding them with an autograph and a fake smile,she returned back in the dorm.She left a heavy sigh as she placed the cake in the fridge and slid down against its door.She didn't know why but for some reason she felt drained,empty...She didn't know if it was because those fans that painfully reminded her of her past and people's apathy,the blonde boy she saw in the theater or the pulling the knife..maybe all of them


She also noticed the dog."Oh..hey Shiro..are you hungry?"

Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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"Check...check..check." Suddenly the boy from before walked in. "And check, well that makes everyone." She listened to the boy. Usagi did have to question why he flat out proclaimed his troublemaking. "If you keep coming then I'll have you do my bidding." She couldn't help but smile back. Yet still...who was this boy who came and woke her up just in time.

"Well since everyone's here I guess I can explain. Look, it's the first day and your all starting your fresh new lives so I'm not going to torture you all. Let's cut to the chase. You can either sharpened up and make the fullest that you can. Or...you can stay as a soulless body and tick away of the life you could be living out. I don't decide what you do, I just tap your mind. Well that's about all....Everyone is dismissed." Usagi hoped off the desk. "Now I need to stop by the office for my bag..." Usagi gazed at the students for a few moments and then walked to the office.

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"Fancy that." Naoko thought. "It seems that those numbers in my head mean something after all."Naoko closed the book and returned it to its rightful place before taking a look around the library."There is Ten...Six...Eighteen...Twelve..." She said before leaving the library. "Ten, Six, Eighteen and Twelve...That would make Fortune, Lovers, Moon and Hanged Man."While walking through the hallways Naoko noticed the President making her way to somewhere, the office perhaps.""Still strange...Two..."Naoko noticed something strange around the President, something she couldn't put her finger on, but it was there nonetheless. Once the president was right next to her, she muttered something."The Priestess."It was an unconscious action from her, but even if the President managed to catch what she said or not she didn't cared. She made her way to the front gates of the school and left, she had stuff to do at her room, mainly tinkering with electronics, but the mood was right to get a coffee at Chagall Cafe in Paulownia Mall, she needed it to remain awake for "Coffin Time".

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"Do my bidding? Well thats new. She is just like father." Lucio thought as he opened the window. "You guys if miss prez comes back tell her it was an emerdgency." Gallan took over and smirked "Just like in grade school." He juped out and got a good grip on one of the ledges below from there he swung to a nearby tree and got a grip on one of the branches and managed to decend by continously gripping the branches. He then ran as fast as his legs culd cary him. He quickly stoped by the dorm. He was searching for a bag he droped somewhere in the dorm when he saw Erin and Shiro. "Hey. Hows it going." He sain regaining control. He gave te expression that he was in a hurry.



(I didnt understand what dissmissed ment culd Lucio go or must he stay there so i just went by isntinct)

Edited by savus1909

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"Do my bidding? Well thats new. She is just like father." Lucio thought as he opened the window. "You guys if miss prez comes back tell her it was an emerdgency." Gallan took over and smirked "Just like in grade school." He juped out and got a good grip on one of the ledges below from there he swung to a nearby tree and got a grip on one of the branches and managed to decend by continously gripping the branches. He then ran as fast as his legs culd cary him intoo town "He quickly stoped by the bakery. Before he got in he saw Erin and Shiro. "Hey. Hows it going." He sain regaining control. He gave te expression that he was in a hurry.



(I didnt understand what dissmissed ment culd Lucio go or must he stay there so i just went by isntinct)

(Actually Erin is already in the kitchen back in the dorm,but it's ok)

Not long after addressing to Shiro,Lucio came in.She quickly stood up since it would be embarrassing for someone to see her sitting on the tiled floor."I'm fine..I was at the bakery,I bought the cake I promised."She said dusting herself off."And you?Did everyone came back?"

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"I dont know i have to get to the hospital fast. I made a promise." he said as he found his bag and quickly took out a strangely shaped peace of glass. it resembled a bird ore at least something like it. "I wont be here for cake i gotta go but ill be back sometime tonight. Anyway have fun and please dont pule out a knife like that again in public Juan almost pissed his pants ... make that my pants." He ran out the door again shifting to Gallan so he wuld be faster. He then ran recklesly through the city streets dissregarding other people. "This isnt fast enough" he thought as he went through an allyway. in the tight corner Gallan then hoped from one wall to another untill he got to the rooftops. there he was unabstructed as he made his way towards his destination.


(Was this whole thing a little too much cuz i just cant get free runing out of my head. Must be playing to much assasins creed.)

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(yeah, dismissed means u can go)


Usagi was walking to the office to gather her stuff when suddenly she heard a faint whisper, "Priestess..." It forced Usagi to stop and glance back. But when she looked no one was there. "Weird..."

The President walked to the office to notice the other members of the student council were talking about her speech. She would of stayed, but she had to fill out papers agreeing to the terms of being President. So the girl grabbed her belongings and left,

As she left the school's front door she spotted the boy who looked like the Newbie. Usagi kept walking but had a sudden urge to talk to him. She walked past him opening her mouth...but then she closed it and simply glanced at him. Usagi slowly walked towards her dorm.

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I woke up (ha ha finally) and noticed I didn't felt as bad as before. However my vision was still blurry and I still felt a little wobbly. I forgot what I was trying to do earlier so I went back down stairs… I suddenly felt very dehydrated, probably from sleeping so long. I poked around looking for any water…only to find angry spiders… Bottles that smelled odd, anything that wouldn't satisfy my thirst basically. So I gave up… I still felt much more energized than before though. I found things to entertain myself like a pen behind the counter, it was fun… Till I tasted the pen ink...

"Alright,,I promise"For some reason Erin's instincts told her that this promise would be broken in any freaking millisecond.When he left she chuckled slighty at the part with his Mexican personality pissing his pants.She felt a little relieved.She also put some food and water for the dog."Here you go.How's Gijiro?"

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Outside of the janitors room, Batsuya looked at his wristwatch.  Seeing he was done and had plenty of free time, he thought:  With no more work, I'll wait for Natsu to finish and go hangout with him.  After some walking and waiting later, the brothers walk out of the school.  Sighing, Natsuya says:  "Whew.  What a first day.  How was work Batsu?"  Batsuya:  "It was a little demanding, but it was alright.  How about you?"  Natsuya:  "The same, although work in the school kitchen was a little more than I expected.  So, where do you want to go?"  Batsuya:  "I was thinking on going to Duck Burger.  I feel hungry and haven't been to the place for a while."  Natsuya:  "Okay, cool.  Duck Burger is a go."  With that, the brothers start heading off to the restaurant.

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I saw the girl put down some water and food for me, as I walked around with a little blue dot on my tongue. I wanted to bark a 'thank you'. But it only came out as a, "Arwwffhhhhhhhhh" I whined at my pathetic thank you. But I ate first because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle pen ink water. I ate a couple bites as the girl talked to me, mentioning the man's name. I only remembered him shouting…and then I blacked out… So in response I whined now worried that I had left him. I resumed eating not as fast as before not finishing the food and then drank some of the water. Still leaving the taste of pen in my mouth, so once again I stuck out my tongue with smeared blue ink on it… 

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Erin had left far before Joshua could respond. She seemed busy, and that was okay. One less person to have an awkward conversation with, for now, at least, but he was still curious as to who he reminded her of. Joshua went off into his own dormitory--alone, and, of the entire school--probably one of the quietest. Once there, he just gave a short sigh. He looked to the corner of the room, remembering it vividly. He remained in that single corner the entire Dark Hour...but still...couldn't tell if it was a dream...or not.

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Lucio finally managed to get to the hospital. He walked through the door and the nurse welcomed him as if he was living there. "Hello lucio, Gallan, Jean, Juan and rei did you have a nice day at school" the lady said with a smile. "Yeah it was fine and sory im late i had detention. Is she awake now?" Gallan said in a rush. He was rather swety and tired as hell. "Yes She is awake but before you doo anything go take a shower.l You still have a spare uniform here right?" She gave him a key to the staff showers "Youve been here so many times its almost as if you arepart of the staff and i think everyone wuldnt mind" She said still in a cheerfull manor. "Fine." Gallan said and went down the coridor. After a quick shower he went up to the highest floor. It was an empty white place and he culd feel all of the sadness that was hidden in this floor. He stroled down to the room furthest away from the stairs and opened the door. Inside tehre was cadance sitting on her hospital bed and reeding a book on advanced physics. As soon as the door opened she closed her book and hapily screamed "Lucio!" The boy in the meentime reganed control and smiled at her "Hey. How are you feeling? "Oh the doctors said i culd be out of the hospitall soon. Isnt that great?" that made hin almost cry of happiness. Tears nearly came out of his eyes when he heard the good news."Thats just ... just ... I culdnt be more happy today." he said wiping his tear. "Thay said i can even attend school a a freshman starting tomorow. And guess what im coming to your school. But i have to be back here right after class." She said inthusiasticly. It was just that that made her like a sister to lucio. Gallan took over "Yuhu! My little sister can finally have a normal life. Thank goodness that happoned." He screamed it at the top of his lungs not holding back any of the feelings that were going through his head. "Big brother ! She said reaching out for him. He in turn hugged her. "You know i can get you to stay at my dorm so we can be together more often if youd like." "Yes! I only dreamed that it wuld be possible but i have to still come to this place after class you know." Cadance said smiling. "At the dorm were having cake tonight so since you culd join us. Ill even ask the doctors to let you stay the night. Im sure we can find a room." The doctor comes in te room "I heard everything and i have just one thing to say. Yes. Please take care of her Gallan ,lucio,Jean,Juan and Rei. And please watch out for the wheelchair while youre at it." He said pointing to a wheelchair. That made Gallan hurt a little inside knowing that she culd never really walk. Lucio reganed control and helped her get on the wheelchair. "Hang on ill call a car." He said taking out a cellphone. Soon everything was aranged. He pushed her intoo te elevator and went with her to the botom flore. A Limuzine was waiting for them. Before they got to the dorm they stoped by the bakery (So yeah i think there is a party about to happon) Cadance kept looking around the diferent kinds of cakes and culdnt decide. In the end they took three. "Wow lucio! All this for me?" she said in amazement At what expense he wuld go for her. "You are like a little sister to me and this day deserves to be perfect for you." He replied. Soon they were off and got to the dorm. Lucio managed to get the three cakes to the kitchen only with the help of the driver.He noticed that Erin was still there and said " Hey i guess there is going to be a little more cake on the menu." He said and cadance also said "Hi..."


(Longest post of my life)

Edited by savus1909

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She decided to see how was Gijiro doing.With a wooden platter she with more bandages,medic alcohol,a glass of water and a little plate with a slice of the cheesecake she bought she headed upstairs to his room.She forgot to knock on the door as she entered the room."I'm back.You feeling ok?"

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"Hmmm..." He moved a bit in the bed to see the girl, and smiled. "A bit..." His shirt was off, revealing the wound. "Doctors came over... Bedridden for 4 days to 3 weeks at the most... Narutame said I'm out of commission for the dark hour... Or at least communications..." He looked at her. "How was school?"

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"Hmmm..." He moved a bit in the bed to see the girl, and smiled. "A bit..." His shirt was off, revealing the wound. "Doctors came over... Bedridden for 4 days to 3 weeks at the most... Narutame said I'm out of commission for the dark hour... Or at least communications..." He looked at her. "How was school?"

"Well it was fine...Till one point"She said placing the platter next to the bed,as she sat next to him examinig the wound.She had to admit,this one nasty wound."Did the doctor mentioned any treatments for it?"

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"Usual..." Gijiro said. "Bandage, physical therapy..." Gijiro looked at her. "You wanna..." He looked away. "Wanna help me? Get better..." He blushed a bit.

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"Usual..." Gijiro said. "Bandage, physical therapy..." Gijiro looked at her. "You wanna..." He looked away. "Wanna help me? Get better..." He blushed a bit.

She smirked"Of course you idiot"She joked playfully ,grabbing the medic alcohol and a towel that Gijiro had nearby as she pored the liquid on it"Hold still,this might hurt"She said rubbing the wound gently with the soaked towel and after that ,bandaging the same place."You are lucky to be alive"

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He gasped a bit as the alcohol touched the wound. "Thanks... For defending me... For such a foolish move... I was careless..." He clenched his fist. "I'm sorry..."

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He gasped a bit as the alcohol touched the wound. "Thanks... For defending me... For such a foolish move... I was careless..." He clenched his fist. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry it happeneds.I've seen more intence stuff,worse than this.And I think you should definitely thank the pup for helping you"She gazed around his room,because this was her first time entering someone else's room besides hers."Anyway I should give you to rewrite the stuff we did in school right?"

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"Hey!" Gijiro said. "We are both veterans..." He said, with a sad and pained look on his face. He remembered... Him...


"Anyways..." Gijiro said, snapping back to reality. "I need to catch up...You can grab a seat..."

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"Hey!" Gijiro said. "We are both veterans..." He said, with a sad and pained look on his face. He remembered... Him... "Anyways..." Gijiro said, snapping back to reality. "I need to catch up...You can grab a seat..."

What do you mean veterants?"She asked confused,as she saw the expression on his face she decided not to push him.After some silence,she agreed as she ran to her room and later returned with the books>Erin spent a long time studying with Gijiro(Let me guys know if I should write the social links,when and how)

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