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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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"Snap out of it Usagi! You look like a idiot while your suppose to be the President!" "I-I'm ok." Usagi answered the girl as a sweatdrop appeared on her head. "I...have a speech to do...that's all. I thought...I just forgot s-something..." Her voice started to lower it' tune as she spoke on. She then noticed the boy who looked actually like the Newbie pick up her papers.

"Rather clumsy, aren't you, Usagi?"

"I am not!" She ripped the papers out of his hand. Usagi chose to tell her brain that he was just a student who looked alot like the guy she met in her dream. "Ug!" She became flustered as she frowned. "Look, I'm going to my speech. Sheesh!" Usagi marched off. "Jeez! The nerve of that guy..." She mumbled as she walked off. The glorious theater was awaiting her speech.


(Lee's next post will be the speech)

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Makoto frowned, (though his current expression wasn't much different than usual) wondering what he had done to make her one off in such a flustered rush. He shook his head, standing back up. "Well then." Makoto murmured, looking at Eren, "I was trying...to make a joke. Did it...sound too much like teasing?" He asked, looking away for a moment. Had he done something wrong, or was Usagi merely overreacting?

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Makoto frowned, (though his current expression wasn't much different than usual) wondering what he had done to make her one off in such a flustered rush. He shook his head, standing back up. "Well then." Makoto murmured, looking at Eren, "I was trying...to make a joke. Did it...sound too much like teasing?" He asked, looking away for a moment. Had he done something wrong, or was Usagi merely overreacting?

She simply smirked"Hm,don't worry,you didn't even sound close like that.She's just a little ticking time bomb,I guess"She turned to see Usagi making her sassy walk away"I wonder what her speech is about....Wanna check it out?"

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Batsuya walks up to the door of the last room on his list.  He opens up and sees this was better than the last one.  Going inside, he starts by dusting the shelves and ceiling fans.  Wipes clean the chalk and white boards around.  He picks up and throws away all paper on the floor.  Looking around, Batsuya sighs and thinks:  That's all of the rooms.  I finished everything I had to do.  Nothing on the instructions say about going back to that guy any time soon.  Wonder what I should do next.  Exiting out of the classroom, Batsuya walks off.  While walking, he heard a couple of students talking about a speech happening today.  Curious, Batsuya thinks:  A speech?  Since I have nothing else to do, I'll go there just for the heck of it.  With that, Batsuya starts heading over to where the speech will be held.

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Naoko looked at her wrist watch and sighed."Oh dear, it’s only twelve o'clock...How can it only be twelve o'clock?...I’m in agony"The blond girl stood up and shrugged."Oh well...it's almost time for the President's speech, better go early and find a good spot...at the very end..."Naoko then left the dorm and made her way towards the auditorium.

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"Alright Usagi-Chan, it's time to prove why you were chosen as President."

She had worked her butt off for this title. Starting in her 9th grade year she would volunteer in every activity that she could, get the top ten score, and learn of new people along the way while making friends. She was known to be a very good listener and friend to different groups. People would joke around saying she would hop from one group to the next, but overall they enjoyed her company. It was only last year when she announced as "President" making her jump to victory.

Now it was her time to prove it.

She stared at herself while fixing her ears on one of the glass props they used in theater. She smiled at herself and then a image of her own Persona appeared. "Lucia." She mumbled.

"Luceia-Sama it' time." A nearby student told her.

"Ok! Thanks." She smiled back. "Ok Ok...FIGHTO!" Usagi stood behind the curtains.

"And now we will begin our President's Speech..."


(Lee knows she said this would be the Speech post, but she figured she should wait till everyone entered the Theater first o-o)

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After a few minutes Naoko finally reached the Theater where the speech was going to take place."Just in time." She said as she went inside. "Or maybe not."Naoko noticed that many students were already there. She looked for a seat that could be as far as it could from everyone else and found it near the emergency exit."This will do. Now...let's wait for the President."

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Joshua sat in the theatre, ready for the speech. His seating was always indecisive, since he wanted to pay attention and not have any older, monolithic students block his view, but he also wanted to be a bit...isolated from the others. It was always a tough decision, and depended on the topic of the assembly, but he didn't really know what it was this time. He decided to sit in the front row, but at the very end of one side. He could still see well, and hopefully people left a few spots between him and others.

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Lucio went out of the class room and folowed the crowd to where the president was going to give her speech. He had a strange feeling that something was out of place and it was making him uncomfortable. He got to the theater a interesting architecture it was giving of a barokan feel and the seats were placed so no matter where you were you culd still see what was going on on stage. He went to the front row and sat next to a freshman (Joshua). He sat down next to him and said

"Hi is this seet taken?" He gave of a faint simile as he waited for a response.

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The curtains slid open.

This was Usagi's signal, she gave the biggest grin she could and started to wave at everyone. "Hello Everybody!" Sure the crowd wasn't screaming her name, it's Highschool. However, it did make fellow students smile to know that even weirdoes can be a President. Usagi walked to the stand she placed her papers on, "Hope your day has been great! My name is Usagi Luceia, and as of this year I am your President. Today we gather the old and the new for our first week of school has begun!" Luceia then exchanged her emotion to a more serious one as she began to deepen the conversation.


"Everybody here has a purpose, no matter what that purpose may be. School isn't just about learning, it's about finding yourself along a series of events. There are many clubs and activates awaiting you, which means many opportunities to discover something new. I hope you find one to your liking and decide to join." Usagi glanced at her papers. "You know...I don't really need these." She crumbled up the papers infront of everyone's eyes and tried to aim at a very far trashcan. She threw...but missed. "Darn...Well I guess the basketball team won't really need me, hehe." She then smiled again. "I'll make this quick. It's like this...You can either achieve and prosper or simply remain silent. We only go for one goal here and I hope you all know what that is. Bring out the future you wish to take! And finally..." She dug out of the stand what looked to be a red gun...


Everyone slowly started to panic and scream till Usagi shot upwards letting out a massive streamers flow, "Don't Fool yourselves! Thanks everyone for coming!" The President gave one last final grin before she left the stage. 

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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Batsuya makes it to where he heard the speech held in the theatre. He leaned against a wall in a distant corner and listened in.  After the president finished, he thought: Man. One second that girl was cheerful, then serious and straight to the point.  I sort of respect that.  I'd be more amazed if I was still a student here.  Now standing up, Batsuya claps his hands before exiting out the area.

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To put it lightly, Naoko was surprised, not because the change in the President's speech pattern, but for what happened at the end of said speech."Now I didn't saw that coming." She said. "That girl is strange...in a good way...maybe..."The blond girl stood up and slowly left the theater and made her way back to the classroom, avoiding any contact with her classmates or any other student on the hallways.

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"...Um...y-yeah, it's free." Joshua replied to Lucio. Someone he didn't know, but even so, Joshua was nervous to people he DID know as well. He just...needed to really warm up to people. Or...vice versa. He listened to the speech intently, very mildly entertained by the president's energy and enthusiasm. (That seemed...very...abrupt...and short.) Joshua thought himself, confusedly. He picked up the piece of trash near him, the one that Usagi had failed in throwing, and disposed of it in the garbage.

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So Erin and Makoto (if he chose to go there)made their way through the claustrophobic theather a she let the bluenette sit next to a blond boy.At first glance,the seemed steange to her,not only that made the darkskinned girl question herself whenever he's either someone's little brother that came to listen to the speech or an actual freshman.But the thing was,it was strange to her because this boy seemed so familiar to her,even thought they haven't met yet.Hell,she never laid an eye on some of the members in her dorm so it was obvious that she was oblivious of their very existence.Sadly she didn't give much of a look at him as she cocentrated on the speechShe was in fact impressed.....until Usagi pulled the gun.As her eyes didn't recognise the evoker in her hands,her instinsts made her jolt,standing up and pulling a large pocket knife from her sleeve."DON'T YOU DA..."her hysteria stopped as the confetti flew above everyones' heads.Luckly,not many people heard her or saw her but the ones they did...Stared at her.She was left shocked,dumbfolded and embarrased as hell,with the knife still in her hands.She looked at the people that were next to her uncluding Makoto and Lucio.Then, she got an idea"What are you all lookin' at?I'll slice some cake back in our dorm as congratulations for the President"she smiled but felt Iike an idiot even more as well leaving an impression of a psychopathWhen they started to leave,she got a chance to take a better at the boy.That's was the moment she recognised him.Now she stod there with eyes filled with sorrow and dread

"...Um...y-yeah, it's free." Joshua replied to Lucio. Someone he didn't know, but even so, Joshua was nervous to people he DID know as well. He just...needed to really warm up to people. Or...vice versa. He listened to the speech intently, very mildly entertained by the president's energy and enthusiasm. (That seemed...very...abrupt...and short.) Joshua thought himself, confusedly. He picked up the piece of trash near him, the one that Usagi had failed in throwing, and disposed of it in the garbage.

Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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Lucio got up and put his hand on Erins shoulder. "You know its not the best idea for you to be swinging around a knife especialy here." He said with a cheerfull smile like this was no big deal for him "My names Lucio but there are four other personalitiys that might take over So just callme by mylast name Sky. I noticed that you saw something interesting in someone here care to tellme what you saw." He continued in a slightly more serious tone. Aultrough his introduction was short he gave off a vibe that nearly everyone in the room culd feal. This was not like him but ever since he saw the so called ghost of Gallan something has been buging him like he was suddenly out of place. Now he had a sort of mixed face between curiosity and another crepy emotion.

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Lucio got up and put his hand on Erins shoulder. "You know its not the best idea for you to be swinging around a knife especialy here." He said with a cheerfull smile like this was no big deal for him "My names Lucio but there are four other personalitiys that might take over So just callme by mylast name Sky. I noticed that you saw something interesting in someone here care to tellme what you saw." He continued in a slightly more serious tone. Aultrough his introduction was short he gave off a vibe that nearly everyone in the room culd feal. This was not like him but ever since he saw the so called ghost of Gallan something has been buging him like he was suddenly out of place. Now he had a sort of mixed face between curiosity and another crepy emotion.

She came back in reality as the other freshman tapped her shoulder."Yeah,you're right..."she smiled back as she put the knife back in her pocket.She dreaded going to the principal."It's nice meeting you Lucio?Name's Erin Mochika...you may know me as a former guitarist from Nocture"Nocture was the band she used to play in.In fact,she did the guitar part in "Burn my Dread".But anyway,she realized that the fight he had yesterday with Narutame was one of his personalities,but she didn't want to upset him over that.Suddenly his tone got serious when he mentioned staring at the younger boy(Joshua)"Oh it's nothing really,he just reminded me of someone t-that's all"she replied scratching her neck."So,ummm...You and Makoto are in same class right?"

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again with his nice guy face he said "Im not sure. Its myfirst day andyou see i got intoo some truble earlyer today soi think some people may want me out of their life. And another thing the people in my class are realy agresive especialy the gang and ... Oh sory im rambeling. " then Juan took control. "So you were a guitarist i heard you play i think. the solo right. Please tell me more about yourself." All ofthat was said in a  spanish accent then Lucio regained control "You see what i meant by some other personalitys they are prety nice once you get to know them or at leasti think so." He sighed the last part. He gave of an expression that made it clear how much he hated his dissorder. "By the way who is makoto? Is he your boyfriend? and sory if im nosy"

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I woke up (ha ha finally) and noticed I didn't felt as bad as before. However my vision was still blurry and I still felt a little wobbly. I forgot what I was trying to do earlier so I went back down stairs… I suddenly felt very dehydrated, probably from sleeping so long. I poked around looking for any water…only to find angry spiders… Bottles that smelled odd, anything that wouldn't satisfy my thirst basically. So I gave up… I still felt much more energized than before though. I found things to entertain myself like a pen behind the counter, it was fun… Till I tasted the pen ink...

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again with his nice guy face he said "Im not sure. Its myfirst day andyou see i got intoo some truble earlyer today soi think some people may want me out of their life. And another thing the people in my class are realy agresive especialy the gang and ... Oh sory im rambeling. " then Juan took control. "So you were a guitarist i heard you play i think. the solo right. Please tell me more about yourself." All ofthat was said in a  spanish accent then Lucio regained control "You see what i meant by some other personalitys they are prety nice once you get to know them or at leasti think so." He sighed the last part. He gave of an expression that made it clear how much he hated his dissorder. "By the way who is makoto? Is he your boyfriend? and sory if im nosy"

"Oh right...that gang..If they mess with you feel free to inform me to.."She stopped as a new persona took him in control.Was he suddenly Mexican,Latin..Spanish?Then his original self returned.She understood how bad and hard it is to have such disorder,since as a former member in a street gang,she's ran in many crazy people,hell even crazier that Lucio."Wait what?No,Makoto isn't my boyfriend!"she yelped blushing"In fact,he's a freshman like you,he came last night."she said looking at him"You do remember last night right?"She asked both of them

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"Well I think that went pretty well." Usagi smiled as she entered her office again.

"I think that was a little much..." One of the Student Council members mumbled. The Council was to meet soon for school was nearing it's end.

"Oh well. Oh and by the way, I'll be a little late. I need to deal with troublemakers after school. Can you tell the others?"

"Yes Luceia-Sempai."

"Thanks." Usagi then turned her focus towards the clock, waiting for the school day to end. Oh how much focus a clock can have...

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Naoko was listening to the last few things of the lesson while looking at the clock."Almost time to go." She smiled. "Good...I was getting restless with this strange day."The blond girl put the headphones over her ears as music started."A few minutes and I can go home. I just hope nothing weird happen before I can get out of here."

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At first, Joshua felt awkward and silent with Erin, as with all people, of course. She had looked at him a few times—most likely just because of how young he looks. After all, he is very young, but looks to be even more so. Now at eleven years old, he looked to be just about eight. Eventually though, by the time the speech ended, Erin looked at him with...misery. His sympathy overshadowed his timidity, to a certain extent. Slowly, quietly, he spoke to her: "...I-is...something...wrong?"

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"I remember last night almost too well. But as interesting as that was i think that this will be one interesting year. And please dont call me a freshman i hate it when people think that. i was in this school last year but i didnt attend classes at all i just went to the final exams and passed. So now im like this strange protedgy who can do anything without even trying but thats a lode of bullshit." he said with a sigh clearly not being to happy about his past. who culd blame him he was abandoned by his family and left to take care of himself. To make matters worse things even went south with the rest of his family so now he baisicly had noone. "What were you doing last night anyway. I get the feeling that youve done that before." He continued with questions that were in his head since last night.

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"I remember last night almost too well. But as interesting as that was i think that this will be one interesting year. And please dont call me a freshman i hate it when people think that. i was in this school last year but i didnt attend classes at all i just went to the final exams and passed. So now im like this strange protedgy who can do anything without even trying but thats a lode of bullshit." he said with a sigh clearly not being to happy about his past. who culd blame him he was abandoned by his family and left to take care of himself. To make matters worse things even went south with the rest of his family so now he baisicly had noone. "What were you doing last night anyway. I get the feeling that youve done that before." He continued with questions that were in his head since last night.

At first, Joshua felt awkward and silent with Erin, as with all people, of course. She had looked at him a few times—most likely just because of how young he looks. After all, he is very young, but looks to be even more so. Now at eleven years old, he looked to be just about eight. Eventually though, by the time the speech ended, Erin looked at him with...misery. His sympathy overshadowed his timidity, to a certain extent. Slowly, quietly, he spoke to her: "...I-is...something...wrong?"

"Well I'm here in the SEES almost a month,I know what am I doing.I've done it even before that".To make things worse, the boy she stared at previously came and spoken to her"Well yeah....Sorry for staring at you like that...you..remind of someone,that's all.So what's your name?Freshman or just a visitor in our school?" Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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Batsuya stood in a hallway and looked at the list.  Seeing that he was done, he thought:  Since I did everything, I'll go see that other janitor.  He grabs his cart and walks over to the man's room.  Making it, Batusya opens the door and enters.  Arms crossed, the guy says:  "You sure took your time.  What were you doing?"  Batsuya:  "After I finished everything and I didn't read anything on coming back right away, I thought I'd do something.  I went to the theatre and listened to the current school president's speech.  It was an interesting one." 


Chuckling, the man says:  "Is that so?  Good to hear.  Since this is the first day of the school year, you won't have to work much, unless you truly want to.  That also goes for the rest of the week.  But from now on, be sure to come straight to me when you finish your work, unless I say otherwise.  Understand?  Batsuya:  "Yes sir, I'll be sure to do that."  "Good.  Well, like I said, you're done for the day.  You can do whatever, except making any messes."  Batsuya:  "Alright, I won't."  With that, Batuysa exits out of the janitors room.

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