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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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After regaining control over juan or at least most of it he ran back to class. When he walked back it there was this awkward feeling everyone glared at him "This is all your foult juan you craza asshole" He thought as he sat down. once again he opened his notebook and began writing something. After a moment he stoped and took out a blue and golt amulet from his pocket and put it around his neck. He sighed and started writing again.

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"Hm?" Makoto grunted, looking up. It was one of the girls from the dorm. Erin, he believed it was.

"It was alright." Makoto replied, standing up from his desk, "Some of the teachers are odd. But it can't be nearly as bad as my last school." Makoto began to walk off, not really noticing how embarrassed Erin was as he walked away. He still had a few things on his mind, most of them revolving around the Dark Hour, which, hopefully, could be answered by the head of the dorm.

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"Hm?" Makoto grunted, looking up. It was one of the girls from the dorm. Erin, he believed it was."It was alright." Makoto replied, standing up from his desk, "Some of the teachers are odd. But it can't be nearly as bad as my last school." Makoto began to walk off, not really noticing how embarrassed Erin was as he walked away. He still had a few things on his mind, most of them revolving around the Dark Hour, which, hopefully, could be answered by the head of the dorm.

"Well I have to agree with that...you know about the teachers"She said as she walked with him."So....In which class are you now?Did someone introduced you with the school?"She tried to hide her embarrasment.She didn't know why was she feeling like this.She used to be a punk before she joined the SEES and this school,getting into fights,in and out of school life.She didn't use to be this closed nor friendly

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Naoko was absentmindedly writing on her notebook when the bell rang."Break?" she said before looking at her wrist watch. "I didn't noticed."Slowly standing up from her desk Naoko left the room. On her way towards the rooftop she noticed two individuals, a girl she recognized as a senior and a blue haired boy."Five and..."The exact moment when Naoko was next to the blue haired boy the image of a man laughing very close to a cliff, accompanied with a dog at his heels came to her mind."Zero." she whispered. "Whatever that means."A couple of minutes later Naoko was sitting on one of the rooftop benches listening to the music on her headphones while watching the city in the distance. This was not strange to her at all. Last year she made an habit of coming to the rooftop on break to get away from any social interaction that she could have with her classmates, opting to stay alone on the rooftop. This, of course, got her the unofficial title of "Hermit" among the juniors.

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During the break lucio went up to the roof thinking that he Will be alone there. After Juans apearance and the fight he had to clear his head. Anoyed by his classmates he had nothing better to do. Before he got there he got lost and decided to take a short cut. A normal person wuld ask for help but he had a simpler plan. He got out to the window ledge and jumped up geting a grip on the second ledge. After a fiev seconds he reached the top. He got up to the rooftop seeing naoko there he sat down beside her and said "Sory about what haponed earlyer both Gallan and Juan can be anoying at times. Anyway my name is Lucio nice to meet you." He said trying to make his situation a little more well not wierd. 

Edited by savus1909

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Usagi was feeling the slightest bit strange as each minute passed by. She was so focused on her dream from last night that she lost focus on what was going on. She even thought someone asked her something but she couldn't tell if that was in her mind or not. Usagi kept walking till suddenly she became so dizzy it made her fall against a wall, "I...feel so sleepy..." Usagi picked herself up and tried her hardest to walk back to her desk. When she finally arrived she sat in her chair exhausted. "My head..." she moaned. Usagi laid her head on her arms that were on the desk, "Just a little nap...that's all." She then fell asleep. Even after the "Break" bell.... 


Which was bad for Usagi was to give a speech in two more periods...

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"Uh" was all Naoko said when she noticed Lucio. "Oh...yeah, not a problem...nice to meet you, I guess."The blond girl glanced at the boy next to her."Three." she thought. "Five...Zero...Three...What does that means?"Naoko once again focused on the view in front of her."...Naoko Asteri..." She said to Lucio.Taking a look at her wrist watch Naoko sighed."Two more periods for the President's speech." Naoko thought to herself.Although there was someone else there, Naoko remained silent after the brief introduction, not having any desire to have a conversation at the moment. She was used to being alone there, not many students came to the rooftop, and those who did were usually couples wanting to have some privacy.

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"The president has a speech in two periods? Wait i saw her fall aslep when i was climbing." He thought out loud. "Gotta go i think i have something to take care of. It was nice seeing you. And by the way five zero three sounds familiar the number poped up in my head a while ago. Well if you find out tell me." He ran down the stairs and went of to look for the president. As he was runing through the school the "gang" that he delt with in class got in the way "Not so fas..." The leader tried to say but was once again knocked down by gallan "No time the neard has something to do." He then leaned back so he stood on his left arm in a moment his lef flew through the air kickilg each of the lackeys so they wuld get the message and gave control back to lucio. He finally found her. She was  asleep as he saw earlyer. He gently wisphered "Hey prez sory to wake you but you have a speech in two periods."

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After a few minutes of walking and pulling,  Batsuya made it to the gymnasium.  Looking around, he thought:  Ah the gym.  There were plenty of good games here.  Fun to watch.  Enough staring Batsu, time to get to work.  Batsuya pulls out a mop and starts moving it around the floor.  Getting to the seats, he sprays and wipes them, regardless if they did or didn't have any stains on them.  He picks up some papers and trash that were on the ground.  Finished mopping, Batsuya puts some wet floor signs around.  Exiting out the gym, he thinks:  That's done.  Now for the empty classrooms.  I think the instructions said three of them  Batsuya grabs his cart and walks to the classrooms he needed to go to.

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(I'll at least post...)


"Well I have to agree with that...you know about the teachers"She said as she walked with him."So....In which class are you now?Did someone introduced you with the school?"She tried to hide her embarrasment.She didn't know why was she feeling like this.She used to be a punk before she joined the SEES and this school,getting into fights,in and out of school life.She didn't use to be this closed nor friendly


Makoto gave the girl a glance. In his old school, he had always been the introverted, quiet, invisible kid. But now through this SEES group; that was about to change. "Uh....well....it was my relatives who sent me here....I got an invitation to join...something about my parents. I don't know." Makoto replied, sighing a bit. The entire reason why he was here was fairly confusing--apparently he and his parents lived in the area...before they died in a supposed car crash.

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What felt like a long narrow hallway, which could be a vast majority of the school, Batsuya stopped for moment.  He didn't know which classroom to go to first on his own.  He figures it would be a good idea to check the instructions.  Batsuya pulls it out, reads and thinks:  Here we go.  First room to clean is 5-D.  He puts away the instructions in his pocket and goes on over to the room.  After a few minutes, he makes it.  Opening the door, Batsuya didn't believe what he saw.  Desks all on the ground, a few of them broken, covered in pencil marks. A few books with torn pages and covers.  Paper all over the room, food bags and cans around trash bins.  There was some kind of mess in the left corner that Batsuya couldn't figure out what it was.  Almost ready to cry, he thinks: Did the people in here couldn't wait for summer break or something?!  Holding his head down, Batsuya drags his cart inside.

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(I'll at least post...)  Makoto gave the girl a glance. In his old school, he had always been the introverted, quiet, invisible kid. But now through this SEES group; that was about to change. "Uh....well....it was my relatives who sent me here....I got an invitation to join...something about my parents. I don't know." Makoto replied, sighing a bit. The entire reason why he was here was fairly confusing--apparently he and his parents lived in the area...before they died in a supposed car crash.

What felt like a long narrow hallway, which could be a vast majority of the school, Batsuya stopped for moment.  He didn't know which classroom to go to first on his own.  He figures it would be a good idea to check the instructions.  Batsuya pulls it out, reads and thinks:  Here we go.  First room to clean is 5-D.  He puts away the instructions in his pocket and goes on over to the room.  After a few minutes, he makes it.  Opening the door, Batsuya didn't believe what he saw.  Desks all on the ground, a few of them broken, covered in pencil marks. A few books with torn pages and covers.  Paper all over the room, food bags and cans around trash bins.  There was some kind of mess in the left corner that Batsuya couldn't figure out what it was.  Almost ready to cry, he thinks: Did the people in here couldn't wait for summer break or something?!  Holding his head down, Batsuya drags his cart inside.

"I see..."she said intrested, now completely forgetting the embarrasment.With the mentioning of his parents in that sort of fashion she realized that something happened to them,but she was afraid of asking him about it.She nodded,trying to think of something to ask him when suddenly she noticed the janitor just standing there in front of the classroom,breathing heavily."Sir,are you....oh"she looked at the demolished classroom,suprisingly not affected from the mess,since she has seen bigger destructions in general.

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"The president has a speech in two periods? Wait i saw her fall aslep when i was climbing." He thought out loud. "Gotta go i think i have something to take care of. It was nice seeing you. And by the way five zero three sounds familiar the number poped up in my head a while ago. Well if you find out tell me." He ran down the stairs and went of to look for the president. As he was runing through the school the "gang" that he delt with in class got in the way "Not so fas..." The leader tried to say but was once again knocked down by gallan "No time the neard has something to do." He then leaned back so he stood on his left arm in a moment his lef flew through the air kickilg each of the lackeys so they wuld get the message and gave control back to lucio. He finally found her. She was  asleep as he saw earlyer. He gently wisphered "Hey prez sory to wake you but you have a speech in two periods."

"And so she was like blah blah and then he was ba ba ba."

"Oh so she must of ba ba ba to."

"Would you like some more tea Mrs. Usagi?" The sheep in front of her asked.

"No Thank You..." She answered with a mumble.

"Are you ok? You seemed kind of dazed."

"I'm....fine...." She had been sitting there with a group of sheep drinking tea....and she was rather confused.  

"Oh well, Ba."

"Excuse me?"

"Ba Ba Ba!"




"I'M AWAKE!" Usagi sat up to see she was at her desk with the boy from before infront of her. She quickly wiped the drool from her mouth, "Um...how may I help you?....Wait if this is about detention then no, you Are still going. What time is it?....Oh crud! My Speech!" She quickly stood up and gathered her supplies.

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Lucio just stood up and helped her gather her supplies. "You know you dont look so well mayby you shuld go to the nurse" he said concerned. In honest Lucio just culdnt stand anyone around him to be feeling unwell. "Just wondering how good is the school nurse? Cuz the guys that picked on me ... well lets just say they are going to need some medical atention." Gallan jumped in "They tried to attack me again." And Lucio reganed control and said "You know you dont have to do everything by yourself. Dont the vice president or the secretary ever help you with these kinds of things. I can see you are realy overworked." He was he picked up the last of the papers and handed it to Usagi. "Good luck with your speech." He said with a smile.

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(You know, I found that dream to be funny. xP)


SIghing, Batuya held his head up and started working.  Putting gloves on, he began by picking up all the papers and trash, throwing them in a large plastic bag.  He places the books that were still together on some shelves.  All the ones that were torn or ripped apart were thrown away.  Batsuya moves onto placing the desks that were in one piece in their right positions.  He stares at the broken ones and thought:  If I had a drill and some bolts, then I could fix those desks.  I wonder....  Batsuya kneels down next to his cart and looks around it.  Opening one compartment, he finds all that he needed.  Scratching his head, he thought:  Not only does the guy clean stuff, he repairs too?  Go figure.  Grabbing the drill and bolts, Batsuya fixes the broken desks in a matter of minutes.  He then removes the mess in the left corner and wipes off the stains with some rags.  Wiping some sweat, Batsuya grabs his cart and goes to the next room on the list.

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After his little meatig with Usagi he decided to go back to class. He was still new and didnt realy get how the place. Lucio took a turn and before he knew it he was lost. "Aw man haponed again." he let out a sigh and started to aimlesley wander around the campus. Even after the break bell rang he just kept on walking through the coridors "And they call me a protedgy. Some genius im turning out to be." He thought to himself and looked around to oriante himselfAs he wandered he saw something strange. A figure in the distance that reminded him of someone he thought he wuld never see again. He had this sort of problem often. From time to tie he wuld have miragesor ilusions of people who he saw die. This one in particular was gallan. "Its haponing again. something bad is abot to hapon." He said and ran off. Kind of a bad idea becouse he was lost and just ended up even more confused.

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Naoko waited until it was almost time to go back."Alright...time to go back..."The blond girl slowly made her way to her classroom as she listened to her music. Once Naoko opened the door the bell rang and she took her seat."Just in time." she thought. "Strange...that guy...Lucio? Is not here."

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Affter about twenty minutes he finally found a way back to his classroom. "Well well well... looks like the slacker finally decided to join us. Now I understand that your attendance rate last semester was zero. Is that true?" She/He (Im not so sure what it is) asked with a slightly mocking tone. "Yes taats true." The boy decided to answer trying to get jet another anoying escepade over with. "If that is true than culd you please explain how you came to dechisionn that you wuld come back to class?" again with that tone "Please excuse me for last years attendance rate ani i ashure you unless you are a total nazi i Will attend all the classes this year." Gallan said as he took control once more. "Are you thretning me?" the teacher implied with a smirk. "No youre the one thretning me. I mean com on just looking at you makes me want to throw up." he said making the now really pissed of thing (still not sure what that is) shout "Now listen you ingratefull arogant slacker i dont care how tough you might be on the street i asure you i Will make your life in school a living hell!" "Youre kind of aulready doing that." He shoved back and looked at the back of the class. There was something back there that gave off a bad vibe. Lucio managed to regain controll of his body and said "In case this hapons again in the future please forgive me. I have multiple personality disorder and as you have seen they are not the most friendly typ of people." The now confused not sure what replied with "We Will talk after school now get to your seat." Lucio just did as she said not wanting to cause more comotion.

(Am i posting to much cuz if i am plz tell me)

Edited by savus1909

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Lucio just stood up and helped her gather her supplies. "You know you dont look so well mayby you shuld go to the nurse" he said concerned. In honest Lucio just culdnt stand anyone around him to be feeling unwell. "Just wondering how good is the school nurse? Cuz the guys that picked on me ... well lets just say they are going to need some medical atention." Gallan jumped in "They tried to attack me again." And Lucio reganed control and said "You know you dont have to do everything by yourself. Dont the vice president or the secretary ever help you with these kinds of things. I can see you are realy overworked." He was he picked up the last of the papers and handed it to Usagi. "Good luck with your speech." He said with a smile.

"No, no I'm fine." Sure she felt a little lightheaded but she could deal with it. She listened as she tried to push the big stack of papers in the little folder. "You know violence isn't always the answer." She slightly mumbled. "I'm also fine, the Student Council does try to help me but...I usually have other matters to deal with." He handed her the papers which she responded with a little, "Thanks." Usagi then left. "I might as well go to the Theater now then later.  Oh shoot maybe I should've asked that kid his name. Oh well..."


The President walked through the hallways. This speech she was about to give was one of two she was going to give this week. However, this speech contained more importance for it talked about the school, the future, and even...a little of herself. Usagi walked on determined to give her speech no matter what it took! Well intill...


Once again Usagi Luceia dropped her papers, but this time her mouth fell open with her eyes wide. Right infront of her stood a girl....and a boy.... A boy she met before... "Newbie..."


(You seem to be skipping a lot of parts. That's good to do when almost no one is posting, but that's it. It gets confusing when you do it often. Lee likes the detail u put in though c:)

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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"No, no I'm fine." Sure she felt a little lightheaded but she could deal with it. She listened as she tried to push the big stack of papers in the little folder. "You know violence isn't always the answer." She slightly mumbled. "I'm also fine, the Student Council does try to help me but...I usually have other matters to deal with." He handed her the papers which she responded with a little, "Thanks." Usagi then left. "I might as well go to the Theater now then later.  Oh shoot maybe I should've asked that kid his name. Oh well..." The President walked through the hallways. This speech she was about to give was one of two she was going to give this week. However, this speech contained more importance for it talked about the school, the future, and even...a little of herself. Usagi walked on determined to give her speech no matter what it took! Well intill... Once again Usagi Luceia dropped her papers, but this time her mouth fell open with her eyes wide. Right infront of her stood a girl....and a boy.... A boy she met before... "Newbie..." (You seem to be skipping a lot of parts. That's good to do when almost no one is posting, but that's it. It gets confusing when you do it often. Lee likes the detail u put in though c:)

Erin decided to ignore the janitor that completely neglegted her whch pissed her off.She was walking with Makoto,trying to piece a sentence to continue the conversation,dread taking her for no apparent reason.That's when she heard a familiar gasp."Oi!You ok?"She asked Usagi,as she knelt down to collect the paper."What's the big rush?"

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The next room Batsuya had to clean was on the other side of the school.  A few minutes walking, he gets to it, 8-V.  He opens up the door and looks inside.  It wasn't as big of  a mess as the last one, but it was still kind of bad.  Batsuya pull out the mop and swipes around the floor.  He wipes the desks and counters around.  Putting a wet floor sign down, he moves onto the last room.  Being at the back side, Batsuya walks over.

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"Mm?" Makoto grunted, looking down at the girl whom had dropped her papers. She looked familiar to him. Of course--the girl from the dorm. The one who had shown him about the power of the Persona, and helped in destroying the large shadow that had appeared.

"Are you alright..?" Makoto asked, his voice barely more than a murmur as he knelt down and aided in collecting the dropped papers, "Rather clumsy, aren't you, Usagi?" Makoto said, handing a stack to the girl with a slight smirk.

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