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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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I was watching over the man when everything looked back to normal again. I whined as everyone was still on the roof. I would go up and check on the rest but…right now I couldn't just leave the guy. However I did smell another one of those things but it was very different… There were also more people up on the roof…

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"What were those guns you used? And what were those things that attacked?" Lucio asked trying to get ahold of the situation "My father gave me one of those guns when i was little but i never imagined they were accualy usefull." He said still curious as to what those things are. "Oh and i almost forgot how do i kill those things?" The kids other personality resurfaced and dissapeared again. Taking a deep breath he was ready to get an answer

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"That depends..." Narutame said. "Wich things are you talking abou-" he stopped at the mentioning of him having... THIER was no way... "Might I ask... Who was your father?" He showed the gun-like object. "This is what we call 'Evokers' they are able to, only in the dark hour mind you, your Persona..." He placed the gun to his temple to demonstrate the technique, faking a trigger pull. He then placed the gun back down. "Personas... Are an intresting beings to explain..." He rubbed his temple, finding the words. "They are... Manifestations of oneself... It's only theroy..." He scratched his chin, and mumbled "Maybe... As we mature... They mature as well... Getting stronger or weaker..." He shook his head. "Nevertheless...I forgot to mention who some of us are!" He pulled down a sleeve on his jacket. "We are the SEES, or the Special Extracircular Execution Squad... We are, to the school, a special disciplinary unit... What we do in reality, the harder job... Is we monitor the hour... And fight the shadows....

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Hering that he culdnt beleve what he heard "My father is a rich asshole who never trusted me and the reason i ran away fro home." He reaches intoo his bag and pulls out his evoker. "what were those things you were fighting?"

Edited by savus1909

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Narutame nodded, grabbing the gun, and pointed it to the boys temple. "Then, pull the trigger..." He gave it back to the boy. "…Kirijo..." He mumbled. "Remember. Use it only during the hour…and belive in it... Your persona... Or else ..."

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at that moment he had to ask the obvious question "Why?" And once more Gallan resurfaced. "Do you really want to know you dumb ass? Right since im in control i have to ask. How do i join SEES im kind of interested to see how this plays out." He had a strange smile on his face and his eyes kept wandering around the evoker. "This culd become one hell of a party." he wisphered.

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Narutame had a more serious face. "This is not a game... Whoever you now are... Do you know what the shadows do?" He tapped on the monitor, and a chart was shown. "These are the amounts of cases of the apathy syndrome since it's appearance a couple years ago... It started slow, three a month... Then, it increased, as much as 5 a day, with no cure in sight." He then pointed to the lower sections. "We at SEES know that the cause of the syndrome is caused by the shadows feeding off of bodies that unknowingly get trapped in the hour..." He pointed at the band once again. "We... Are the cure."

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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"I know its not a game but i still want to join. So how about it After what ive seen you need all the help you can get." Said the real Lucio. "Besides whats the harm in letting me die i have nothing to loose." He continued more serious. He sighed and pulled a strange amulet like item from behind his shirt. "You have no idea what ive been through it might be best if i die right away " After his rather strange statement he still insisted "I want to join SEES. I want to make a diference."

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Natsume nodded. He went to a drawer, and opened it, drawing manilla envelopes... He handed all the newcomers an envelope. "If you want to join us..." He said.


Inside were school transfer papers, and SEES invitation applications.

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(Narutame don't xD)

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"Im aulredy in this school so i dont need the aplication but i Will take the aplication." Lucio said quickly filling it out. "Well i have to get going. I still need to find a place to stay. So ill see you again in school i guess." he sighed and put down the amulet just before he left he threw Narutame a small flask of medicie. "I saw what haponed so you shuld just take it its bound to stop the pain. And tell me if there is any side effects i havnt tested it out on humans jet." He said with a smile.

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"Ah!" Narutame said. "Since you are registered for SEES... This dorm is your residence, if you have none already..."

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"Thank you. I didnt realise that. Anyway i think ill stay here. Well good night i guess." He said Going towards the roof. All the while knowing something bad is going to happon to everyone involved but at this point it didnt really matter to him finally he found a place where he belonged. When he got to the roof he just lied on the ground and dosed off.

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(Well... Wait?)

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_-_April 22_-_


Usagi Luceia woke up with sunlight beaming her eyes. She was in her room laying on her bed, "Maybe...it was all a dream?" Usagi pushed herself out of bed. It was around 7 in the morning meaning school would start in a hour. "Well better get dressed..." Usagi walked over to her closet putting on her semi-normal school wear. "And not to forget the ears."


When she was done she walked over to her desk gabbing the massive supply of papers and putting them into her case. Suddenly she felt uneasy, "...Whoa. I feel tired.....oh well." Usagi grabbed everything and put it in her case. Images of her dream occurred in her mind. That Newbie....those people...and the power. It really made her question the power she herself held within. Usagi walked out of her room preparing to meet with the only other people who lived in the dorm. The Chairman and her Partner

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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It all seemed to move so quickly. Makoto had been offered one of the dorm rooms, and was also made aware of SEES, the secret organization that apparently dealt with these 'Shadows' and used their Personas to discover their origins.

When Makoto woke up, he found himself staring at the white ceiling; briefly wondering if it was all a dream. He never had left his relatives. It was all a weird, far-off dream...the Shadows...his Persona, Orpheus. He grunted, sitting up. He blinked, seeing that he was, in fact, still in the dorm.


"So it was real." He mumbled.

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Gijiro grunted, as he got out if the monitor room. He looked around, looking for more medical attention, grabbing on to any thing that could support him. Hearing a scream, he opened the door to see Makoto. He lost footing, and fell to the floor. Sharp pain hit him, and he let out a bloodcurdling scream, that would wake everyone.

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It was 7 in the morning and the first thing that Naoko noticed was loud music coming from her headphones."Ugh...That was unexpected." she said while getting off her bed and looking at the clock on the wall. "7 in the morning. Must get ready for school or else I'm going to miss classes...again."It took nearly 15 minutes until she was ready to leave. Naoko picked her backpack, put on her headphones and left her room and the dorms. It was a clear morning, nothing from "coffin time" remained, like it was only a bad dream."Did you hear? There is going to be a transfer student coming today." A female student said."Really? Is it a girl or a boy?" Another one asked."I dunno, but I hope is a boy!"The two girls didn't noticed Naoko walking behind them, which gave her the opportunity to learn about the rumor of a new transfer student."A transfer student? Oh well...it doesn't have anything to do with me."Naoko was lost in the music coming from her headphones while making her way towards Gekkoukan High School. For some reason Naoko had a strange feeling, this was going to be a strange year.

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An alarm clock starts buzzing off in Batsuya's room.  Slowly opening his eyes, he slams down to shut it off.  Sitting up, he yawns and scratches his back.  Natsuya opens his brothers' door and says:  "Up up Batsu, our first day has come!  And to make sure we'd be ready, I set off the alarms' at 7 am."  Looking at his wrist watch, Batsuya responds:  "Why 7?  It'll just take us 5 minutes to get to the school."  Natsuya:  "Yeah, but we have to get dressed, eat breakfast, and be there early so we can speak with the principal before it starts.  Plus, I don't want to be fired on the first day."  Batsuya:  "I get it.  You do have a point.  Let's get going then." 


With Natsuya going back to his own room, both brothers put on their usual clothes with their uniforms on top.  Well, Batsuya having on a grey suit and Natsuya an apron and hair net, which he figured he could do in the kitchen.  The guys eat some eggs, bacon filled buns, rice balls, and drank some orange juice.  Batsuya, ready in his suit, and Batsuya, holding a bag with his stuff, exit out their apartment at around 7:10.

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By 7:00, Joshua was already early in-class. He always sat up front so that he could see and finish his work quickly, but would never really talk to anyone unless spoken to. People would often ask him questions about the class itself, but other than that, nothing. He disliked the general age group he's with anyway, but since he was younger, surely everyone else judged him just as much.

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It was just another night,Erin unlike the others got up in 6 because she was finishing a report she needed in school.After that she grabbed her journal from a box under her bed


April 22 2009 07:00

(After the reconstruction of the last night's events,these paragraphs follow)


Last night was out of the ordinary because our 3 new "co-workers".I hope they won't be useless(<--- last sentence is scrapped with pen)

We have a new pet-Shiro.Intellingent and cute pup,if he wasn't here,Gijiro would have been dead.


After we have Lucio,The "nicest" guy I've ever met.I hate when he was yelling to Narutame,since I know that's just a rubbish way to scare people-I've learned that from experiences.But I hate to say this but he kinda reminds me of me.My dad's also a prick with not telling me who was my mother and why did she leave and for not even telling me what job he had.


And last but least-Makoto.Damn this guy....I don't hate him but he...suprises me.Yeah he has a dead look in his eyes and barely talks,but I like his calm and mysterious attitude.And not to mention him summoning that Persona...How the hell did he did that?!He races a lot of quiestions to me.What if he's messed up like Lucio?Who knows?


I would like to know more but...I'm afraid.It's not like anybody cares here for the others.In fact,I barely know the people I live with even thought It's been a month since I joined.Even if I did,nothing will change.


I better get ready.Anyway,Am I forgeting something?

(Suddenly I scream came from downstairs.The next and last sentence with a really bad handwriting reads:)


Oh shit,I forgot Gijiro!

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I was sleeping on the floor having another nightmare of 'his' death… I whimpered again as I suddenly was woken up by a scream. When I jumped up I finally recognized that it came from the man. I started to run but only found myself falling on my face…again. I sat up and shook my head furiously. I was completely dizzy and as I realized I was more sick that before. So with my blurry vision I slowly followed the direction of the scream...

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