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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP

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Narutame looked in shock at the specimen. "Amazing!" The force knocked his coffee off the table! "The persona...Transformed!? Is it some Berserk mode?"

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Usagi laid there in fear when suddenly the new student picked up her weapon. He then summoned...his own Persona. "No way...A Being like him capable of doing that? Is this his first time." She was in shock when suddenly the Massive Shadow was gone. However, bits of the Shadow still remained forming into new creatures. Usagi had to think fast! "Wait..Gasp! The swords!" The Shadow had dropped it's swords, making this a perfect chance. Usagi grunted while getting up, her legs burned from the scrape but nevertheless she got up. She ran over and picked up a nearby sword, "Hey Newbie! Let's switch! Take the sword, and I'll take back my weapon!" Now was probably the best time for an explanation, "Listen to me, I'm going to guide you through this battle but I need my weapon first! Got it?" 

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Usagi laid there in fear when suddenly the new student picked up her weapon. He then summoned...his own Persona. "No way...A Being like him capable of doing that? Is this his first time." She was in shock when suddenly the Massive Shadow was gone. However, bits of the Shadow still remained forming into new creatures. Usagi had to think fast! "Wait..Gasp! The swords!" The Shadow had dropped it's swords, making this a perfect chance. Usagi grunted while getting up, her legs burned from the scrape but nevertheless she got up. She ran over and picked up a nearby sword, "Hey Newbie! Let's switch! Take the sword, and I'll take back my weapon!" Now was probably the best time for an explanation, "Listen to me, I'm going to guide you through this battle but I need my weapon first! Got it?"

Narutame looked in shock at the specimen. "Amazing!" The force knocked his coffee off the table! "The persona...Transformed!? Is it some Berserk mode?"

Makoto had leaned against the wall, his headache reaching a new height of pain. It felt now, that something was trying to speak to him. It was nothing but a faint murmur, but it brought along a terrible, ruining headache. He blinked, glancing down at his feet.

A small handgun had slid next to his foot, glinting slightly in the green moonlight.


The gun was calling him. This....was the source. Of the headache, and the voice. As Makoto picked it up, the headache vanished completely; yet the mysterious voice remained, although still unclear in his mind.

Makoto swallowed, his hand shaking as he lifted the gun to his head. No longer was he controlling his arm. His body was directing itself.


"Persona!" He shouted, pulling the trigger. The gun fired, but surprisingly, Makoto felt no pain. In fact...he felt better. He chuckled lightly, a blue fire rising around him. It felt like he had released some enormous power, straight from his heart. And it was collecting behind him. A large, white doll-like being rose behind him, wielding an equally massive harp. That being though, let out a monstrous scream. It seemingly tore itself apart, an even larger, more threatening being coming alive. This new being looked almost too similar to a pirate captain, save for the large coffins strewn across its back. This being roared, hefting its massive machete as it slammed down on the large collection of shadows.

Her eyes were opened wide with her jaw gaping."No way...Did he just switch persona?H-how?!"She was suprised and excited,she even felt like she needed to do something"Should I go to the rooftop?"She asked Narutame Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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Narutame shook his head. "This is...extraordinary...Let it last for the moment..." If it went to the wire, and the persona went too out of control, he would send her in.

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Makoto glanced at Usagi, tossing her the firearm while he quickly grabbed one of the fallen swords. Now, it was just him and her against the few monstrous black blobs that once comprised of the horrible monster.

Makoto briefly wondered what power he had unleashed. It certainly came from him--he could feel the power had come from deep inside. He had mentioned a...Persona? Was that what it was? He would certainly, after this, pelt Usagi with as many questions as she could handle.

"Alright, let's...get this over with." Makoto murmured.

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"Alright...teaching a Newbie, here we go."

"Persona!" The Priestess called out shooting her head. Lucia her Persona appeared once again. Usagi remained safely in it's belly however she was able to talk aloud to the New Student. Perfect for giving instructions. Her voice was able to reach the New Student's mind...

"Alright! I'm going to teach you how to battle. First off what you just acquired is called a Persona, but I'll go into detail about that later. For now let's just focus on these shadows." Usagi closed her eyes scanning the shadows. In her eyes a computer-like field generated showing a human, Persona, and shadow. Numbers and symbols flew from the shadows revealing their weaknesses. These specific shadows were a piece of cake. "Ok, the shadows you are now facing have many weaknesses. This might be a good time to try out your Persona. If you do not feel comfortable then use your sword. Be careful it's two against one. Oh and here." Usagi transferred her weapon to the Newbie. "Here's how you call out your Persona...First you need the courage like you had before. Whatever you do, do not fear.If you start to fear the result of using my weapon could be tragic. Anyways, shoot your head and your Persona shall come. Your Persona has a skill called "Bash" it can use against these shadows. However, it lowers your health a little so be careful. You can do it Newbie!"

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Makoto glanced at the monsters. The odd blobs waves their tentacle-like arms around, making odd gurgling noises. Makoto noticed that each one had an odd 'mask', with a roman numeral engraved on the top.

"Right." He said, glancing at the firearm. In one hand, he held the fallen sword. With the other, he held the Evoker. He glanced back up at the monsters, and his face seemed to slowly darken.


"Persona!" He yelled, immediately lifting the gun to his head. He fired, the doll-like being appearing again. Makoto could hear a name whisper in his mind....Orpheus. Was that the name of his 'Persona'? Possibly, and as Makoto shouted the name and pointed at one of the monsters, the being quickly dashed forward and slammed its massive harp down.


Makoto winced, feeling a small trickle of blood trail from his nostrils. Usagi was right....it seemed using these Persona's came with a price..

Edited by Silver Kuroi

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A voice ecoed from a distance "What on earth is going on?" Lucio ran over as fast as he culd. The second he got there he was astonished. He aulways dreamed of something like this jet in reality it was sort of scary. He saw a figure holding a gun like item it was makoto. "These people I saw them in school why are they here what is going on i dont understand." he thought. He aproached slowly still not convinced it culd be real. "Who or what are you?"

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"Keep it up Newbie." Usagi then spotted some random stranger. "Crap.How does this keep happening?! What is up with tonight??!!"

"Don't lose your focus Newbie! Just ignore him!" The Newbie was almost done. As she witness the boy she couldn't help but wonder about him. Why was he here? How could he summon his Persona so fast? Did something in his past trigger this moment? So many questions were at bay. But she knew one thing for certain...

He has potential.

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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Narutame stood in surprise as the attacks were going. A combo of beauty and ruthlessness...


Soon enough, the monster gave way, and chrashed to the ground...

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Narutame stood in surprise as the attacks were going. A combo of beauty and ruthlessness...Soon enough, the monster gave way, and chrashed to the ground...

"Keep it up Newbie." Usagi then spotted some random stranger. "Crap.How does this keep happening?! What is up with tonight??!!""Don't lose your focus Newbie! Just ignore him!" The Newbie was almost done. As she witness the boy she couldn't help but wonder about him. Why was he here? How could he summon his Persona so fast? Did something in his past trigger this moment? So many questions were at bay. But she knew one thing for certain...He has potential.

A voice ecoed from a distance "What on earth is going on?" Lucio ran over as fast as he culd. The second he got there he was astonished. He aulways dreamed of something like this jet in reality it was sort of scary. He saw a figure holding a gun like item it was makoto. "These people I saw them in school why are they here what is going on i dont understand." he thought. He aproached slowly still not convinced it culd be real. "Who or what are you?"

The battle was over,and thankfully nobody was hurt...except for the shadow.Erin was sweating and breathing heavily,making the only noise in the room.".....wow...that was intense"The next things she noticed on the screen was a strange figure of a stranger."Narutame can you see that?How did he got on the rooftop?"

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Narutame looked at the boy. "What in the world..." He walked upstairs to check on the situation. The shadows seemed to recede after sword hands had been defeated...

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Narutame looked at the boy. "What in the world..." He walked upstairs to check on the situation. The shadows seemed to recede after sword hands had been defeated...

To her suprise,he left the room.She decided to follow him,knowing that Gijiro will be fine,leaving him with Shiro in the meeting room

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Makoto panted. The shadows were completely destroyed. He had used the Persona to his very limit, barely able to stand at this point. Blood was running from his nose, and he could feel the coppery taste in his mouth as well. These Persona's had a well-defined limit...and Makoto had nearly reached that.

"Damn.." Makoto murmured, dropping the sword to the ground.

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The green sky faded black, as everyone seemed to be frozen before seemingly dissolving. All but Salem and Makoto. The Dark Hour was frozen to the two, just for now, but all would revert soon. "My apologies. It seems that I'm the late one here. I'm impressed." Salem smiled, gesturing his hand towards him as a contract and pen appeared in his hands. "Your last and first name, please. There is no rush, so feel free to peruse the contract. All it states is that you will be held responsible for any and all actions taken."

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Makoto blinked. Before him was a small, young boy. The boy held a slip of parchment, along with a small pen. Makoto felt his heart began to pound. Something about this kid genuinely unnerved him. Maybe it was the child's odd way of speaking, as if the child was a lot older than he seemed.

"Who are you..?" Makoto asked, standing up while he grabbed the 'contract' and the pen. The moment he did, he blinked a few times when he realized that his name had suddenly been written down. Did he do it? Makoto didn't remember...but it was clearly his handwriting.

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Salem smiled again, but it seemed...fake. He gently took the contact and pen back, reading his name as if he didn't already know it. "Makoto...don't be afraid. After all...I am only a child to you. Remember that if you're afraid, you won't unleash your Persona...that will get you killed-- shot in the head by your own self." He said it a bit darkly, but still somehow, concerned. "...Regardless of which...you will see me in the future. I will leave that question to be resolved at another time. I wish the best of you and your companions," He smiled a fake smile, yet again. "And so it begins."The sky faded back to green along with Salem's disappearance. Everyone returned where they were, like nothing had ever happened.

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Narutame looked at the newcomers on the roof. "I will explain..." He said. "But first... Please come inside the dorm..."

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The Newbie was very hurt and Usagi herself wasn't doing well herself either. Lucia vanished leaving an exhausted Priestess having scattered breathes. She couldn't help but smile, "Good Job Newbie..." She then fell down. Her eyes were slowly beginning to darken, but she spotted the others come upstairs. At least everyone was safe now.


Too much happened to her in just a hour's worth of time. Usagi dreaded it, she was to have a busy day tomorrow but now...it seems that was about to change. "Crap...I over did it." As Usagi closed her eyes as the skies returned back to a beautiful darken blue like they should be. The Clock ticked it's last second and all returned back to normal. The Dark Hour was over.

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Makoto was blinking, still confused as to what in the world had just happened. A young boy had appeared, stopping time around Makoto. He had offered some...'contract', which it seems that Makoto was now bound to. Even though he had tried to read the paper, he had found it impossible. The words were illegible--written in some ancient script.

Thankfully, the headache that had struck Makoto's mind had vanished. As did the ethereal green light that pierced the night. The night had returned to its usual form, as if that hour had never happened.

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Reluctantly lucio entered the dorm. All the while his face stayed calm as if he were aulready dead. "There now tell me what the hell is going on. ive seen all of you around the school but i never saw anyone do anything remotely like this." He sat down on the floor. That second his expresion changed. "Now then... Who of you bastards wants to explain to me this firetrucked up situation?" As quickly as it came it left giving off a strange feeling. "sory dont mind Gallan he is a little bit off...  So explenation please." Once more his expresion shifted "or ill tear out your throat" and again back to normal. This kid is seriusly messed up.

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Narutame sat down on the nearest chair. "First of all..." He said, grabbing a pencil, and a journal. "Do you go to this school?" He looked at the newcomers faces, and sighed. "Okay..." He put the items by the side. "What have you just experienced is known as the 'Dark Hour'. It is a Time within time... We don't know it fully, but we know the basics..." He looked at them to see if they understood..

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In his own dormitory, Joshua sighed of relief. He was crunched up in a corner throughout the entire Dark Hour...as always. He could never sleep through it. "It's...over again...." he made his way to his bed, and began to fall asleep.

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