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The Other Nobdies

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"i dont have to in 5,4..3..2..1 right now thatb oyes heart is hurting like a bitch and his killing him infrom the inside and no matrer how much light or darkness of heal or meds you have they cant shut it down slow it down or give you power back im the only one with the atiodont and the power to tope it and hell be died sone"lookign at her

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snow doesnt even looke at him"hahaha.....no matter how hard he tryes the pain will just get wores it startes off slow and opain less then it gets worswer and worser ever 5 minutes"

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snow startes couting"no your not the same as her i know her i train her i dont know you and i put a poisen in your heart that only i can stop nothing can slow it down and nothing can help give you power back ater it startes in about five minuts 1....2.....3......4"

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snowlooked at him and his drgon pet walked in"hmmm no now if you leave here and never come back ill stop the poisn if you stay here ill make it move as fast as a sportes car with nitro"

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