DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 17, 2009 Well, yesterday night i got bored (cuz i didnt have my computer) so in a span of an hour & twenty minutes i wrote these! This one is about the Nobodies/Org. XIII Our Choices: Loathed by Darkness Rejected by Light What are our choices? Live or die in the night Close to Dawn Closed away from sight What are our choices? Live or die in the bright Forced to roam the world unwanted Blamed, hated, feared, and taunted What are our choices? By these memories we're haunted What is missing here? Is it the love or fear? What are our choices? We can't even shed a tear Can you not hear? Aren't our intentions clear? This one is about Koichi (Digimon Season 4) *what was going through his head before he died....kinda* BTW at the end he ONLY calls out the name between the " " Time: Looking for another. Another what? Another like me. Time's running out! Racing throught the crowds as i call and shout Time's running out! Looking for another. Doing this for me and mother Time's running out! Looking for another. Another what? Not knowing these strings would be cutt I felt the ground move beneath me As the air whisked by I could no longer see As my head hit the the cold floor, i paid a great fee As my heart gave out I called out to he Time's running out! Looking for another. Another what? Another like me. "K-Koji" And this one is about Jeri (Digimon Season 3) and how OTHERS (not any character in particular) see her as the story progresses *this one is VERY line-repetitive but it also describes many ppl* BTW this one doesnt ryme That Girl Over there Who is she? That girl over there Why does cling to a sock puppet? That weird girl over there Why does she think i like her? That strange girl over there Why does she keep smiling? That annoying girl over there Why did she lose her friend? That girl over there Why did her mother die? That sad girl over there Why does her father hit her? That poor girl over there Why does she keep smiling? That brave girl over there Why don't I talk to her? That judged girl over there Why did I lable her? That girl over there YUP! i didnt even plan them! they just kinda came out. (and i wuz BORED HALF OUT OF MY SKULL!!!) yeah these probably SUCK but im okay with that! Tellz me whatcha think! Edit: WOWZA i never expected them to be THAT good (i guess i have a knack for it) Here's one Riku Poem that i just made (it took about 7 minuets but i HAVE been thinking about it for a long time ) Its about.......well......a scene in KH:FM and the KH Manga when he was in the world between light and darkness after Riku protected Donald Goofy & Kairi from Ansem (u know) Cold Does the cold blind me In this dark, empty, place? Will the waves still rise And wash upon my face? Do the doves still call Their melody to my ear? Or am I too cold Bound by fear? Did i go too far? Did i swing too low? Why did I hurt them Like i did so? Ranting and raving Was my soul worth saving? How did i get here? "Two hearts and two keys." the light calls Turning my black to clear *phew!* MAN That wuz HARD!!! i actually typed it better than i wrote it soz.........Every week I shall add at least one poem (just to keep yall entertained ) Which these poems range from Digimon, Kingdom Hearts, and Fruits Basket (as soon as i can think of something) I think i am the only Sailor Moon fan here *awell, Hakura, Michiru, and Hotaru are the only ppl in there worth a poem* .........i MIGHT ACTUALLY think up a Hotaru poem but anywhoz just keep looking each week and i'll have a new one up! :s:angel::blush:DigiMoon93:blush::angel::D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clueless 75 Posted June 17, 2009 You are love. You actually got good rhyming words Unlike those who make those rhyming poems which make no utter sense. I like your style (: You made me smile when reading them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
im-axel-fear-me-NOW 10 Posted June 17, 2009 luvluv!!!!!!!!! same i luv ur style 8D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 17, 2009 yeah it took me barley any time to think of ryming words (they just kinda slipped out) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cellar Door 652 Posted June 17, 2009 These are gorgeous. I can't stop reading them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kh2_rox 1 Posted June 18, 2009 i didnt read any1 but the 1st Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 18, 2009 i guess u want a face to match the last 2 poems so Here is Jerry Little Juri by =mixy-shiru on deviantART Here are the Kou-twins, Koichi and Koji (Koji is the one with the bandanna & ponytail & Koichi has short hair) BTW could u tell that Koichi died at the end of the poem? Oh, and at the end of the 4th series Koichi comes back 2 life (cuz of their hope and faith and stuff) Twins- Kouichi and Kouji by ~Hallsth-Eien on deviantART Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 18, 2009 UWAGH!!!! Koji & Koichi :thumb123390130: Juri :thumb44778731: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cellar Door 652 Posted June 18, 2009 Pshhh, personally, i've watched Digimon. 8D LOVE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 18, 2009 my favs where seasons 1 & 3!!!! (the 2nd season wuz kinda forced & i only watched it cuz of the old characters) and Koji & Koichi were the only reason i watched the 4th season *ahhhhhhhh brotherhood* I havent watched the 5th season *last week Digimon wuz cutt from TV* i heard Quinton Flynn does Marcus' voice but the 1st episode wuz such a turnoff that i just HATED IT i wuz like "ITS A JOB?!?!?! WTF I IT A BUISNESS?!?!?!?!" DATS, heh, more like RATS Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cellar Door 652 Posted June 18, 2009 Quote my favs where seasons 1 & 3!!!! (the 2nd season wuz kinda forced & i only watched it cuz of the old characters) and Koji & Koichi were the only reason i watched the 4th season *ahhhhhhhh brotherhood* I havent watched the 5th season *last week Digimon wuz cutt from TV* i heard Quinton Flynn does Marcus' voice but the 1st episode wuz such a turnoff that i just HATED IT i wuz like "ITS A JOB?!?!?! WTF I IT A BUISNESS?!?!?!?!" DATS, heh, more like RATS SAMEEEE!!! First season was by far the best, though, but third season was so original. Second season... yeah... I adored Kari, so i watched it for her, lol. And i liked--wasn't the second season the one with a movie where they went to america? O: I stopped watching the fourth season a while into it. v-v And i only watched a few episodes of the fifth season because, yeah, Quinton Flynn voiced Marcus, and there was a party where he got to say "Got it memorized?" After that i quit. The job thing--yeah. That... that failed, rofl. D'you know if they're going to make any new seasons? D: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 18, 2009 OMG GOT IT MEMORIZED!?!?!?! IM GONNA LOOK THAT UP ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 18, 2009 Oh u mean the 1st digimon movie (THAT ROX!! and so does the 2nd movie cuz its like: Tai & Matt turn around 2 see Sora and as a HUGE digimon flew by she was knocked over and wrapped her arms around Tai) Yeah......if u look up Quinton Flynn on Wikipedia u can see that he did ATHOUSAND anime's &videogames *plus the FF movie*) i wuz like -o- HE DOES ALL OF THESE PPL!??!?! its the main reason i started to watch Bleach (cuz i've only been reading it) heheheheh, I LOVED THE PART WHEN: What Rukia & Ichigo sees: Kon *in ichigo's body* wuz kicking the crap out of ichigo What everyone else sees: Ichigo kicking the air Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cellar Door 652 Posted June 19, 2009 !!! OMG I USED TO WATCH BLEACH ALLLL THE TIMMEEE!!! xDD Yeah, inorite?! Quinton Flynn--HE'S EVERYWHERE! AHHH! Have you watched adventures in anime yet? Jeff Nimoy does these skit things with him, it's incredibly funny. Jeff is a writer-thing for Digimon. O: And on youtube look up "quinton flynn jeff nimoy", there's a bunch of things of when they went to conventions. It's hilarious. owo; Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 19, 2009 YESH!!!!!!!!!! DIGIMON!!!!!!!!!! Its my favorite anime (i dunno why i guess i just love the action, comedy, & sorrow) anywhoz i look it up! (yeah im SO BORED) QUICK MAKE A DIGIMON AMV WITH THE SONG "We're not gonna make it"!!! (i duno) yeah........one time i wanted 2 see if somebody wrote something about the new game so on myspace i looked up Haley Joel Osmond, well he didnt have one so i looked up Jesse Mcartney and he had like A THOUSAND of them so i gave up after a few tries AND THEN i looked up Quinton Flynn which had ALOT of stuffz but nothing on the new games >.< (I didnt look up David cuz, according to his interveiw, David Gallengar doesnt know squat) Interveiws SUCK i spent 3 minutes listening to David saying "Riku is sexy" over and over.........talk about creepy.............. Brittany Snow called Namine "Kairi's alter ego".......AND ALTER EGO IS WHEN A PERSON TAKES UP ANOTHER IDENTITY (like superman or sailor moon) DUMBASS!!!!!!! SHE'S A NOBODY!!!!!!! and she's not REALLY ignamatic if you PLAY FREAKIN CoM!!! And Hayden Patterneir said "The game started out when they were 12" and "Sora slept for 3 years"..............if she ACTUALLY played it (or atleast looked it up) Sora wuz 14 at the beginning!!!!!!! AND THEY SAY ONE YEAR 5000 TIMES!!!! of course after that i just gave up on listening to her.......... to my surprise Jesse sounded like he knew what he was talking about he might have even played the game And Haley probably plays the game (i would if i wuz the main character) he sounded like he knew it somewhat (but not as much as us ;D) so.........................Lesson learned: DONT go into an interveiw without knowing what you're talking about (or i will attack) GRAAA!!!!!!!! *scary face* Wow...........I babble on when im bored........................ BTW I ROX!!!!!!!! BTW BTW BTW BTW SORA & AXEL ROX TOOZ!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cellar Door 652 Posted June 19, 2009 I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! OH MY GOD, INTERVIEWS JUST KILL ME, DEAR LORD! I'd say something... but you got it all covered. Dang. Nice rant. I was incredibly surprised with McCartney. Not only does it sound like he knows what he's talking about, but he voice acts really darn well. o.o Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 22, 2009 i KNOW its like u'd expect a whiney little voice but NO its emoish which is good for roxas cuz he is quiet and talks softly but i KNOW roxas is REALLY quick to anger (i wanna hear how he screams at ppl ) but yes, if i hear ONE MORE PERSON say that Namine had no role in the game and only confused it SHOULDNT BE TALKING IF THEY HAVENT PLAYED PREVIOUS GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that should be a rule) BTW David Gallegar's voice DOESNT match the rest of him OMG ITS LIKE "wow his voice is kinda cute" *looks at David* ()-() O.....M.......G......thats one ugly bald person..............er, shaved.......ALMOST bald.............. anywhoz, yeah i need 2 stop being so technical but still, I like the comical releif (mostly) like Momjij, Kon, and so fourth. yeah...........................................................................Sora is BOTH a protagonist AND comical releif *BTW comical releif is the person in the story who breaks the tension and makes u laugh* like in Bleach episode 9 when that Soul Reaper wuz stabbed (and then fell asleep) Kon rushed in saying "Hey guys whats- WHOA this guy looks like he's leaking!" like that X3 (lets bash something else now) how about AMVs? UGH they SUCK!!! I CANT FIND GOOD KH AMVS ANYMORE!!! (i found 3 and thats allz i can see) but anywhoz, um i HATE it when ppl carry out a long scene (i cant tell u how many AMVS are mostly about Ichigo vs Grimmjaw!!) its just pointless! anywhoz yeah....i HATE yeoi it SUCKS!!!!!! ITS THE WORST THING IN THE WURLD!!!! (i mean, sure 2 ppl can b like that IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY A COUPLE not wat ppl make up in their sick minds UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! (poor Axel & Roxas, i know that there is ALMOST no videos or pics about their friendship OMG! i saw this thing on deviantART and it wuz like Riku: *types on computer* OMG!! Sora: Wat are u looking at? Riku: I was typing in this website and i found Yoei of us!!! Sora: EW!! Axel: *looks on computer* oh yeah, people do stuff like that to me and roxas all the time Riku: 0_0 Sora: REALLY!? Axel: http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif yeah, they say we're "the hot new couple" or something Sora: Thats Discusting! Riku: 0_0 LOL !!! I KNOW HOW THEY FEEL!!!!!! (but anywhoz, yeah i hate it) Of course, by rating ALL of the anime couples (in my opinion) of the top 1 are i would have to say 1. Hakura & Michiru (sailor Moon) 2. Tohru & Kyo (Fruits Basket) 3. Isuzu(Rin) & Hatsuharu (Haru) (Fruits Basket 4. Yuna & Tidus (FF X) 5. Takeru (TK) & Hikari (Kari) (digimon) 6. Ichigo & Rukia (Bleach) 7. Serena (Bunny, Usagi, Serinity) & Darien (Mamoru, Endymion) (Sailor Moon) *they have ALOT of names* 8. Kyoko & (i forgot his name erhm, its Tohru's father) (Fruits Basket) 9. Sora & Kairi (i dont need to tellz u where there from) 10. Riku & Dasuke (D.N. ANGEL) SRY but Furuba has better couples than any other anime BTW Takeru & Hikari WERENT married (or dating) in the english version *they cut that our 4 some reason* but even in the english version, they were SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! X0 EVER SINCE THEY WERE ITTY BITTY!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted June 22, 2009 Oh and BTW NEVER WATCH THE JAPANESE VERSION OF ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ITS NOT SUTIBLE FOR EVEN ADULT EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!) DX like in Sailor moon, its DISCUSTING!!!!!! GYAAA!!!!!!! and in Digimon erhm.........lets just say SOME of it wuz cut out like "yeah, okay mabey that ISNT wat we should have on a kids show like sucide and large buildings blowing up" but some of it is like OMG BUT THATS ILLEGAL TO SHOW IN AMERICAN TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8 but anywhoz yeah...................like Pokemon *which im not into at all*, i saw a japanese trainer card that disturbed me, my friend had it and wuz trying to get rid of it and well.........lets just say he had a good reason to want to get rid of it -_-' yeah..............um..........yeah........................un huh................................................u know wat i mean......... BUT DONT WORRY! the only thing they cut out of Kingdom Hearts wuz that they made Axel's death less violent (and thats it) it wuz kinda the border line between being rated T and E10 in america so no worries, KH is still moral (YAY!!!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luzzekatt 76 Posted June 22, 2009 digimoon .. you should see the haruhixtamaki pairing .. now that's one cute pairing! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
im-axel-fear-me-NOW 10 Posted June 30, 2009 Quote (poor Axel & Roxas, i know that there is ALMOST no videos or pics about their friendship seriously!!!! iz usually like the stupid yaoi thing D:< Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted July 3, 2009 NEVER and i mean NEVER search Sora Roxas or Roxas Axel or Sora Riku so NO!!!!! and poor Axel!!!! WHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! and now tat the new games are comming i have a feeling that there will be VentusxTerra AxelxSaix and probably RikuxRoxas POOR GUYS (but lucky Sora gets a break ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
im-axel-fear-me-NOW 10 Posted July 14, 2009 ....ew axelxsaix....just....ew Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rose Riku 39 Posted July 17, 2009 I quite like 'Our Choices' [: && I like Roxas/Axel. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif VentusxTerra makes me LOL. Sora/Roxas is sick though - that's like masturbation. o.o Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted July 17, 2009 Sora/Roxas and Riku/Ansem and Kairi/Namine make me SICK *BLECH* every time i see those i think of that story where a hunter falls in love with his reflection in a fountain and stares at it until he turns into a tree but thats just my crazy head Its not my cup of tea but... Yaoi is okay as long as ppl stick to the clean stuff!!! I HATE THE HARCORE CRAP!!!! ............ppl have a right to their opinion as long as i dont have to see Roxas getting it up the ass..... jes, i think everyone agrees. although i still dont care for it...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites