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Kaneki Ken

Anime | Manga Neon Alley to be free on April 1

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I find this little iffy due to April 1 being April Fool's Day, but if this is not a prank, then we can watch all the anime we want for free with dub and sub.


The TV livestream style will be taken down, but they will offer a great list of shows and episodes through Video-On-Demand service.


More info in the link. What's your opinion on this?

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I wont believe it until after. Plus, April 2nd for some people is April 1st for others so there will still be pranks lurking around both days, i learned that the hard way last year. :

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I got excited, then saw "April 1" and became skeptical. If they DO make it free, then I'll be really excited. There aren't really any free official dubbing services, and the streaming services that do have dubs usually have them in limited quantities. Getting to watch Shippuden's dub would be freaking awesome, but I won't get my hopes up yet.


EDIT: Just went on the site, looks like it's true. I doubt they'd make a prank involving not allowing any more new accounts on the site, as well as something that would involve money. Alright, can't wait until April now! :D https://www.neonalley.com/

Edited by Yellow Flash

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