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Nora Valkyrie

Persona 3 RP (Signups)

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Gijiro is in pain, so he could go with him...

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i cant do anything until the speech unless i make a fiasco involving Lucios other personalitys that shuld bring everyone together but there Will be godmoding on a small scale and destrojing a part of the school.

Or i culd do without destrojing it but then it wuld get realy confusing

If ti wuld be without gododing te wierdness meter wuld be of the charts


shuld i do it?

Edited by savus1909

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Lee's waiting for others to post but no one is posting....


Josh and Yuffie...r u guys still in the RP?


(Sorry for asking >~<)

Plus Lee is waiting for Silver to post...and Lee just came up with a idea...


Why don't we make more characters? Sound good???

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i guess ill just ad more personalitys to lucio makes him a lot more confusing and funny at the same time.

Shuld i make a list of his personalitys so it wuld be easyer to keep track of?

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Lee will try to make a Junpei for the group.... :3


Name: Rob John (Lee loves this name!)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Prankster, lazy yet hardworking, loyal

Appearance: Your average American but with really fluffy brown hair.  

Bio: Rob is a new student who has moved from America. He's known to lack off in school but can be very hard working when encouraged to. Rob is not sure what he wants to be when he grows up, but most likely a comedian.

Arcana: Magician

Persona: Pyro Jack



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Name: Hahaoya 'HaHa' Kawano

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Domineering and slightly cold, but awkward and lovable at heart, as well as logical and rational while maintaining fairness. He's also very high-minded and selfish however. Fiercely protective of his friends and very judemental, tending to believe that whatever he does is right, while being very insecure and indecisive. Kind of annoying. Very feminine looking and what you could call 'shy or submissive' when in a relationship.

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Born in a household with no love, Hahaoya was raised cold and unemotional until he took in a dog. When his parents found out, they sent the dog away. He began changing after that, getting into some occult stuff. He awakened his persona one night during the dark hour and believed it to be a gift to help save the world. However this allowed him to cover up his insecurity with a massive superiority complex. With Hahaoya moody and getting into trouble often, he was sent away to another school to be straightened out by his parents.

Arcana: Judgement

Persona: Osiris



Edited by Number XV

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