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The Transcendent Key

What Was Your Very First RPG?

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Hey there everyone, how's it going?  You know, I was thinking of making this topic for a while now, and I think now is as good a time to make it as ever.  Okay, so as the title says, what was your very first RPG?  As we all know, the RPG is an amazing genre in video games, arguably one with the most detail and reputation in character development and storytelling.  The influence of the RPG has been so powerful to the point that even action and first person shooter games have implemented lite RPG elements to their franchises, so it's clear how much of an influence RPG's are.  To me, nothing can compare to the hard work of leveling up and growing stronger, or experiencing tragic and heartfelt moments, or listening to an amazing soundtrack that makes you have goosebumps, ah yes, the RPG is an amazing genre indeed.


So then, to start off this thread, I will tell you my first RPG experience.  Contrary to popular belief, my first RPG wasn't Kingdom Hearts 2, for in December 2004, I had received an RPG for Christmas Day, called The Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age for the Playstation 2.  I'll talk a little bit about this game here, since in my opinion, it has been overlooked.  Okay, so this game is basically a retelling of the events of all three Lord Of The Rings films through the perspectives of six new characters, who go on a journey of their own that intertwines with Frodo's journey.  The voice acting is amazing, with many of the actors of the films lending their talents to the game, and the music and combat are top notch, and best of all, you would receive guidance in the game by Gandalf, who would tell you of the events occurring in Middle Earth. And the graphics, for it's time, are nothing short of incredible.  And you could even play as Sauron's minions in a set of battles that could earn you extra equipment for your characters in the main story!  God I miss playing that game! (Sadly, it got damaged, so I can no longer play it on my PS2.)


Two years after, I am treated to the magnificence that is Kingdom Hearts 2.  The clerk at Sam's had told me that I wouldn't understand the story since I would need to play the first one, but by that time, I didn't care, because the cover looked so mesmerizing to me.  After Kingdom Hearts 2, my designation as an RPG gamer was confirmed, and now I've played all the Kingdom Hearts games, and a share of Final Fantasy games, and now I'm currently getting invested into the Tales series as well!  I have to say that RPG's are truly a rare breed of video game that really know how to pull at your heartstrings.  From the emotional greetings and farewells to shocking revelations and surprises, everything about this unique genre is spectacular.  So then, tell me, my fellow members.  What was your very first RPG? :)

Edited by Golden Fighter

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